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Overrated and underrated drugs

Cigars are probably the most overrated drug I can think of. I've smoked original Cuban cigars (bought in La Havana) and it's nothing special, they only make you feel cool for a couple of minutes. I will never buy expensive cigars again.
The second most overrated drug is fancy alcohol. While I do enjoy drinking a nice bottle of red wine or champagne on special occasions (or when I want to impress someone, lol) the alcohol itself is extremely overrated, it's all about the experience.

Underrated: carisoprodol/soma, GBL, 2C-B
Underrated is definitely acid around here and ghb except in certain scenes. Both are wicked.
Overrated. Meth. Down. Coke. The shot everyone does that offers ultimately only a fraction of what drugs can possibly make you feel.
Thanks for that - I did not know. Maybe I am getting it confused with something else. It felt almost the same as MDMA just with a shorter duration - Going off of memory, I remember it lasting about 1.5 hours roughly from onset to end. Any ideas? Thanks!

MDA duration is a highly variable but 1.5hrs is still to short. It was probably high quality bk-MDMA.

The two isomers of MDA have very different durations, S-MDA is only 3-6hrs or so, which then leaves one with R-MDA. MDA duration is also more reliant on dosage. The more you take the longer it will last.

Ive found certain batches of MDA last longer than others, and it makes me question whether all MDA is truly racemic or if slight isomer variation can have an effect.

One MDA batch I had, had me flying so hard for about 3 1/2 hours until it suddenly dropped off to this nasty stimmed out feel for the rest of the night. Others last 5-6. I’ve never had the fabled 12hr MDA roll but I’ve heard they do happen.

Speaking of, I really need to get more. It’s common here but every time I run into some I’m broke it sucks :(

Cocaine for me personally. I dunno I've had good quality stuff and as much as I enjoyed it I just don't like my personality on it. Saying that I also abused alcohol for years and am a tit on that too but I enjoyed it better. But there's just something about it I don't like, even in a group of people all taking it I find it too stimulating on my ego, and I do feel like I have to constantly watch my ego so it doesn't get inflated normally.
Yeah I do two boxes of Coricidin in one sitting once per week...

And I am on powder (DXM) every other day... about 250-350 during the day..and then ad that same amount at night..

Also smoke weed and hash etc... Sometimes drink as well...not to the overdose limit or anything..but enough to get a buzz..
why? there's so many other safer sources of dxm than coricidin. just because you do it regularly and don't drop dead doesn't mean your not hurting yourself
Ambien is way underrated. That shit can fuck you up in a lot of ways lol

I agree. I also think that it’s underrated (judging from the often large amounts of negative content you can find about it online), although I’ve only ever taken it in the therapeutic dose range. It’s a nice relaxant and personally I don’t find it to be particularly addictive either. I’ve taken it for extended periods before and jumping off to natural sleep usually isn’t even an issue
MDA duration is a highly variable but 1.5hrs is still to short. It was probably high quality bk-MDMA.

The two isomers of MDA have very different durations, S-MDA is only 3-6hrs or so, which then leaves one with R-MDA. MDA duration is also more reliant on dosage. The more you take the longer it will last.

Ive found certain batches of MDA last longer than others, and it makes me question whether all MDA is truly racemic or if slight isomer variation can have an effect.

One MDA batch I had, had me flying so hard for about 3 1/2 hours until it suddenly dropped off to this nasty stimmed out feel for the rest of the night. Others last 5-6. I’ve never had the fabled 12hr MDA roll but I’ve heard they do happen.

Speaking of, I really need to get more. It’s common here but every time I run into some I’m broke it sucks :(


Thanks, GC! That 100% clears it up for me, it was methylone. I hadn't heard much about it at that time I had it in London. I had stopped using MDMA about 4 years prior. Not sure where or why I later thought it was MDA. Thank you again for explaining that to me. Makes me want to try the MDA now though after your comment! Cheers
Ambien is way underrated. That shit can fuck you up in a lot of ways lol
I got prescribed Ambien back in the late 2000s... I guess I took too much one night - I remember fighting it to have a little fun and when I woke up the next morning a family member told me I was throwing shoes against my wall and said "dang walls won't stop talking again" .... From what I remember from other times taking it, they could be a lot of fun. I also remember later getting my hands on some generics as opposed to Ambien brand and they did not do the trick for me ever again.
is ambien considered a narcotic
I'm asking because i go to one of those community free/sliding scale psychiatrists, and they prescribe me stuff like gabapentin or prazocin, probably even lyrica, but if i asked for ambien, do you guys think i would get it?
This doctor won't prescribe benzos, and i know ambien is similar to a benzo, but do doctors generally know that? or do they hand it out like gabapentin or lyrica, not knowing that people get fucked up on it
is ambien considered a narcotic
I'm asking because i go to one of those community free/sliding scale psychiatrists, and they prescribe me stuff like gabapentin or prazocin, probably even lyrica, but if i asked for ambien, do you guys think i would get it?
This doctor won't prescribe benzos, and i know ambien is similar to a benzo, but do doctors generally know that? or do they hand it out like gabapentin or lyrica, not knowing that people get fucked up on it

Ambien is not classified as a narcotic but it is a pretty strong sedative and a hypnotic. From my experience doctors pretty much know what each drug does including on the recreational end. But Ambien can be pretty useful when taken as directed. And can be a lot of fun for some but a real bad time for others when taken for recreation. Some love it, others hate it.
ambien was a thing listne am here we here, was bc ppl didn't knew about it what it was they just heard that it some that is similar to diazepam but then they learnt
Weed=overrated. Fun like a few times when you're 15. Not worth it when you're an actual adult. Messes with clarity of mind, even if you don't have a mental illness. Paranoia otherwise. What a big mess. More people wanting to make it legal, even as THC content goes through the roof and more literature surfaces all the time about how it causes mental illness. smh.

People want to legalize cannabis because they recognize what a massive failure prohibition was (because we all lived through it) and desire a public policy approach that's less punitive, less corrosive to the rights of everyday citizens (for example, how many times has a person's 4th amendment rights been violated under the pretense of, "I smelled marijuana"?) and, in spite of what you said there, actually more health-oriented compared to a system that criminalized people for cultivating or consuming a plant. That's why the issue wins pretty much anywhere its put to a ballot. I hardly see how that's a bad thing.
posted 16 years ago, still the correct answer.

I mean people are just posting, based on their own perceptions, stuff that they love but others seem to dislike, or stuff that they dislike but others seem to love (and then there are other posters who just seem to be posting lists of drugs they love and drugs they hate lol). Of course it's subjective but that's different from saying that the words are meaningless necessarily
I fucking love cannabis even after years smoking daily, I still get giddy and laughy from it if I smoke enough. Of course it’s rare I get like I did as a teen but that’s ok cuz that was too strong.

Cannabis is so many things to me. It’s a way to relax and enjoy whatever, it helps with sleep, with nausea, with my asthma, migraines, and all around it’s just fun to smoke.

I mean people are just posting, based on their own perceptions, stuff that they love but others seem to dislike, or stuff that they dislike but others seem to love (and then there are other posters who just seem to be posting lists of drugs they love and drugs they hate lol). Of course it's subjective but that's different from saying that the words are meaningless necessarily
However they are meaningless, very much so.
See, it is factually impossible to know every single person around you/in your area/even in just the "drug scene", therefore it is impossible to know people's impressions of said drugs.

Say our friend Klaus dislikes a drug, let's say Meth, and he thinks it's a useless drug. We also heard the same opinion from Peter and Karl. Is Meth really underrated then?
I would beg to differ, since approximately .6% of the population uses it. The assumption of something being under- or overrated is based entirely on the perception of every single person.

And let's not forget the non-users. There might be many people who think that Marihuana makes you see colours and hallucinate, etc. pp., essentially overrated here.
But when you ask users, it's entirely underrated, because every one of us will play it down, or describe the effects as they actually are, therefore describe it as relatively harmless altogether.

In user-circles we'll have different expectations from drugs as well, ofc. One very good example is Opium. Many people, myself included back then, seem to be expecting a lot from Opium, but honestly, I've smoked a lot of Opium in Spain, and it's really not that much.

So the definition of over- or underrated is entirely circumstancial and rather random, making the entirety of this thread useless approximation. I mean if that's fun for you guys, I really don't want to stop you, just saying the information is completely useless :D