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opiod catch 22


Jun 12, 2015
Ok I've been using opiods on and off for 10 years now for legitimate pain. It first started at 20 an I was in hospital for 6 months and 3.5 in icu. In highcare they put me on a patient controlled analgesia pump with straight iv morphine whenever I pressed the button. They thougt I was terminal (Severe acute pancreatitis with 8l cyst ect)
I started off after I learned to walk and drive again with propoxyphene in large doses but wasn't long before I used hydromorphone. My pain got better and I got off opiods via a rehab program. Afterward when the pain came back doctors wouldn't prescribe me any pain killers and I had a 5y struggle with them after a ct scan which confirmed chronic pancreatitis

I started wit fent patches after oxycontin gave too many side effects.
I'm now on morphine because I'm unable to afford the fent patches. Obviously the morphine is less powerfull so my script runs out early nowadays.

My pain is much better for the time being but I'm afraid to tell the doc as when I experience pain again they'd give zero fucks and won't prescribe me anything cause they'd think I'm D-seeking

Do you guys think I should just keep my mouth shut or fess up and risk being in untreated pain again?
Btw I'm taking tollerance into acount aswell

Thanks S
Your doctor would be pretty awful if he didnt at least periodically ask how your pain is and a complete waste of time if he gave zero fucks. Assuming your pain is legitimate and your care has been adequate to show so, I would bring it up. I know these days chronic pain patients walk a thin rope between finding relief and drug seeking in the eyes of many doctors, but no one deserves to stay in pain.
So true kitty. Its just that going on subutex for a short while and then convincing a doctor to represcribe me full mu opiod agonists is not as easy said than done. It took me almost 6 months totally clean the last time just to get meds. As I've been riding this rolercoaster for almost 10y and I'm at a loss. But thanks for the input
I know this sounds like rationalaztion but considering the cost of doctors and meds?
Well, thankfully I've never experienced anything as painful as pancreatitis but i'm in chronic pain due to other minor problems (back, neck, arthritis, nodes on spine(painless in many, apparently)), and due to the "minor" nature of my pain problems, of course I have trouble getting a decent RX.
I am lucky to get what I do, #90 10/325 hydros per every 30 days, but it's difficult to make them last all month and usually I always run out within 2 weeks, and end up scoring pills elsewhere (currently on tramadol, after about 4 days mild withdrawal, believe me even trams are a Godsend right now!) which presents a whole other trailer full o' problems..money mostly, then the law (thankfully i'm a good guy, and pretty quick n' clever too!), basically IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHIN!!!

And the something that it always is is THAT MUCH WORSE when you're addicted to opiates, whether for pain or not.
The problem is this; the medical community has had their hands tied by the DEA, as well as by their own bigotry and hypocrisy. They take the "Hippocratic Oath" but apparently, a good majority of doctors mistake this for a "hippocritical Oath" or the like.
But it's not so black and white, while Opiates may truly improve the quality of life for people like OP and I, and many other Americans, the sad fact of the matter is that for every smart, responsible, good person that uses opiates out there, I'd g guess there's at least 5 that use opiates recreationally, don't function, and do bad things to maintain their habit.
So basically doctors are trying to keep people out of pain, while not creating anymore addicts to this so-called "OPIATE EPIDEMIC" OOOOOOOHHH.
What this ACTUALLY does is create more pain, and creates more crime by forcing the BAD addicts to do more crime to support their habits, and also forcing GOOD pain patients like myself for example to even CONSIDER doing bad, just to treat my pain.

So really this "OPIOID PROBLEM" here in America has no end in sight, and probably will never. So in a world where honest folks are forced to work the system to obtain relief, they damn well better know how to work it right!

So Here's Treefa's Thirteen Thanksgiving tips for maintaining an Rx Opiate habit, for pain relief;

1.) Never admit to any problem besides pain (barring serious illness, like the shingles, which i'm getting over with NO extra meds, thanks ALOT doc)
2.) NEVER ADMIT TO ADDICTION, HABITUATION, CRAVING, etc..etc.. EVEN IF you only crave the pain relief! RED FLAG!
3.) If you signed pain contract, be prepared for pill counts, piss tests, etc etc....every doctor is different (mine looks past the THC every month, probably because it's been there EVERY MONTH along with MY MEDS that are SUPPOSED to be in there, again when they question you about other substances in urine "they ARE for pain", unless your on coke or something then you'll get dropped like a wet shit in august))
4.) Don't go to the doctor FOR PAIN MEDICAION (that's a red FLAG) you go because YOU"RE IN PAIN and you can't live with it anymore, right? NOT for pills! ANYTHING that will help, you want!
5.) Even if you read the PDR, YOU KNOW NOTHING about medications, barely even remember the names of meds....sometimes the coy is the brightest fish in the pond eh?? Knowing too much is a RED FLAG!
6.) Dress like you give a shit, be articulate, don't look like somebody that even the doctor WANTS to commit suicide, or he might just let you!
7.) Be trustworthy, as honest as open as possible while still adhering to #8
8.) Don't talk too much, speak when spoken to, exaggerate just enough so the doctor knows that you IN FACT NEED pain relief. If your pain is at a 3 or 4, say 6.5-7.5, i'd guess anything under 3 probably gets tylnenol.
9.) Don't act like you're faking, remember you're in pain 24/7 so youre pretty much used to it, but a little bit of despair can show through, I was at the end of my rope when I first saw my current doctor, and I didn't have to say it I think he knew.
10.) Don't be fake. IF you're faking pain to get pills, the attempt is futile, it's 2015 folks and doctors don't hand out Morphine for a sprained ankle or a bad cough anymore, dream on.
11.) Don't breakdown in the office, it's just idk weak I guess, and weak people don't handle pain well, so TECHNICALLY in doc's head, you're weak an in LESS PAIN then you claim. My mom is a big fan of this, but I guess most women probably are LOL, I just don't like being too vulnerable this is all getting marked on your permanent medical records afterall, and you're libel to get diagnosed depressed or something.
12.) Don't beg for pills, don't be too desperate, don't get excited IF the doc does decide to write something halfway decent....it could be anything, far as YOU are concerned. BUt be sure to inform the doc that you can no longer function with the pain, and it's to the point you'll do ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO to get some relief.
13.) When you go for refills piss clean (WITH rx'd meds!!), tell doctor how much better ur doing with the meds (if narcs, not TOO good, don't want a reduction!), functioning working etc.. Get you're triplicates and repeat again in 3 months, probably until we either die or get arrested.

LASTLY IMPORTANT; NEVER ADMIT TO OPIATE PROBLEM, NEVER SAY YOU WANT OFF THE MEDS, basically don't be a bitch. IF your doctor is so kind as to hook you up to manage you're pain, don't puss out every time you run out 2 weeks early, IT's BOUND to happen unless you have actually been Rx'd ADAQUATE relief (you never will), and it's the toughest part of all this.
I just really, it sticks my craw when I hear somebody say "oh I went on Vicodin after getting my teeth pulled, I took 2 a day for 2 months NOW I'M ADDICTED OH GOD I NEED REHAB OR METHADONE" when ppl do that stupid shit it just makes me want to pull my pants down and just shit on their shoes .
Life is tough, guess what, so are you, DON'T BE WEAK, DON'T BE A PUSSY life is hard and if you want a shot at coping, you're gonna NEED that prescription, maybe not today, tm or next year, but you WILL NEED opiates SOMETIME, and if you cry like a bitch claiming addiction dependence whatever, you will forever suffer you're remaining days on earth WITHOUT PAIN RELIEF.
SO stick it out, just pretend like you've actually been through hard times before LOL!
SOrry I just HATE it when people think you can get addicted to low-dose opiates, just just no...if you get addicted to even 10mg hydros 4X a day for 3 months, I just probably wouldn't believe you at all and think your some kind of malingerer. END RANT

Good luck OP, whatever you do keep that morphine, better for pain than ANY OPIOID I've tried, IME, if you could get the doc to throw in a few hydrocodone or Hydromorphone tabs that might be all you need to get through the month.
I''ll probably only survive every other 2 weeks, if even shingles didn't get me extra meds IDK WHAT WILL!!
Yeah that'll really screw you OP. The Subs or the Methadone in your chart...
Once they see Bupe on your Rx history.....your a junkie.
You can be rolling on the floor bleeding......still a junkie.
Same goes for methadone.

That's why you must never claim addiction, I almost went to try to get a Sub prescription last year in withdrawal, GLAD I Didn't because i'd seriously probably be dead without the little relief I do get. SUBS ARE USELESS FOR PAIN, and TBH doctors connect automatically, Bupe with addict, he doesn't need any Full agonists because he WILL abuse them, that's just how they think.
And as different as doctors are, they are all the same more or less.

A trick I learned from my morphine days, Try 1 or 2 doses of a Dextromethorphan cough syrup the OTC robitussin with DM and Guafenisin, and In doses of 30-60mg DXM can potentiate opiates pretty well, actually, and i'm a huge skeptic with potentiation and stuff.
But of all the opiates, the DXM trick works BEST with Morphine.

Most say take DXM first but I say take morphine wait 30-45 mins then dose the DM, and believe it or not the pain relief is enhanced, and over time the DM can supposedly lower, and prevent tolerance via NMDA antagonism. Don't tell THAT to your doctor or he'll KNOW you've been on bluelight, lol!