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opinions on my personal wd's

I don't get it. How do you run out two weeks early? You are obviously abusing your meds and it is entirely your own fault, you knew as you were doing it you were going to run out way to early, what did you expect seriously?
Pbuilder why don't you get?? That I am abusing my meds? Holy fucking shit !!! Thanks for the lecture !!! I don't need a fucking lecture from you. This is a drug forum. And everyone on this forum takes their meds exactly like they should. Ok well I don't and that's not what I was asking so stay out of my threads unless you have an answer to my questions
Perco, I'm hoping you've been on these meds longer than 6 months.........that way you can tell your doctor that you have to take like 1.5 pills at a time sometimes because they don't work as well as they did the first couple of months.

If you have a cool doctor, it should go smooth........

Just don't go in there saying you're in withdrawal, because that won't bode well. Doctor may increase to 180 pills, maybe more.

Do you have a good relationship with your doctor?

How long have you been on 120 percs a month?
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Hey Perco the Pain Management Megathread in the Advanced Drug Discussion forum is chock full of pain management patients who have undoubtedly gone through the "running out way too early" situation before. Youll get much more help in that thread IMO.

Running out 15 days early is indeed a huge red flag that youre abusing your drugs substantially, you cant even make it half the month on your script. Again Im not judging, this is addict to addict here. I agree with the poster above who said maybe you need to let her know 10mg 4x daily isnt cutting it. But if she does up the dose or count, I fear youll just fall deeper into the hole than you already are. The withdrawals will get worse and youll just abuse them more.

Get to the Advanced Drug Discussion forum and find the Pain Management Megathread. Good luck with you face to face on the 11th.
Thanks dank for your reply
Lost boys I have been at my dose and in pain mang. With current doctor since November so 10 months
Thanks dank for your reply
Lost boys I have been at my dose and in pain mang. With current doctor since November so 10 months

Okay, 10 months is a long enough time where the percs could stop working because everyone's body chemistry is different. Some people can make 10mgs × 4 a day last at that dosage for 2 or more years while others don't for 6 months.

Since you called in 15 days early & the fact that your doctor did say that your script will be ready on the 27th is good because the doctor could have flagged you right there & then & cut you off.

Seems your doctor is cool & might want to hear about what's going on when you go in to see her.

Like I mentioned before, when you go in, let her ask the questions & play it by ear. If she does ask why you called in early, just tell her they're not working as well as they did the first 6 months & you had to take a couple more when you really needed them for pain.

Do not ever call in again that early man...........also, when you go into see her, make sure you're not in withdrawal or shaking, etc.......

The 27th to the 11th is two weeks.......she may give you a urine test to make sure you're not selling them, so make sure you don't have anything else in your urine but percs.
Well said lost boys ! Thanks for replying and listens in to me and not judging me or bashing me like pbuilder did. I will suck it up till the 27th, I had massive rls last night and am wicked irritable and antsy right now. I have zero energy also !!! Like it was a project to take a shower. I am about 36 hours since my last 7.5 Percocet I took Monday at 4am
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No problem man........7 more days until you pick up your script & it will seem like a month.

You just have to occupy your mind with other things......like video games, board games, etc.......

For future reference, if you do finish your script early, don't call in earlier than 3 days IMO.

Everyone has finished their script early, its just the way it is.......just be careful because it can be a real pain not to have meds for 2 weeks.......hopefully she can up you script to 180 or more......

If you're really hurting, you can ingest Imodium tablets, they come in 2mgs each.......search Loperamide Mega Thread on this site.

It will explain how many to take to keep your withdrawals away. Also, Chamomile tea is good to relax you.