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Misc On a Sale of Oops-R.I.P. How Stupid is a Deliberate Insulin OD to get Hospitalized?


Apr 29, 2018
I'm gonna run out of all my opioids a minimum of 3-4 days early despite PROMISING myself I'd make them last this time as the withdrawal is just horrible to handle anymore.
I have enough to stay well for another until maybe Sat morning at the latest, but I can't get more until Tue afternoon at the earliest.
However, due to the NHS meaning all your medical records are accessible at any doctors practice or hospital, it means if you are admitted to hospital, they'll automatically start giving any meds you'd normally take, at the normal times and doses.
I'm insulin-dependant and generally have enough rapid-release insulin to kill a horse (or three). So I'm considering - when I run out early Sat morning - taking an OD of rapid-release insulin large enough that I'll definitely ensure I lose consciousness and will need to be monitored for a minimum of 48 hours (probably 72) but not enough to be approaching life-threatening. I live with family, and will deliberately not be alone in the time from injecting it to the OD happening. And even in very acute insulin OD's it takes 7 hours without treatment before you start to get brain damage or anything permanent.
Obviously, I pretend it was an accident.
Don’t do it, just try to push through to Tuesday. There’s all kinds of things that could go wrong, there’s no guarantees & you could end up with permanent effects or worse depending on what could go wrong. Also it could really affect & be extremely upsetting for your family that you live with.
Don't do this, man. It's way too easy for ODs to be waved off as just falling asleep. What if they find you, think that, and just leave you there?
Death is a real possibility, I don't wish to share my family, or what's left of them's medical history, but don't, you could really do some damage.
Death, coma and serious brain damage. This ain't a joke. There is no way it is worth it. Like I said I don't wanna get into my family's medical history but, seriously I actually kinda know what I am talking about. Do no intentionally OD on insulin!
I'm gonna run out of all my opioids a minimum of 3-4 days early despite PROMISING myself I'd make them last this time as the withdrawal is just horrible to handle anymore.
I have enough to stay well for another until maybe Sat morning at the latest, but I can't get more until Tue afternoon at the earliest.
However, due to the NHS meaning all your medical records are accessible at any doctors practice or hospital, it means if you are admitted to hospital, they'll automatically start giving any meds you'd normally take, at the normal times and doses.
I'm insulin-dependant and generally have enough rapid-release insulin to kill a horse (or three). So I'm considering - when I run out early Sat morning - taking an OD of rapid-release insulin large enough that I'll definitely ensure I lose consciousness and will need to be monitored for a minimum of 48 hours (probably 72) but not enough to be approaching life-threatening. I live with family, and will deliberately not be alone in the time from injecting it to the OD happening. And even in very acute insulin OD's it takes 7 hours without treatment before you start to get brain damage or anything permanent.
Obviously, I pretend it was an accident.
Do you live in the USA? If I could tell you how to get a weeks worth of Suboxone in 30 minutes would that help you out?
I know a TeleMed company that you can speak to a doctor and they will phone in a script of Suboxone. It makes the withdrawal significantly better and should help you over for two or three days. If interested, just let me know and I’ll share.
Do you live in the USA? If I could tell you how to get a weeks worth of Suboxone in 30 minutes would that help you out?
I know a TeleMed company that you can speak to a doctor and they will phone in a script of Suboxone. It makes the withdrawal significantly better and should help you over for two or three days. If interested, just let me know and I’ll share.
No, she talks about NHS. The National Health Service. The UK
Do you live in the USA? If I could tell you how to get a weeks worth of Suboxone in 30 minutes would that help you out?
I know a TeleMed company that you can speak to a doctor and they will phone in a script of Suboxone. It makes the withdrawal significantly better and should help you over for two or three days. If interested, just let me know and I’ll share.

Thanks for the offer, but I live in the UK.
Don’t do it, just try to push through to Tuesday. There’s all kinds of things that could go wrong, there’s no guarantees & you could end up with permanent effects or worse depending on what could go wrong. Also it could really affect & be extremely upsetting for your family that you live with.

I would if I could but the WDs are just too severe, They're also dangerous for me because 1) I have a seizure disorder that makes me especially prone to seizures and I have had grand mal seizures from opioid withdrawal (it's a rare complication but does happen in some people) and 2) I have poor kidney function which can seriously complicate the withdrawal.
Don't do this, man. It's way too easy for ODs to be waved off as just falling asleep. What if they find you, think that, and just leave you there?

With an insulin OD, I'd be visibly very not okay. I'd be extremely pale, saturated in sweat and trembling even if unconscious. Plus my blood glucose monitor would keep going off as a dangerously low blood glucose alert.
Have you tried searching for lost pills? I have found old morphine and oxycodone pills in my rather messy house before on a number of occasions. Can you get Lyrica or gabapentin?
I would if I could but the WDs are just too severe, They're also dangerous for me because 1) I have a seizure disorder that makes me especially prone to seizures and I have had grand mal seizures from opioid withdrawal (it's a rare complication but does happen in some people) and 2) I have poor kidney function which can seriously complicate the withdrawal.
Are you prescribed any anticonvulsants for your seizure disorder that could help you get through these next few days?
Have you tried searching for lost pills? I have found old morphine and oxycodone pills in my rather messy house before on a number of occasions. Can you get Lyrica or gabapentin?

I'm prescribed Gabapentin.

Lost pills are AWESOME to find. I hadn't taken benzo's in maybe 3 years (or more) and randomly found a 1mg Xanax down the side of the sofa. My tolerance to benzos was zero so I got a lovely warm buzz from just half a pill haha.
Unfortunately I definitely don't have anything lost as I tore the house apart searching the last time I was in withdrawal (like that scene in Requiem for a Dream where Jennifer Connolly throws everything all over the apartment when she's out of heroin).
The masked Booty Goblin, has a point.
Can you can you get codeine and do CWE? ( people are regularly discussing it on here)

I managed to get some Paramol which has Dihydrocodeine in it. The pills have what would be the equivalent of 14.6mg Codeine each which is better than the usual 8mg of Codeine you get in Co-Codamol.
Personally I would do a CWE on the DHC pills first and use those once the WD starts hitting like in the middle of the day, hopefully sleep will be okay the loperamide the next day. I don't think it needs to cross the BBB to alleviate withdrawal symptoms but I'm not sure 100%