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Ordering large amounts of K

Nah, England is terrible. The only thing we've got going for us is K. You "yanks" got all the tryptamimes like DPT and 5meo. You lucky,lucky people.
I ain't dealing the stuff! I'd buy 5 grams if the damn suppliers would sell that amount.
Anyway, you think i'd be ordering from a chemical supplier if i was Tony Montana? If that was the case I'd have 16 year old virgins parchuting onto the roof of my house with the K strapped to their backpacks.
We have GHB as well! But the tryptamine derivatives are way more fun. Many thanks for your American research chemicals...."you guys". It is "real neat" being able to use the postal service to share in your fun.
Here is some info I found on a UK soliciters web site. Not the best news if you think you can just order a kilo with a smile:
Regina v Sabeddu
Ketamine, intended for horses, was not a controlled drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, and there were no sentencing guidelines available. In this case, in the light of the appellant's good character, youth and plea, and the low value of the powder, three months detention was appropriate.
You got a good character peyote,k?
Have you gone for some of the tryptamines paddyboy? I never had the nerve. I think the catch all tryptamine clause in the misuse of drugs act makes them all class A.
very curious about "DPT" tho. There's a religion in new york who view DPT as the eucharist of christ. They're called "The temple of the inner light"
Bri, selling it without to anyone without a prescription is illegal. Possessing the stuff isn't.
Problem is that it is up to the courts to decide whether you had an intent to sell. Just how much is too much?
With it being under the medicines act, not a scheduled substance and legal to possess, it really isn't taken too seriously by the police.
The policemen i've contacted have said it isn't the size of the ketamine you have, it's whether they find things like lists of customers, whether you have a tablet presser, whether you've broken it up into small bags to sell. The cop said to me "You could have a kilo of the stuff and as long as it was for your personal use you would be fine. If we found you with just 5 grams all seperated into 1 gram bags you would be in more trouble"
there was very little contextual info in the solicitors website post. What was the charge?
Tryptamine derivatives from reliable suppliers are no problem for me in the UK at the moment.
"Firstly TheTripDoctor both Peyote,K and I are both in the UK so 99% of your post is meaningless - but then I expected that before I started to read it."
so what the fuck are you complaing about?
"What I say on a public forum is not in your control and it never will be, so stop trying to tell me what I can and can't say. "
hate to break it to you dude.. but this ISN'T a public forum, and you CAN'T say whatever you want. the bandwidth is paid by CITIZENS and managed by CITIZENS and the moderators can say whatever they want and can censor whoever they want and you have no rights on this board. this isn't a public service set up by the government. that would be the definition of "public"
get your definitions straight before you start ranting on about how you should have rights and don't deserve to be talked to like that from TheTripDoctor. you don't have rights. he does, he's a mod. don't like what he says? TOO FUCKING BAD go to a different board. unless it's libel and you want to sue his ass that's different but he NEVER ADDRESSED YOU DIRECTLY so that's out of the fucking quesiton.
"You do not know how much K is too much K for me; you do not know what I would want so much K for so please stop making assumptions. You know nothing about me or what motivates me so stop pretending to be so smart - your only fooling your mommy."
actually... what you guys want IS too much K for anybody whether you like it or not. it's not about being able to "handle" your drugs.
"Actually your entire angry teenager rant is based on assumptions - so much so that it has become totally fictional and boring. "
he isn't a teenager, and his post serves a great purpose to those of us in the US who might read your post and wonder if it's possible to order into the US. and those aren't assumptions, they are WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF SOMEONE IN THE US ORDERED SOME K FROM OUT OF THE COUNTRY. just cause you have no fucking clue about how the US works doesn't mean that his statements are wrong. GOD you are so ignorant. this thread isn't called "don't post anything unless it means something to Bricoleur and the entire united kingdom cause if it isn't then Bricoleur will flame your ass cause like, then it becomes totally fictional and boring."
"Did I mention I was a candy raver? No. Did I mention I would have it delivered to my house? No. Did I say I wanted to know how to order bulk K to the US? No. Did I say I wanted your obviously fictional account of what 'really' happens when one orders K in bulk? Definately not."
you didn't mention it, but we just assumed you were a candy raver.. anyway.. anyway, AGAIN his fictional account is quite nonfiction. it is what would happen if someone just tried to order some K to the US. and no, we DON'T care if you don't care. TONS OF PEOPLE from the US read this board, and also this thread. fuck you and your assumptions and fictional accounts of how we just want to please your ass.
"Your motivation for that post is so blatant that it shows you to be boring and unsophisticated. Back off testosterone man..."
holy shit dude read your own post. he never even directly addressed you and you fucking blow up. Under the evidence that more testosterone leads to more baldness, i'd have to say it looks like you might be a bit more hairless then TheTripDoctor, but i'm just guessing and not actualyl accusing you of baldness so don't yell at me, okay? nonetheless, i still don't get the logic of the statement, "Your motivation for that post is so blatant that it shows you to be boring and unsophisticated." care to explain that to me? oh yeah, i forgot, it didnt' mean anything to you, therefore it's meaningless, boring, and unsophisticated. oops, sorry.
"Oh, and please stop going on about how "we are not smart enough" - your insecurity is a gaping wound for all to see."
actually TheTripDoctor knows his shit quite well. and he wasn't just trying to tell you to avoid ordering so much K, he was also informing anyone and everyone who reads this thread to avoid doing so also. you might be smart but there are a bunch of idiot fucks and if you don't know that then you are an idiot fuck.
"Go back to sleep your boring me."
[This message has been edited by dpp (edited 23 July 2001).]
I wasnt addressing that fag, but now i will, first, this bored is partially under my control, i have WAY more say in what goes on here than you do, myself and a few other people are the only people here who can answer just about all questions and the questions that nobody knows a thing about.
What the hell did you say about my posts being worthless? You are so fucking ignorant you dont even know what your talking about, i can assure you are nowhere near the level of intelligence on drugs that i have, nor any other topic im suspecting, and your proving me right. How many people do you have constantly asking you questions ALL DAY about drugs? None. How many people recognize you by name? None. How many people refer people to you because they suspect you might know the answer or be able to help with something. None. Thats just funny.
This is not me bragging nor do i have a superiority complex (big words for you eh), this is the simple truth, but you wouldnt know that because you arent a real part of this bored.
Your a fucking childish piece of raver shit, your proving how ignorant you are just by taking offense to me talking about fag candy raver pieces of shit, and you showed us all you are one by it.
I and everyone else here worth there salt who matters, do not want shit like this (not just k, a lot of things) on the fucking bored, why? because stupid candy fucks like BRIFAG come along and talk about it so every little fagget kid can read about it who shouldnt even be allowed to BE here, they think "oh wow i cant get that shit ANYWHERE here in the us, maybe I should order it i could have so much i would never run out"
i dont give a fuck if its less illegal or not at all in the UK, most people on bluelight are in the united states, some are not, but the reason bluelight exists is because there are so many STUPID FUCKING CANDY RAVERS IN THE UNITED STATES, TAKING DRUGS THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.
I also dont give a fuck about you and what you want, im betting noone else cares either.
If you keep doing this crap and posting shit that we dont want little fuckers like you to read and try to do, or fucking around on a post because you feel that i have done something to you, which i dont give a shit if i do, your account will be deleted, i am quite able to have this done if you act like a fucking retard.
I am having this thread closed because NOONE who would read this and get anything from it needs to be trying this, that includes you, and those who are smart enough to be doing this DO NOT need to read about it here i assure you.
Keep your candy raver fag ass in social , you arent smart enough to be in other drugs in the first place.
Being a raver is a capital offense here, and fucking around in a post will get people to really hate you, i can think of one other person whos life is almost ruined because people considered him a fucking idiot here, and completely disrespected him, tormented him and screwed him over quite a bit.
So Go the fuck away, be happy i dont live near you, because despite what people like to say about "tough guys" and "are you gonna "kick my ass" " , you are hiding behind your computer, your little fag ass would be pistol whiped and you would get the fucking queer candy raver kicked out of you if thats possible.
Buh bye
~The Recreational Pharmacist
Fuck Social, Screw you plur fucks, you dont need a forum for "ELMOvsTELLETUBBIES"
AIM: TheTripDoctor
Your an idiot, swearing is not pointless, i will not restrain because it shows the way i am talking and the tone and context, what are you afraid of them? are they too taboo? are you offended? pussy ass. Im not going to be nice im not trying to be, you think swearing is wrong? what the hell is wrong with you? a new level thats funny, this is already an arguement, there is nothing wrong with swearing, i would be hiting the little fag if he wasnt hiding behind his computer. Swear words were made to show the way your feeling and the intensity of the emotion.
Too many fucking idiots here, i am fighting to institute a policy that if you act like a fuckin retard or are too stupid, you get banned, and actually im specifically requesting Bri to be banned, hes taking up too much of the people who are trying to help out's time.
this will fix a lot of problems and let the people who dont try and fuck around to get there name on the screen and the people who know there shit actually get things done and help the people with questions.
this kind of bullshit is not what otherdrugs is for dammit, but i will not sit back and let Bri's stupid ass act dumb without being reprimanded, idiots dont need to be let go they dont learn that they are stupid that way, you need to show them.
~The Recreational Pharmacist
Fuck Social, Screw you plur fucks, you dont need a forum for "ELMOvsTELLETUBBIES"
AIM: TheTripDoctor
Jesus tripdoctor. Have you ever taken any entheogens at all? Doesn't sound like you got much out of them. You've got a lot of anger and hatred backed up inside.
thetripdoctor stuttered:
Too many fucking idiots here, i am fighting to institute a policy that if you act like a fuckin retard or are too stupid, you get banned, and actually im specifically requesting Bri to be banned, hes taking up too much of the people who are trying to help out's time.
Looks like you are going to have to ban yourself eh? And if you think that you are actually helping anyone you are more delusional than I thought.
Anyway this is all way to boring for me - when I left school I also left this type of "i'll come over and kick you arse" attitude behind. All you can go on about is british this, and fag that, and I'll kick your arse this - It is so amusing how very little information your posts actually contain. I do not think that you could actually get any less information into your posts even if you tried. Now there is a challenge eh?
Anyway whether you ban me or not will make no difference - I bid you all farewell and to all those greenlighters (which everyone is at some point), careful what you say there is always an alpha-male at the top of the tree just looking to use you to rub his cock with.
If you are coming to the OD forum to find out more about the beneficial use of psychedelic drugs - don't bother. This forum is only about how much of this drug I took, or how much of this drug I mixed with that one etc etc. If you want an analogy go down to the pub and watch some poor alcoholic sitting in the corner mindlessly putting back beer after beer and replace the beer with a selection of different drugs, this is what people like thetripdoctor are all about - nothing more.
Take care and control.
[This message has been edited by Bricoleur (edited 23 July 2001).]
What you don't realize, bricoleur, is that this post wasn't really asking for any worthwhile information to begin with. This post was a "hey, I can get a kilo of ketamine for about as much as you idiots would pay for 10g" kind of thing. I have yet to read ANY worthwhile information in ANY of your posts and Trip's posts are usually quite informative. He did answer your USP question, didn't he?
Peyote,K - all I'd say is, I hope you are damn sure that they aren't going to touch you - plenty of cases (in the UK) of people getting done for possession with intent for a hell of a lot less K than you're going to be holding. And you should probably be aware that another cop might take a different interpretation of the law from the one you talked to. Ask yourself, is it worth it?
wickedclowm_stl wrote:
What you don't realize, bricoleur, is that this post wasn't really asking for any worthwhile information to begin with. This post was a "hey, I can get a kilo of ketamine for about as much as you idiots would pay for 10g" kind of thing. I have yet to read ANY worthwhile information in ANY of your posts and Trip's posts are usually quite informative. He did answer your USP question, didn't he?
This REALLY is my last post so that I can leave on a positive note.
wickedclown - you are right about the post not asking for any worthwhle information. He was not really asking a question but rather making a statement - my only mistake was to reply and share my experience.
for anyone in the uk or otherwise thinking about ordering a kilo of ketamine: shut up and listen unless you've actually had the balls do to it and the wits not to get caught. if customs seized anything resembling a kilo of pure white powder and a note saying its ketamine hydrochloride, they'd take it and begin an investigation into you. so your waiting for your key of k to arrive, weeks then months pass, at which point your getting a bit paranoid and looking over your should when you leave the house and leaving off all the over drugs you normally do because you certainly don't want to get busted with them and by the time if ever your ketamine comes your fed up with it and have to sell it to dispose of because pooring it down the drain is too painful and then they bust you straight up because no-one is going to buy a kilo of ketamine off you if the only place you can get drugs from is the internet and a thousand gram wraps is a lot of deals.
Simon, do you have any backup for the "Plenty of people have been busted"? I've never heard of anyone busted for K for "intent to sell". The world authority on K, Dr karl Jansen who says "in practise the UK police ignore ketamine". The home office told me it was perfectly legal to import k for personal use.
eight, i've no intention of selling anything.