Mental Health Olanzapine usage long time ago still affecting me


Oct 6, 2019
I was given an olanzapine wafer 8 months ago and I still can't get high

can anyone help me figure out what's causing it? has it damaged my receptors? is it still in my system?
how long can i expect to wait before my receptors are back to normal?
but what would explain the fact that it's been 8 months? do the saliva dissolving wafers act differently? more direct protein binding from where its ingested (mouth)?
it's been a long time and from what i've read, i should have returned to normal but it still feels like the first day after being dosed

*also your receptors function database doesn't seem to have muscarinic receptors included, is there a reason why?
From currently accepted knowledge there's nothing supporting that olanzapine should have permanent effects or stay in you body for such a long time but om the other hand we have a lot of people here reporting similar issues, mostly with depot shots but also with pills. My personal impression is that antipsychotics are nasty and given much too readily - I tried most of the newer ones, including these fancy partial agonists, but all they did was clouding my mind and make me unable to enjoy music. Went away after substance washed out though.

For how long, and how much olanzapine were you taking? What drugs don't make you trip like before?

Weird thing is that antidepressants interfere more with tripping than (lower doses of) antipsychotics probably but I'm not sure, just that while on SSRI any amount of shrooms would be next to inactive and this lasts, as well as sexual side effects and discontinuation syndrome - much longer than just the drugs half life but after eight months most stuff should be reversed.

Maybe you could try a more potent psychedelic like one of the lysergamides? In some case this can help recovery too, there's a lot of growth factors released during a trip. 1cP-LSD worked for me while on venlafaxine like it should without.
A single dose of 5mg olanzapine wafer 8 months ago
Weed, speed, opiates don’t work
Shrooms still trip me out a little but now they give me migraines

The wafer is a saliva dissolved piece of paper
It’s worrying me that I’ll never be able to feel 100% again