Opiates and suicide


Sep 12, 2016
I can't do this. I keep quitting, going thru the worst and using again within a month.

On April 1st I quit cold turk from a few months use with 3 gram being normal in the last days.

I've been using non daily since April 26th and daily for about 5 days to a week. Is it gonna be bad..it feels like it's gonna be bad
Although relapses are part of the process I' suggest you make a plan for a long term sobriety. It's not only about quitting but what you do when the withdrawal is over. Some people get into Suboxone programs, others use methadone - for a limited period of time, if you can. These programming help you remain sober eventhough it should be a quick tapering. You should want to include exercises, do a light healthy diet, and at the mean time you can try to find things you like to do like hobbies, imagine things you used to enjoy, read, go to the movies. Anything. Be a volunteer whatever you do to keep yourself busy will work. Remember that you can do this, with or without a replacement medication it's totally doable. I wish you the best of luck!
Take care!
same shit happens to me bro its crazy. I dunno about you, but ill tire of the pain eventually. I have this selective memory that forbids me from remember how horrible it was?
Do you live in a medical marijuana state? More and more research shows that cannabis can be an excellent option to help get through the worst parts of w/d and PAWS. It doesn't have to lead to any other drug use.

Everything Erikmen said are more important than cannabis, but going from heroin to nothing can be really tough. I know I wouldn't have been able to quit the times I have without it.
you've quit before and stayed clean for a good amount of time, you can do it again, and stick with it.
You CAN do this.
It is only your belief that you can't that is holding you back.