One Week Heroin Binge - What To Expect (lightweight newb)


Wow so I originally named this thread "1 week Heroin binge" when I was planning to quit after just 1 week. Well it turned into 4 weeks of daily use, got up to 10 bags a day, also combining benzo's and benadryl to potentiate the nodding effects.

I've been clean for 4 days now. I am over the worst of the physical withdrawals. I was able to get two 8mg subutex pills, and I only ended up using one, spaced it out and cut it into pieces to make it last. It definitely eliminated both the physical and mental discomfort. I took 4mg total on Sunday and that was all I needed. I'm feeling tired and anxious, depressed, but I'm not strung out anymore. I'm not abusing dope or doing it or even thinking about doing it anymore.

If I end up relapsing I will come back to this thread, but until then, hopefully it won't happen, feel free to use this thread for discussion or as a resource.


I snorted dope (powder heroin) for 4 weeks daily, tried to quit a few times but withdrawal was uncomfortable and just bought more dope. Then got subutex, took half a pill when I started feeling the withdrawal symptoms (didn't feel any until day 2) and felt better, got through it easily. Sleep has been difficult, anxiety and depression are still there, but I am not sitting in the house being unproductive just being high all night and sleeping all day anymore. This is a better life.
lol, i pm'd you and your box is full, i check your recent threads and see this. damnit embryo. anyways i had a q about how that animal situation went, clear your box