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Opioids Oxycodone instant release vs extended released


Jun 26, 2008
Is there any differences in strength between 10mg extended release and 10mg instant release.

I'm curious if I might be able to get my doctor's to give me the entered release...

I have neuropathy of the feet and I would love pain medication that worked all day if I'm only getting two pills and I used to get 4 Norcos instead.. it makes it difficult to take two for all day pain relief.

I'm just curious I couldn't get the information online and I'm banned from Reddit right now so thought I would ask here

Because they gave me 2 oxycodone vs 4 Norco because it's the same strength of morphine however the extended release work way longer so even though it's 10mg if it contains my morphine there's no way I can get it.. but if it's the same morphine and the pill just works better.. that would be cool.

I took a all day tramadol for awhile.. feels like the same thing.
Yes, 10mg that might work for 4 hours vs 10mg spread over 12 hours. My doctor says oxycodone =1.5 times strength of morphine. Ten milligrams over 12 hours or so is not much. Ten milligram oxys ir without acetaminophen contain 11 MG of oxycodone vs 8.9 MG of oxycodone with acetaminophen. Have no idea about er. Norco 10's have 10 mg of hydrocodiene and I believe325mg acetaminophen. They say hydrocodiene is similar to morphine. I have bad liver so I only take oxy ir without acetaminophen. If your liver is good and your not an alky, take the norcos. I quit 60mg a day 2x30mg morphine extended release and couldn't get higher dose of oxy. on last visit. but I was given an extra one a day when I quit asking for morphine also I got screwed. The state of Michigan only wants doctors to perscribe no more than 60mg of morphine a day or equivalent,but I was on both for pancreatitus( was a former drunk with pancreatitus). Any chance of 4x10mg ir oxycodone with no acetaminophen. Works much better, space it out over the day. My dad(deceased) use to be given gabapentin for diabetic neuropathy of the feet and norcos. 20mg oxy x1.5 = 30 MG of morphine equivalent vs 10mg hydrocodone( the opiod in Norcos) is supposedly equal to morphine. 4x10mg hydrocodone is equivalent to 40mg of morphine. I think hydrocodone is better than morphine at killing pain at least orally. The Oxycodone is stronger than hydrocodone but you will getting noticeably less if it is spread out over 12 hours. 20mg oxycodone er x 2 would be much better for pain if he will write for it. Would be noticeably stronger. Is there a chance that you could get a bump to 20mg oxycodone er x2, if it wasn't good enough. Doctors, at least in Michigan are trying to give little to no narcotics. Could you switch back to 4 norcos if 10mg oxycodone er is too weak?
Then there is the sleep issues, if you space it 12 hours, if your like me, no sleep, but spacing it 8 hours or so might not be hugh issue.
There is the benzo, issue, you might need one to sleep, but get addicted physically( not fun).
The fact of the matter is how bad is the pain. Cause 10mg plus or minus( depending on acetaminophen or not over 4 hours vs 10 MG over up to 12. So yeah big difference. Don't be to eager to get on high doses of any narcotics, yes I know this is probably a lifetime issue, but if you are American you could get screwed. Tolerance goes up and doctor will only give you same amount. They think people need to be tougher or something.
I like hydrocodone and don't plan to ask for a increase in pain meds however they been out for months of hydrocodone so I keep getting oxycodone and they gave me the instant release I just wondered why they wouldn't give me the extended release. If there still out of my hydrocodone next refill I'll ask for the extended release I think it'll work much better then these instant release which kinda give me a buzz for a couple hours every time I take them..

The amount of morphine I take doesn't go up when they switch my pills but I get 2 pills over 4 of course the pills are stronger. I dunno I think the other kind the all day pain relief works better for my kind of pain. Thank you for your thoughts.
You will be getting about a third of the pain relief with extended pills. Look at it this way, if you wanted to get a good beer buzz/ drunk. You have a 12 pack of beer and put it away in 3 or 4 hours vs what if you drank it over 12 hours?
Now, the buzz will go away and I do not want you to raise your tolerance, for a lifelong condition, but what if it doesn't do much. If you can get by on it great, but tolerance builds. Can you get relief for 4 hours on a third of an oxycodone 10 ir? If so great, because that is what extended release is like but lasts 8-12 hours.
You will be getting about a third of the pain relief with extended pills. Look at it this way, if you wanted to get a good beer buzz/ drunk. You have a 12 pack of beer and put it away in 3 or 4 hours vs what if you drank it over 12 hours?
Now, the buzz will go away and I do not want you to raise your tolerance, for a lifelong condition, but what if it doesn't do much. If you can get by on it great, but tolerance builds. Can you get relief for 4 hours on a third of an oxycodone 10 ir? If so great, because that is what extended release is like but lasts 8-12 hours.
Interesting. I wouldn't want a lack of pain relief. But if they're try to give me codeine with Tylenol and if they don't have oxycodone instant release I'll ask for the extended release.

I think I would be able to make do because right now I have to wait 3 hours to take my pain medication which is annoying compared to hydrocodone where I get 4 pills that cover me for 16 hours. At Max I get 12 hours of coverage with oxycodone right now 🤷‍♂️ well it's something to consider for myself. Thank you
The instant release should be easier to get. Extended release is Oxycontin, which even at a low dose is very hard to get. Why, were the norcos not good enough. Oxy is a step up and you are technically getting a medication reduction. Because 4×10 MG hydrocodone(the opiod in norcos) is a 40mg morphine equivalent where as 20mg of Oxycodone is 1.5 times as strong as morphine
1.5 x 20 = 30mg equivalent.
I get 4x10mg ir oxy, the ones with no acetaminophen. No liver damage from oxy, without acetaminophen more actual oxycodone in them. Than ones with. Do you drink, that's where it really is an issue

Look at as vicoden 7.5 MG hydrocodone and 325 MG acetaminophen versus percocet 7.5 MG oxycodone and 325mg acetaminophen.
Percs are stronger about 1.5 times
Norco 10's are 10mg hydrocodone and 325mg acetaminophen(Tylenol) which can be bad if you consume 3 or more drinks a day. You have to decide, also My late father was given gabapentin(Nuerontin?), which can cause bad withdrawals, for diabetic neuropathy, he had numb feet and other things. That you should be very carefully with. Other side effect is hugh appetite increase. I had it as a comfort med for getting off morphine er.
It is best to take the least that will give you relief, especially for long term use. My late father was no wimp, but his feet and neuropathy were what really bugged him. Good luck, feel free to ask me whatever, I am not a recreational drug user but have cirrhosis and pancreas issues because of past alcohol abuse. I am now allergic to alcohol, would be dead otherwise. Not fond of abusing/ misusing opiods or opiates. But I take oxycodone for long term pain management.
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Oxycodone ER is my dream script.

I’m currently on methadone for pain (5 to 10 mg per day).

Methadone lasts so long that it might as well be an ER drug. If I take a 20 mg dose it lasts up to 48 hrs sometimes for mild pain. It’s very easy to save extra and hoard back up supplies.

Methadone is really great as far as how long it lasts. There also seems to be zero issues ever with shortages. It does have worse nausea than most opioids though and it isn’t any where near as recreational. Also takes 1.5 hrs to kick in.

Doctors seem more willing to prescribe it than oxy.

It’s pretty good but it’s way harder to withdrawal from than oxy.

Might be something to consider if you can’t get enough oxy out of your doctor which is usually how it is these days
10mg oxycontin is a fucking joke. 10mg over 12 hours what the hell will that do for pain, wow almost 1 MG per hour. 2 a day
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Methadone is a great pain killer but it causes physical dependency faster than heroin. No buzz, just pain relief, addiction and horrible withdrawals
Methadone is a great pain killer but it causes physical dependency faster than heroin. No buzz, just pain relief, addiction and horrible withdrawals
Worst wd’s I’ve ever experienced that came and went for what felt like a mo. 0 euphoria on it. It
Dulled anything I enjoyed in life. Very depressing drug for me. Just my experience w it.
Worst wd’s I’ve ever experienced that came and went for what felt like a mo. 0 euphoria on it. It
Dulled anything I enjoyed in life. Very depressing drug for me. Just my experience w it.
Sounds like what so many people on here say about it
Actually, there’s another thread people stating Methadone is their fav opioid and is very euphoric, which it is, can be when tolerant ….as I also experienced

Oxycodone is easily the most euphoric opioid ….and 10mg isn’t a joke,for an opioid naive patient …fully capa of enducing euphoria and significant pain relief

OC 80 were just crushed into IR anyway, so what ever release you need at the time. Breakthrough is IR and should take effects in 30-45min 1h, peaking
Actually, there’s another thread people stating Methadone is their fav opioid and is very euphoric, which it is, can be when tolerant ….as I also experienced

Oxycodone is easily the most euphoric opioid ….and 10mg isn’t a joke,for an opioid naive patient …fully capa of enducing euphoria and significant pain relief

OC 80 were just crushed into IR anyway, so what ever release you need at the time. Breakthrough is IR and should take effects in 30-45min 1h, peaking
Yes I heard about the old 80s. Only got to try a bit off one a long time ago before I ever nemesed w opiates and…it fckn rocked me. Prob like maybe 5-10mg at best if I had to guess.
The new ones suck. The PR makes them nearly worthless unless you have 0 tolerance or only use for pain. I don’t even think they work well for pain. 8mg dilly would get me more relief than 80 prolonged release. Just my 2 cents
the only 4 worth while - significant Opioids

Oxycodone - there are many alternatives to OxyNEO OP 80
Oxy-IR 5/10/20mg (Purdue Pharma Canada) are the best Oxy

Hydromophone (Dilaudid) 2/4/8mg
Hydromorph-Contin XR 3/6/9/12/18/24/30mg - Canada

Methedone (Metadol 1/5/10/25mg) tablets - Canada
Methadose 5/10/40mg wafers
Methadose 10mg/per ml (1,000 ml)

Diacetylmorphine - Heroin (Diamorphine 5/10/30/100/500mg) vials
the only 4 worth while - significant Opioids

Oxycodone - there are many alternatives to OxyNEO OP 80
Oxy-IR 5/10/20mg (Purdue Pharma Canada) are the best Oxy

Hydromophone (Dilaudid) 2/4/8mg
Hydromorph-Contin XR 3/6/9/12/18/24/30mg - Canada

Methedone (Metadol 1/5/10/25mg) tablets - Canada
Methadose 5/10/40mg wafers
Methadose 10mg/per ml (1,000 ml)

Diacetylmorphine - Heroin (Diamorphine 5/10/30/100/500mg) vials
Ever tried the xr dilly? Wondering how it is? Can you break the time release? Seems like it would be strong as shit, which is kind of scary at 30 mg but if you can safely break it and divide it. It seems very interesting and delicious.
Hydromorph-Contin 30mg - “Red Rockets” are Freaking BEASTS !!!—- XR Beads
Dilaudid 2/4/8mg - Amazing IR Hydromorphone

I had HM-Contin 9mg blue capsules…..pour tiny white beads into glass Mortor&pestal cover with ziplock bad and pulverize into fine powder …..dump on thick glass table, cover with new bill, and crush even further into dusty fine powder using a hard object Running over pile under bill

Idealy a HM-Contin 9mg XR and several IR Dilaudid 4mg as needed

HM-Contin 30mg XR after breakfast followed by 4-6 Dilaudid 8mg IR tablets as needed for breakthrough pain (would be very generous, and MANY individuals with chronic pain do really need that, and more)

Biphentin 20/40/50/60/80mg XR Ritalin taken with the Hydromorphone to enhance analgesic pain killing properties of Mu-Opioid Agonist PLUS is a pleasurable dopaminergic stimulant (nearly identical to Cocaine in their MOA)

30mg Dilaudid / Hydromorphone- Opioid (mine is 100mg Methadone)
60mg Ritalin / Biphentin - Dopaminergic stimulant
300mg Lyrica / Pregabalin - Gabapentinoid
10mg Valium / Diazepam - Benzodiazepine
0.5mg Xanax / Alprazolam - Benzodiazepine

My Ultimate Cocktail lol….Tangueray Gin is a must 2.oz, 1/4 glass ginger ale, 1/8 glass orange juice, 5 ice cubs in a classy bold stylized crystal spirit glass DAMN SON lol……that oral Brompton Cocktail 🍸……after hot sex on LSD with GF ……my standard Saturday night …..just melt into the couch in euphoric pleasure…..still glowing from the LSD and mind blowing orgasm, the pleasure & reward center in my CNS just received an atomic bomb of X-rated ecstasy :)