Opiate WD first time

dude I know you because I read you in the mdma thread about LTC problem. Ive experienced similar problem with another drug and I identified with you, the way you took the problem & you have gone out of it.

perhaps you are still innocent/rose colored glassed about drugs but I think you are now heading to far worst problem

you will quickly understand that withdrawal aren't the main problem when it come to opiates

I am very very fortunate that I have the full desire and am trying to get out now while I am ahead.

opiates don't work that way, I was thinking that I was fortunate to not think about them that much, not experiencing that much craving so it will be ball in the park, and in the worst of WD you can always think you have the will of Donald Trump, so you will necesserally not fall another time, but it's not like that, wait 1 or more years and you will understand how it is when it come to opiate.... (only 1 or 2 more WD and you should get the trick about the will)... Basically at whatever time of your life, and independently of the time/extend of your addiction, it's not you managing opiates, it's opiates managing you

But in 1 or 2 years it will be harder to ride up the slope so listen to other and stop now, take "opiate" as something you will never experience in your drug life

Stay with psyche and MDMA, or stop all because all druggies who spend more than 2 years into drugs end with opiates seemingly (my deceased cousin -suicide due to opiates addiction- said one time "it always end with opiates", and atm from ppl I know all druggies a bit passionated end like that)

and don't forget, whatever touch mu, delta receptor are opiates you don't want, and this include codeine, or all pseudo "medicinal stuff" like sub, methadone.... (my life is more fucked up since my sub addiction than my heroin addiction personnaly, sub PAWS are almost inevitable and if you don't manage to make your mind as "Ive PAWS so I need to manage my PAWS" -it can be something subtil to notice- you fall back to addiction no matter what)

Another things, for this time in 2 week your WD should be almost a things of the past, but in 2 years, it will take 1, 2 3 month from day 0 to get to this point, and due to other obligation from life stopping will not be an option
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I am gping through ow. Accidently, doc has my bottle in his office and pharm won't fill a new one. Going through hell. I do fell the symptoms going back and forth.