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On Extraction and Synthetic Drugs

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I think I would agree with the point that we'd have wanted every psychoactive available to be studied as much as say mushrooms, MDMA and LSD. But the simple reality is that not every one of them is or has been studied that much and if you seek something besides the handful of studied classics you're gonna have to settle for less. This is a harm reduction site, Teo, not some sort of place where we comfort each other with the myth that there are no risks involved.

You think you're being realistic and relevant to paint us an ideal world? No what's realistic is to try and determine what we do know and experience considering all these compounds and base our own private actions and decisions on that.
If someone wants to be one of the first to try a synthetic research chemical it's their own responsibility. Has telling everyone that it's dangerous to take and they shouldn't do it ever helped? No, people are still going to do as they like so we better judge this all at face value.

There is a trend where natural drugs are generally not extremely potent and have a self-limiting effect. It's much harder to OD on valerian root than a benzo, and there are many more examples. But on the other hand, the effects are often milder as well. Not to mention that there are enough poisons in nature and enough complex biomolecules we do not understand!

If you really want to say something about it, say that the more research is done and the longer a drug (synthetic or natural!!!!!!) has a history of human use, the more information there is to base an idea of its safety on.

And saying that is nothing new at all. It's a fundamental point of the business of PD-ers and other drug takers but it also seems well-established and is probably in the FAQ we have for 'safer use of research chemicals' by Illuminati Boy.

There are enough people who would not eat a chemical if there were too few others who tried it before. It's a healthy attitude but there is still an urge to pioneer and experiment in many of the people here. It will have to run its course, the only thing important is that we don't give each other a false sense of security. Let's not pretend that we know things about these drugs that we don't. But that goes for enough natural drugs as well, Teo, so don't bring up a point that has been covered ad nauseam.
Psychoactives consider safe must have a "yes" answer to the following questions-
1) Does it come directly from natural/organic botanical sources? Is it a plant?
2) Does it have a long history of human use? Has it been scientifically studied?
3) Does it's history of human use and scientific study show that it is relatively safe and non-toxic?
4) Does it's history of human use and scientific study show it to be non-addictive and/or non-habitat forming?
5) Does it's history of human use show that it is an effective psychoactive?

*Note- A “long” history of human usage is considered to be about 1000 years. The longer the better.

If you ONLY take psychoactive drugs which answer "yes" to all the above questions you will keep yourself safe and your mind sharp.

Strychine, arsenic, tropanes incl. cocaine, aconite, nicotine- yes very safe 8)


Teonothing said:
By all means... be the guinea pig... after 1000 years of guinea pigs eating RCs and not dying I might try one.

You got us there. I am defintely gonna die, and- this ain't a threat- but so are you. YOUR GONNA DIE....!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!

Its part of life....

Interesting- you use salvia but there is scarce knowledge that its been used for a long time, by your standarrds.

Another utterly pointless thread.
If you really want to say something about it, say that the more research is done and the longer a drug (synthetic or natural!!!!!!) has a history of human use, the more information there is to base an idea of its safety on.

sounds good to me.

This is a harm reduction site, Teo

EXACTLY! and that is what I'm trying to do! If you want to be super safe... then follow my list I posted above.
Strychine, arsenic, tropanes incl. cocaine, aconite, nicotine- yes very safe

Huh? Did you read what I wrote or what?

1) Does it come directly from natural/organic botanical sources? Is it a plant?
2) Does it have a long history of human use? Has it been scientifically studied?
3) Does it's history of human use and scientific study show that it is relatively safe and non-toxic?
4) Does it's history of human use and scientific study show it to be non-addictive and/or non-habitat forming?
5) Does it's history of human use show that it is an effective psychoactive?

Is strychnine non-toxic?

You got us there. I am defintely gonna die, and- this ain't a threat- but so are you. YOUR GONNA DIE....!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!

One day... but I'd like to extend it as much as possible.
^No. Is nicotine? Is atropine/scopolamine? No. Whats your point?

Strychnine is non-toxic in non-toxic doses; weird that eh?

Oh, and no, I didn't read what you wrote- a waste of time IMO. Your just preaching and no-one really seems to care. Well, I don't.
lets get this back on topic:

synthetics and extracts > natural

In my opnion and experience.
Then just ignore it and don't waste your time responding, duh.

If ">" = "gets you higher" than yes.

But I thought the goal was harm reduction? Or is it getting fucked up? If it's about safety then it would go like this...

synthetics and extracts < natural
Natural isn't safe.

The long history of human usage demonstrates weather or not it's safe.

Since plants have been around longer than synthetics... they have longer histories of humans usage, thus we know more about them, thus we can choose the safest ones... thus natural is safer.
So you're suggesting that all psychedelics that are not unprocessed plants with thousands of years of human use are unsafe?

What about LSD? Its one of the safest pharmacological agents on the planet. Personally I think cannabis is far more insidious and detrimental to health than LSD.
So you're suggesting that all psychedelics that are not unprocessed plants with thousands of years of human use are unsafe?

I'm not suggesting they are unsafe... I'm suggesting that we don't know for SURE if they are safe.

Things like LSD-25 are likely very safe... we can't be sure of how safe it is....yet. There is also the issue of many drugs being sold as LSD-25 which are really not... purity, chemicals left over from processing in illegal drug labs, etc.

What about LSD? Its one of the safest pharmacological agents on the planet. Personally I think cannabis is far more insidious and detrimental to health than LSD.

I discussed this, read the damn thread.
But I thought the goal was harm reduction? Or is it getting fucked up? If it's about safety then it would go like this...

You are right it is harm reduction.

Ive been using RC's for close to 8 years and other psychs for 10 and never encountered any problems.
I guess i must be doing something right.

And ill point out again the case of my friend who gets seizures from mushrooms but is fine with sythetics.

Thats not to say that synthetics are safer.

But both can be used safely or recklessly.

synthetic vs natural argument is bullshit.
wow you used RCs safely for 8 years... some people can do that with heroin too.

How about large groups of people using drugs for 1000s of years with no problems? That says safe to me.
You seem to just want to find any rationale to back up your desire to be on some "i'm super natural you should be more like me" psychedelic high-horse.

If you know the known information about the substances you use, and have a reliable source you can prevent harm to yourself.
Psychoactives consider safe must have a "yes" answer to the following questions-
1) Does it come directly from natural/organic botanical sources? Is it a plant?
2) Does it have a long history of human use? Has it been scientifically studied?
3) Does it's history of human use and scientific study show that it is relatively safe and non-toxic?
4) Does it's history of human use and scientific study show it to be non-addictive and/or non-habitat forming?
5) Does it's history of human use show that it is an effective psychoactive?

*Note- A “long” history of human usage is considered to be about 1000 years. The longer the better.

If you ONLY take psychoactive drugs which answer "yes" to all the above questions you will keep yourself safe and your mind sharp.

Don't waste your mind.

That list is ONLY for people who care about their minds and bodies... if you don't, go ahead and do whatever you want.

You bring on some good points that I respect but wouldn't follow, but these two posts really do add to your cult leader vibe you've got going on.

The way you talk is oddly definitive... apparently if I don't follow some list of your personal and specific insights for your well being my mind will probably go to waste.

The only thing that holds back your "no synthetics" argument back from being bullshit like all of the other ones out there (based on health risks, not desirable or profound effects, keep in mind that natural vs. synthetic is a huge starting place to tree off from to describe risks and effects of psychoactives) is your absolutely massive time cap. HOWEVER, I have a feeling that a century of research under modern humanity is going to be more extensive on reporting physiological + neurological effects than shamans downing cocktails of what they see as "plants" (molecules inside of plants) getting them to a point of speaking to God for any given molecule that's applicable. (That's cool if you think chemicals really do that, I just almost sometimes do from their effects.)

Just my take on all of this, you make a well composed argument for solely natural use better than most people on the internet would. I just totally don't buy it myself.
May I also point out how difficult it would be, even with a degree, to get the proper funding and approval to do "legitimate" research on the aforementioned compounds.

The FDA and DEA aren't just going to respond to a written request of yours and say, "Hey this guy has a degree in biochem, we'll give him access to everything schedule I and below. Good luck little Shulgin!"
I'm not suggesting they are unsafe... I'm suggesting that we don't know for SURE if they are safe.

Things like LSD-25 are likely very safe... we can't be sure of how safe it is....yet.

What, has it not reached your huge time gap that you have formed as some kind of standard for safety profiling?

If nothing else negative surfaces, would you allow LSD as an exception if you happened to live to an unrealistically old age? Better yet, what about your future hippie offspring?

NO harm has come from naturally occurring drugs? Reports of physical overdose from the plants that you hand picked to discuss are rare to non existent, kind of like LSD. (Which is amazing considering it's potency.) I would like to note that bad trips can make people do crazy shit, especially people who are already crazy. I don't mean this in a propaganda-like way, but shit happens without a good set and setting, even then sometimes. (I'm sure shit still went wrong in undeveloped tribes centuries ago while tripping on naturals, just don't expect to read about it in a history book or be documented somewhere... why the hell would that be the trace of their civilization that gets recorded well?)
^dont feed the fire.

he will just argue with you 8)

Haha, I'm starting to think Teo gets high from the arguments too. But I guess raising emotion is natural enough. For some reason I've been enjoying that banter back and forth too. So when I come to read I am as guilty.

But I do belive what A Shulgin said, he's natural so if he makes something in the lab then that has to come from nature too.

However, all anyone has to do is turn on a TV and see some new pharms being pushed with no history of use that were pushed through by the FDA. One of these days someones head is going to fall off from an untested asthma med. I'm not too concerned about about occasional use of say a JWH or 2CX.
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