Okay this has nothing to do WIth Raves, But I need Advice.


Nov 30, 1999
***** i will warn you this is about relationships kinda**
Okay, here is the deal it all started this summer. It was 4th of july and everyone was drinking. Making a long story short I went into the laundry room of this house to get a beer and this girl we'll call her "lisha" follows. SO i sit there and we talk. She tells me she is in this fight with her boy...a kid I know from my (old..transfered) college. anyway we end up kissing. I freak cause he is in the other room. I pass out. the end, so i thought.
anyway, Last wed. I run into lisha at a local college bar. We talk (we are all ina big group of friends) so she asks me how my 4th of july was. I say "Better than I ever expected"....amking a long story short again. we go home together.
We didn't have sex, just spooned and kissed and talked. We Talked about getting together. She says she wants to go out and catch a movie and some dinner on friday. I say : I would really like that"...we talk somemore....kiss somemore...pass out...we were pretty drunk.
So, I wake. I have to go to work. I don't want to wake her..she looked so peaceful..i leave a note...."i had a great time, call me a nd we'll go out on friday.
Friday, I call her , leave a message...no reply.
Call sunday, talk to her roommate, no reply.
Here is my prob. What the hell is the deal????
She is the one that started to show interest in me. I just showed it back. I mean she is such a little cutie and is so Cool. how could I not.
I know she doesn't have a boyfriend she told me they broke up 3 months ago.
What is her deal.......a ladies help me. I am really upset. I have liked her a while and to have it all and then NOTHING at all sucks.
Thanx, sorry for cluttering the board.
I forgoit to add her roommate and I used to hook up. She maybe putting salt in my game.
[This message has been edited by Pragmatic (edited 22 December 1999).]
Sorry man, It sounds like the 2 of you were drinking both times you hooked up.
My advice- Back off!
Stop calling her. You called her twice. I'm sure she got the message. If you keep calling her, your gonna look desperate. If she is really interested, she will call you.
I know it's hard cause you said you really liked her. But don't let her make a fool out of you. Next time the 2 of you bump into each other drunk, don't jump at the chance to go home with her. She knows you like her and that gives her the power to phuck with you.
Drinking impairs your judgement. She may only like you after a six pack. phuck her.
(sorry if this sounds harsh. I am really anti-mush right now. Good luck, and I really do hope things work out for you)
I'm sorry that this girl has done that to you. I would just say give up on her she's not worth it. Both of you were drunk and things happen when people drink they say things they don't mean. I would just move on and let her go. If she is making you feel that way and not calling you back fuck her. She doesn't deserve you, your better then she is. You seem like a nice guy and that girl does not sound very nice. Think about it some more cause I mean she had a b/f and she kissed you, what happens it she does that to you??? I would just say fuck her. You seem too nice for her. Good luck.
You guys are right. I didn't want to think so , but it's true. Funk her her man. I really didn't think she was like that, but oh well. Bean_geek good point about the kissing.
Man, I hate people that pull that kinda shit. I think I am a magnet for bad vibes in relationships. I must have a sign that says "hey ladies! Shit on me. I am a sap"
Anywho, thanx for the advice.
Time to Roll on..........haha, nice choice of words ah.
Guess its not busted. Any way i would really have to say forget that girl and move on. no sense in wasting your time. but if your really determined, try accidentally running into her someplace you know she would be just to be sure once aand for all.love4ever
That sux, Pragmatic.. You seem like a waycool cat (and part of the Ohio bluelight posse no less, autocool right there, haha) and that girl is a punk for not realizin it and bein a playah and all that.
~*~ Ashke ~*~
you could always kill her... i would kill her gut the bitch and string her intestants around her parents bed room ahhh love is in the air...
```rave is dead so you die to
My! Bizarre statement for someone with a candyraver name like SugarPixie to make. *giggle* Coz last time I checked there was very little PLUR involved when it comes to gutting people and decking the halls with intestines... *lol*
~*~ Ashke ~*~
Hey Pragmatic,
Lets see, how can we live up to your name? At the risk of sounding Pollyanna-ish why not assume the best about her, instead of the worst? Maybe she's scared, maybe her roomie put her off, whatever. The truth is, you like her. If and when you run into her again, you guys will probably hook up just like the last two times. So how do you want to spend the time between now and then? Hating her, or enjoying the fact that one of these nights you're going to have a nice surprise waiting for you? If you spend the time resenting her, when you do see her, you'll come off like one of those old friends you call who then yells at you for not calling enough! The trick is to have no expectations - let her be who she is, not who you want her to be. Certainly she should have at least called you back, but who knows whats going on in her life/head? In my experience there are very few Les Liaisons Dangeruese type people in the world- most of what we perceive as "game playing" is people acting out of confusion, fear, whatever. But even if you do meet someone truly manipulative - they can only "use" you with your consent. No expectations - no letdown. So let it be, go about your life, and maybe someday you'll be laughing in bed with her about the stupid reason she didn't call you back. And maybe not - but at least you won't have added another brick to that sack of disapointment we all carry around. Choose love - it's fun and it's free!
Love and Peace,
Guru Daddy
To use a term from our site here, just let things "ROLL". Don't push the situation and don't back off totally, expectially if you like this girl. I would not suggest gutting her just yet, I wanted to do that to a girl one time and now I am getting married to her. Funny how things work out. Be youself. You survived a long time before she came along so I am sure you will survive if you guys don't hook up again. If you had fun with her those times you hooked up, remember them for just that, good times. Don't think to hard about things and just let it "ROLL" like I said. I think you will be OK no matter what happens.
This advice was brought to you by a guy named "Jazzy", so you might consider taking it with a grain of salt, but, it does sound good.
I read this some where....it just makes alot of sense....
If you love someone let them go, If they come back to you then they will be yours forever.If not then it wasn't ment to be.
GURU DADDY, That is some of the best advice I have EVER heard. How positive. I never really thought about things like that. Thank you.
And to everyone else, even sugarpixie, thanx for thinkin of me. I will let ya know what happens.