Opiate withdrawls


Jan 12, 2017
Hello, im new to this forum. I've been under the spell of opiates for over a year now. I have been using everyday for about 7months. I am about to quit, but my problem is that i can only take a week off from my job is that enough time ? Ive been using about 2 8mg dilauded a day for 6 months. My main question is will i be able to function normally on day 8 of quiting. My job envolves talking to people lots of people everyday. Please help i really want to quit but i cant lose my job.
Hi there, I'm new myself to the forum, but not new to opiates & WD. Physically you should feel better by day 8, but mentally you may not. Although getting out & talking to people may help. You also haven't been using too long, meaning it hasn't been years, I've been addicted for 7 & I think that makes it harder. I'm no expert but wanted to reply to your thread. You will be fine, if you really want it, you can do it. Good luck!!!
Thank you so much for you input. I really want to stop this stuff. I got started by someone whom i thought was a friemd giving me some for free then i realised how much i liked it and kept getting more and more from him untill i realized how much money i was spending on something to take me backwards in life. Ive stoped talking to this person because ive realized o cant be around people who are doing this stuff
hard to say but you'll probably be feeling better by day 8....if ur wd's are bad enough though you definitely won't be able to sleep..but ya beyond that you'll be unbelievably depressed and low and for me the no sleeping and incredible depression always lead me right back. stay strong kiddo and be ready for the hardest battle of your life!
I get what you're saying and it's so hard being around the pepole that supplied your drugs. It's good to stay away from them right now. Its just to tempting. You'll be fine. Just keep moving along and stay positive.
Sounds good my goal is to stop on wensday and then take a week off to recover. But my problem is i will only have one week so im really hoping ill be ready to work again by then has anyone done this before
Sounds like you've got a good plan in place by taking a week off work. I've been thru WD process countless times (mine was from norco, oxy, and sometimes fentanyl) and for me the worst of things was always over by day 4-5. Just like everyone else above me here has said, I also think you'll be able to go back to work after your week off and be able to work. That's not to say you'll be feeling 100% again but I really think you'll def be past the worst of things and feeling better physically.

Typically for me, after that first week went by and the physical WD part of things was getting much better, the mental part of things was becoming more challenging. And really that's the part that you should also really plan ahead for - depression, anxiety, strong urges to use, etc, can become intense. Having a plan in place for that stuff, just like you've got for your first week of WD, is really important. Honestly I never really had a strong plan in place for any of the mental stuff and would always relapse within a couple weeks or so. I've been going a different route this time and have been using suboxone to help with things, and for me it's been extremely helpful.

I guess basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm pretty sure you'll be physically ready to go back to work, but just want to encourage you to plan ahead for what comes after the acute physical WD. I'm sure you've seen the acronym PAWS around here - post acute withdrawals.

Best of luck to you, and there are some very informative threads here that can be helpful for the PAWS part of this, as well as the initial WD.
I would definitely go with your detox/c.t. withdrawal plan and stay away from all opiates for those 8 days. You sound like you may be male? If so, the research I have done shows that in some cases, males rebound quicker after extended opiate use due to the hormonal effects and fat to muscle ratio. I think you should definitely go for it.
As others have said, have a plan for afterwards. Whether or not you agree with the concepts and principles underpinning the 12 step program,s attending meetings geared towards recovery is a great way to handle the depression and anhedonia that usually follows a cold turkey withdrawal attempt. You do not have to share or agree, just sit there for an hour and listen. Try different groups until you find one you can tolerate. It will almost certainly be better than sitting at home, stuck in your own mind. Also, have an exercise plan... that will fire up the portion of your brain that will start the process of healing your own endorphin producing transmitters/cells/neurons.
Just do it! Good luck to you.. oh, and continue to read on BL and other forums about others journey through the process of withdrawing from opioids. I have found some kickass success stories and it gives a person hope during the process.
Pokemama thank you so much for your input i had to delay it till this sunday because i cpuldnt take off from work untill then im scared but excited aswell and i cant wait to get my life back in control
Exercise can help with some of the mental aspects after 3-5 days when the physical part begins to ease up a bit and can help with the insomnia as well like P0kemama said. Mild stimulants like coffee / psudeoephedrine are also helpful when you are getting ready to go back to work and have little energy / motivation. A little Immodium (loperamide 10mg or less) might be useful as your intestines are going to withdraw as well as your brain increasing peristalsis / motility. If you want a general consensus on what helped others out here is the Opioid W/D Megathread:

TimetoLive: Did you start yet? I am about to start day5 cold turkey off of oxymorphone and oxycodone, prescribed. I am pretty weak.
Yeah, for the physical side the opiate withdrawal megathread around here is pretty damn solid, I have that shit bookmarked. However it kinda sounds like you might be overlooking the non-physical aspects a little much here. If getting off of opiates was as easy as feeling like you're going to fucking die for 3-6 days there would be a lot of kids I know who'd be out there being happy productive members of society rather than lying in a grave. I struggle to accept the meetings and steps and whatnot, and maybe that's why I keep failing and know that, despite the fact that I haven't told anyone else, I know as soon as the opportunity presents itself again I'm going to fail again, so I'd recommend not being an idiot like me. Don't let your ego fool you into thinking you can do this by yourself, because while I don't know you, just from what I'm seeing here I'd lay greater than average odds that without aftercare that you're going to wind up going back. And that's not me being a dick, that's me having watched this thing eat so, so many people alive and still not being entirely sure I won't be one of them. Honestly, I am surprised, and not that bullshit sort of surprised, like medically knowing all I know about pharmacology surprised I'm not already dead. So don't be like me. Don't think you can handle it on your own.
Man, I just kicked a dilaudid habit, only I was between 90-120mg a day, and I wasn't eating them. I have severe withdrawals for 12 days.. After day 12 it started to let up. But seeing how you're only taking 16mg , you should be fine within a week. I mean you'll still have restlessness and the mental part will kick in. The mental part is the hard part..I would take a month of acute withdrawal vs dealing with paws. It's horrendous imo.

Do you have any act comfort Meds? Benzos etc?

Are you popping the dillies, smashing out shooting them? This can make a different with withdrawal duration.
Time: That is awesome... Day 2!!! And you don't feel so bad... take it as a gift... that is great!! What are you confused about?
Time2liveagain said:
I dont k ow i just thought id be feeling worse

sometimes that happens - every so often that you hear about people getting off easy...but I also don't know the half life of the pills you were taking. Based on the half life, you should be able to tell if the worst is to come. Also, how did you take these? Orally?
