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Opiates working best and have more appeal at those times when you most need a pick-up?


Mar 13, 2021
This is probably blindingly obvious to most people on here, but it definitely dawned on me a couple of days ago when I was feeling decidedly down in the dumps and preoccupied with my own troubles. I'd also been having a persistent, never ending, low level and annoying headache for days.

I have no tolerance right now, so I took just a couple of 30 mg DHC pills plus a couple of 30mg codeines, and they definitely made my mood and well being feel a whole lot better.

I'm sure I already knew this, but I had forgotten. This explains why opiates and especially the likes of heroin are more seductive for people with mental health conditions, or for anyone who knows that if they are feeling down then opiates may be able to help. I'm aware that it would be a bad long term coping strategy to turn to opiates in this way every time there's some difficult emotions to deal with. This must be why opis are potentially more addictive for people using them to self-medicate in this way.

I tried to repeat things again yesterday, when I was already feeling fine, and I could not notice any further improvement in my well being.

For myself of late it seems that opiates aren't going to do anything if I'm already feeling alright, but they definitely do seem to help when things aren't feeling so good.

In a similar way as to benzos which aren't really going to do very much for anyone if they don't already have anxiety, stress, or insomnia to deal with.

Is there anyone reading who doesn't have any challenges with their moods, is not battling with anxiety or depression, or any other kind of mental condition, and you use opiates purely to enhance things in some way, whether that's your energy levels, your productivity or creativity, your mood, which is already stable and in a good place, or relaxation, confidence, or a bit of escapism, or whatever?
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It's a fixed phrase of mine that most of the 'problem' users are the people with problems.

And just like you say, it's blindingly obvious. If you're in pain you want the quickest way out.
When popping a pill or taking a shot can achieve that, you're going to keep returning to it. This holds even more true if, in the case of mental health issues, you cannot access or afford treatment, conventional treatment did not work for you, you lack support, you haven't got the strength to face your problems and try to work through them in a healthier way, or the cause is situational / environmental and you don't have the means to remove yourself from that.

Personally I went full circle with my using habits. I started off as a pleasure user. Sometime down the road a lot of bad stuff happened (totally unrelated to the drugs) and it wasn't exactly a big leap to go from 'if this thing makes me feel extra good when I am already well, it can make me content when I feel like shit' and hey presto!, next stop junkietown.

It works, too. That's the problem. If substances didn't have desired effects nobody would ever get addicted to anything.

I can truthfully say for myself that heroin saved my life, even though it also nearly killed me several times. I didn't have the resources to deal with my circumstances at the time. Sure it was a massively maladaptive coping mechanism, but when you're at the point of just mere literal survival you cope however you can.

The greatest downside of it for me wse that over time, I started leaning in it for more and more things, not just the original problem. I essentially lost tolerance for ANY kind of stressor (when I never had a huge amount to begin with). There wasn't the slightest upset or difficulty that I didn't just throw more dope at in the end. Obviously add to that the fact that once you've got a sizeable dependent habit, the lifestyle itself creates more problems on top of the existing ones. Regaining the basic resilience to handle the everyday unavoidable vicissitudes of life was by far the hardest thing for me after I came out of my addictive phase.

I did this by basically training myself to sever all those mental associations I'd built up around using, to stop seeing it as this be-all and end-all (my username on here is basically a bit of sarcasm aimed at myself). Once I did that, the only thing left over as a reason for using was what I'd started with : that I find the experience highly pleasurable.
I have now got more years as a weekend user under my belt than years I spent addicted btw.
They’re good as a way to celebrate & enhance a victory/ good feeling, or as a way to feel better after a defeat/bad feeling

It’s like that old cliche about liquor stores making money if the economy is good or bad, with people either celebrating or consoling themselves lol
They’re good as a way to celebrate & enhance a victory/ good feeling, or as a way to feel better after a defeat/bad feeling

It’s like that old cliche about liquor stores making money if the economy is good or bad, with people either celebrating or consoling themselves lol
Yep you can always find an occasion. XD
They can be a nice pick me but I need to take something more regularly for depression - testosterone is my go to for depression.
This explains why opiates and especially the likes of heroin are more seductive for people with mental health conditions, or for anyone who knows that if they are feeling down then opiates may be able to help.
Opiates wrap anyone up in Cotton Wool & make Life all nice & soft.
You don't have to be suffering from any issues, Heroin & Opiates over all are truly the work of Satan.
You don't HAVE to have issues, no. Some people just can't get enough of a good thing. The general observation still holds that the large majority of down-and-out opiate addicts have some kind of mental health issues, or are trying to compensate for something. Which is logical because you're going to have a stronger desire for something that makes a huge difference in how you normally feel and offers a massive, massive RELIEF, than something that is more like a cherry on top of your cake.

The latter depends entirely on perspective. The ancient Sumerians who first cultivated papaver somniferum called it 'the joy plant' and poppy juice was referred to as 'milk of paradise'.
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When I'm in pain I definitely get more out of same dose of opiate. Pain vanishing is one of main qualities of high.
I'm not a habitual opiate user, but in general, yes any addiction is a crutch and will have most comforting appeal when you are down in the dumps, regardless of what the addiction is to