Opitate Withdrawal


Apr 18, 2014
hey guys Ive been taking oxycontin 80s and 40s probably 20 in total and a bunch of percocets. Once I stopped I cannot stop tearing up for no reason and just feel like shit depressed and what not any idea how long this is gunna last.
Probably about a week for the acute withdrawals, and then another week of feeling a bit shaky. How long have you been taking them? Many people experience something called PAWS (post acute withdrawal syndrome) after the acute withdrawal is over, which consists of low energy, depression and anxiety, and that can linger on for months, although the less time you've been on opiates, the shorter than will last (and sometimes it's not experienced at all... honestly I've never really had PAWS very much and I've been on and off opiates for 10 years).

Do you have the restless legs? You didn't mention it so I'm thinking maybe not... for me it's one of the worst parts. If you don't have it then you probably have a mild withdrawal and likely you will recover pretty quickly.

The hardest part will likely be ignoring the cravings in the future. Once you've been addicted to opiates, cravings may happen periodically for a long, long time, or maybe even forever. I have quit many times, once for a full year, and I always eventually relapsed. All it takes is one moment of weakness, at any point, and the cycle continues. If you get clean and then even a year later take another oxy, you will pick up right where you left off. It won't take days on end of taking them to become re-addicted, like it did the first time. We are very good at rationalizing to ourselves, so if you ever find that you are saying to yourself "hey, I've been clean for a while, I can responsibly use opiates now, I'll just do it this once", REMEMBER that you're lying to yourself. If I could have remembered that, my life would be very different right now.
yea I have low energy today is day 2 I'm also on cymbalata which probably isent a good mix just hope this emotional nonsense stops soon...
I did edit my post to say a lot more, just so you're aware, you posted while I was editing it.

Day 2 huh? It may get worse before it gets better, then again it may not, it depends on how deep in you were. For oxy, it should peak around day 2 or 3, oxy has a pretty short half-life, so the withdrawal isn't too long.
Oh okay, you're lucky you caught it so quick. You'll probably be totally fine in a few days. Good for you for realizing the problem before it got out of hand. :)
yea it's been oxy neos haven't had the 80s in over a week and so
percocets but I feel terrible..
Yeah opiate withdrawal is one of the worst feelings in the world, remember in the future if you are having a hard time resisting opiates, that you have it VERY mild right now, it gets SO MUCH worse when you get farther in.
yea it's just I was doing way too much fir my own good stopped for 1 day and am feeling the effects hard hopefully it only lasts a few more days
Yeah, it should only last a few more days. I do strongly recommend you just stay away from opiates in the future, rather than try to be more responsible with them. The chances of you avoiding this in the future if you keep using at all are very slim. Might as well save yourself the heartache and pain. Read through this forum if you need some convincing, the pain that opiates bring into peoples' lives when they have the tendency to abuse them is extreme.
Keep going strong, if this is the first time round and you've only been at it a couple of weeks at the level you say then you should feel pretty much 100% within a week or so of stopping. You'll be right as rain physically in no time if you hang in there.

You got any idea why you've ended up using every day? Pure hedonism? Arrogance to think you wouldn't get a habit? Looking to block out emotions? Makes you feel safe?

There's lot's of reasons people fall in to using opiates every day. It's important you assess why you've ended up with a physical dependance to make sure you don't go back there. There isn't necessarily any deep underlying reasons for getting a habit but there might be, have a little think and try and get support from as many people as possible.

Whilst PAWS is a possibility, I don't think that should be a problem for you. Don't count it out though.

We're all rooting for you!
Do NOT discontinue your SSRI abruptly. And honestly it helped me with staying clean for a while.
So so correct. It has to be a taper of 20- 25% a day. I tried to taper on my own schedule and I was just hours too late in the middle of the night - so what I got was unbearable anxiety and not being able to hold down water for almost 2 sleepless days. Even when you think you know it all it can still get you, and once you fall it's very difficult to get out.
As bad as you may be feeling it's only a small taste of what is to come. Everytime you go through opiate withdrawals it get's worse and as your tolerance goes up it get's worse. The first time i ever got dopesick was when i had been using oxycodone fairly heavily for 3 months. It was pretty mild and at first i thought it was just some bad flu going around. I got some aches and pains and had stomach cramps but nothing too major that some extra benzos with some ibuprofen wouldn't help. It only got worse from there especially when i started taking morphine and eventually dilaudid and fentanyl.

So count yourself lucky that your getting out of this early and easy. Think about this and how rotten you feel the next time you start craving opiates.