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only taking 1MG Xanax every 24-36hrs for past 30-45 days!?


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
so, do you think the addiction is physical at this point?

night have passed where I fell asleep and woke up w/o a problem but that was around day 15-20. now we are a bit deeper/further along w/ the process and wondering if there will be a problem.

I am scripted 1/MG/night to help sleep. some nights I only take .5/MG and it will knock me out. others night I may go w/ the full 1MG and pass out just fine. there are also times where I will take it w/ a seroquel which surly helps me keep me well rested; maybe even TOO ASLEEP at times, lol

so what do you think? should I be scared here trying to go 2-3 days w/o? I have seizures, man. I have a brain tumor, so last thing I want/need is to try and kick/stop and have a seizure in my sleep, which is where I always have my seizures when they come (every 6 months or so, if that). and sometimes I have them w/o knowing since I sometimes live by myself (GF may not sleep over that night). so its tough; there were times i woke up w/ a blood spot on the pillow from biting the tongue or woke up on the ground rather than bed.

very tricky here, which is why I ask. yes, I should have the answer myself since I've been an addict my whole life but want to ask here.

I am currently on:

8MG bupe (every morning)
1600MG gaba (every morning)
4000MG keppra (2kAM / 2kPM)
1MG xanax (before bed - if needed)
100MG seroquel (before bed - if needed - hardly taken)

so any help, advice, always great.
Possibly… The only way to truly know is to stop and see how you're feeling. (NOT recommended since you've said you suffer from seizures) To be honest it sounds like you could have developed a mild addiction. I would recommend tapering off the Xanax now and to get on another anti-seizure medication that ISN'T a benzodiazepine. Benzo withdrawal is a bitch man… I wouldn't wish that on anybody. As for sleep, have you heard of melatonin? It's a natural hormone that can be used to induce sleep without serious side effects. I use it myself and you can pick it up at any local pharmacy. I'm sure your doctor has heard about it. Good luck with your brain tumor, I'm sorry to hear about that.
you'll be just fine seizure smezure.

no but that's a low dose so normally no problems but you should taper.
HI - did you read anything that I wrote? lol.

runback - I was thinking the same thing. such a low dose and really NOT that long of a time and w/o a CONSISTENT schedule, so lets see how tonight goes. I am even going to take a seroquel tonight and have it knock me out; if I wake up a bit sick or uneasy, then a xanny goes down w/ that wonderful breakfast. ill also be carrying the xanny w/ me all day "just incase", ya know? lol. the addict in me has to say that, of course.
I most certainly did read what you wrote, although I see where I might've worded something wrong or left out some details. Oops:\ I'm in a little bit of a brain fog so I'm just surfing Bluelight right now. Taking 1mg a day is a pretty significant dose (Even if it's not every single night). I went through hell just getting off of the .5 I was on for a little over a month. I also meant to take a non-benzo anti-seizure med for the sake of tapering off the Xanax, if you choose to do so. Just so the seizure risk isn't so high during withdrawal. I was suggesting melatonin for sleep instead because it's a lot safer than Xanax and works just as well. If sleep is a problem then melatonin is a good alternative. You never really said what the seroquel is for either. Just for sleep?
HI - you must not know drugs too well if you are considering melatonin for someone like myself. anyway, I've been there, I've done that, it far from something that works for someone who has problems like myself but is a good "thing" to continue to take to help rest while asleep; however, it surly will not knock me out.

also, I am reading your posts and you are talking about anti seizure. I mention above I am on 2 MAJOR seizure meds due to the brain tumor. but yet you tell me to be careful! you and I are either not reading the same thing or we are coming from 2 very different paths when it comes to drug the the understanding of many major pharma's, which I think is the case here.

lastly, it says seroquel, before bed, when needed. yes, never said for sleep but anytime 1 dosage of seroquel is taken AT THAT TIME and at such a low dose it is typically used as a sleep aid; you may even see 10-25MG for sleep; 100MG is considered a bit but I've seen people go up to 300MG for bedtime seroquel dosage. anyway, that is old news although it still somewhat works a bit for me. as a combination they work great but too hard to wake up.
I think we might not be reading the same thing. What's confusing me is why you said you're worried about having a seizure coming off Xanax if you're already on 2 major seizure meds. That's what threw me off. Wouldn't the anti-seizure meds stop or at least control the seizures anyways? I was just trying to say that there are better alternatives than Xanax to induce sleep (and some more powerful than melatonin). Hydroxyzine (for example) has knocked me out before, similar to Xanax, but I don't think it is the best drug of choice for someone with a history of seizures (your doctor would know more about this stuff than me). Even though I generally come from a holistic point of view, I've had my fair share of personal experiences with pharmaceuticals. I do realize that you need these medications for your condition and I didn't mean replace them all. Why don't you ask your doc these types of questions? A doctor with a PhD would most likely know more about things than random people on the internet.
random people on the internet have been through a lot; esp. those coming w .an addiction background. sometimes found out better things from others who has a similar situation than what the Dr. always has to say to each one of his customers. coming off a benzo usually will induce a seizure; even if you are on those type of seizure meds; I am on those meds now including the xanax and still have seizures every few months; so coming off one will only make it more worrisome.
Oh okay I understand now. I don't suffer from seizures at all personally but I have a friend that does. Have you considered medical cannabis? Once I introduced it to my friend his seizures pretty much stopped completely as long as he's using regularly. It is also said to have positive effects on tumors by slowing down the growth of those cells and possibly killing them off. It goes well with most medications too. And sometimes a little bowl at nighttime will knock me right out. I'm not trying to sound like a doctor here but that's definitely a good one to consider if you haven't already.
Hi, I've tried it all ,man, believe me. I do not think you realize what type of addict you are speaking to, lol. I was a VERY HARDCORE DRUG ADDICT; so when you say things like, "have you tried?". well, I have tried it all and have done it all far too many times. same goes for my knowledge of prescription pills and the combination of many. its why I am a bit concerned with what was mentioned here.

last night I took .5MG alazopram along w. my 100MG seroquel. tonight I will be taking NOTHING just to see how I feel and if I am able to sleep; I will still take 100MG seroquel, tho.

we will see how it goes; if I forget to update, just let me know. if I have an update and its nothing but negative, then, well, that means NOTHING BUT NEGATIVES THINGS ARE TO BE SAID! damnnnnnnnnnn, and then I BLAME YOU, man! ha.
Yea you're right about that, it was stupid of me to even ask if you've tried these things, lol… But I'm not talking about smoking weed until you don't know which one is the sky and which one is the ground… Believe me, I've been there. I used to be like that back in my earlier high school days. I was a HEAVY stoner and abused prescription pills WAY too much. But I'm talking about using cannabis for the sake of medical purposes. Couldn't go wrong catching a nice buzz before bed every night, y'know? It's a lot better than benzos and a lot cheaper too (if you have the right connections). Have you really considered it for reasons other than getting high?

Another thing you could potentially do is get onto a weaker benzo like diazepam or clonazepam, and then get off that because it would be easier. That's kind of like what I did with xanax. I switched to clonazepam for about a month and it made the withdrawal slightly easier. But I'm serious about the medical cannabis though… There's a lot of good research being done with it right now and with small daily doses it could possibly help with the seizures and the tumor at the same time (+some bomb ass sleep). It's like hitting 3 birds with one stone%)
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last night I tried to step away from the benzo completely but woke up around 6AM w/ a cold sweat; kinda scared me so I took the xanny and went back to bed. I DO NOT blame just the benzo for this cold sweat because it happened before but it did scare me a bit and I just said fuck it, and took the xanny. TONIGHT I WILL TRY AGAIN! ONE MORE TIME, right? or at least I hope so and maybe get away w/ a full night sleep.

I went to get away from benzos all together; not make the switch. yes, its easy because I am scripted now and do not have to worry about "getting more", which is something I used to worry about in the past when buying on the street, but at the same time I DO NOT want to be ADDICTED to ANOTHER FUCKING DRUG, ya know!? I am scripted enough things already so enough is enough, or at least its how I see things right now.