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Okay losers, post here! v. The Weight Loss thread

Surely there's a few people who can make use of this thread again :)

What does everyone think of cheat days? I have a cheat day on Sunday where I eat whatever I like - junkfood, takeaway, lollies and so on. It's good in terms of satisfying cravings, but I'm not sure if it's completely negating my other efforts to lose weight during the week.

I've been very good sticking to eating healthily every other day - I eat no junk food, try to eat as much fruit and vegies as possible (I'd say they're 50-80% of my diet on days other than Sunday) - raw if possible. I also drink plenty of water - both plain and in tea.

I exercise every day but Sunday - alternating between running/walking for about an hour one day, to a set of weight exercises for 45 mins on the alternate days.

In short - I feel like I'm doing everything right, but my weight isn't changing, and I don't know why. I think it's difficult as I'm not overweight to begin with, but I have put on about 7 kilos since quitting drugs that I'd really like to lose.
I don't see food anymore in bad or good nor cheat days. I eat well 80% of the time, I guess. I feel good.

It makes me smile to read back how I was feeling in 2009
now eating balanced meals with regular exercise comes without effort

I still eat like a muthaf*cker when I get high but I run at least 15 miles a week
werd :)

I find that these days I'm mainly eating whole, raw foods. I rarely eat anything processed. Feels good man %)

I also quit alcohol almost 5 months ago. Pretty much as soon as I stopped drinking alcohol, 7-8kg (15-17lb) literally FELL off me without really having to try very hard. Alcohol contains a frightful amount of calories!!

Also, exercise is KEY. In my opinion, you absolutely cannot expect to lose weight and keep it off, without participating in regular exercise.

/2 cents :)
Well done guys :)

I've also stopped drinking for the most part, which I thought would have more effect, as I love beer and used to drink it nightly. But stopping it hasn't had any effect.

I exercise 6 days a week, and good, hard sessions too - I love exercise so that's not a problem. I'm developing some nice muscle definition from it, I'm just not losing any weight.

Cheat days are working for me at the moment - in least of terms of me sticking to eating healthy other days a week. I have a massive sweet tooth and really struggle staying away from junk food - I'm the kind of person that if I eat one sweet thing, will eat every other piece of junk food I can come across. So they're good in the sense that I can confine that all to one day now. Perhaps it's something I need to start looking at in a different way though.

Overall though the changes to my diet, and exercising more, have me feeling really good, so that's the main thing I suppose.
I have learnt not to let the scale rule my view of my body. It took a while, but I judge my health and fitness by the things I can do and the way I feel.

Wobbly bits, lethargy and exhaustion = unhealthy. Vibrant, firm and alive = healthy.

My situation might be a little extreme, but I literally can't step on a scale without starting a spiral into extreme darkness and dispair. I even ask my Doctor to keep my weight to herself when I go in for yearly check-ups. This way is better for my mind and attitude. :)

..also, you do know that muscle weighs more than fat, don't you? :)
^ I think you mean muscle is more dense than fat. ;)

I've lost about ten pounds after having left myself go last year with mom's homemade cooking and all. Hahah.
Cheat days are working for me at the moment - in least of terms of me sticking to eating healthy other days a week. I have a massive sweet tooth and really struggle staying away from junk food - I'm the kind of person that if I eat one sweet thing, will eat every other piece of junk food I can come across. So they're good in the sense that I can confine that all to one day now. Perhaps it's something I need to start looking at in a different way though.

I have a crazy sweet tooth too. Even if I don't buy anything sweet at the store the random cravings for a Kit-Kat still come up. I've found lately that having one sweet thing after lunch is enough to quell the cravings at other times of the day. Since food is way too calorie dense for dessert I prefer to have a glass of mango juice diluted with water and with a twist of lemon and it lasts a good couple of minutes just sipping away. It also has an excellent deliciousness:calorie ratio (only 50 cals per glass).
After tweeking my diet for 32 days


Damn, you look good man!

Mines not that good but

This is me back in May of this year:

And I just took this ten minutes ago:

I'd still like to lose more, but I'm pretty happy with what I've lost so far. It's great motivation to keep at it. :)
Wow! Keaton. Haven't seen your posts in a while nor your pictures and I've been wondering how you were doing. Apparently you were/are doing GREAT. You look fantastic. Hope everything else in your life feels as good as you look.<3

@footscrazy--I used to do the "cheat" day but I didn't call it that. I really tried to change my way of talking about food and thinking about it (like CotB said, no "bad or good" foods--just healthy or for pleasure foods) and that helped a lot psychologically. But I did limit myself to only baking on the weekend. I love to bake and that means everything from fancy cakes to fruit cobblers to every cookie recipe known to humankind. When I was young I literally baked all week long and even though I shared it with people, I also ate all that sugary food every day. I never thought about it at all until after I had kids and started gaining weight. So it made sense for me to moderate and it just kind of fits with the weekend for me: end to the work week, special meals with friends, and a special dessert. I think that it is important to do things that are just for pleasure (do I even have to say that on a drug forum LOL?) and that includes foods you love that may not be healthy nutritionally but are healthy in moderation for the sensual joy they bring.

I've lost between 15 and 20 pounds since Caleb died (not sure because I don't weigh myself much so not sure where I started). It was not something I intended to do but it just happened as a result of exercising way more to keep my depression at bay and, when my husband was going through chemo he could only eat soups and smoothies for about two weeks out of every month so I made them and ate them along with him. I'm really happy that I lost the weight because there are so many health benefits to not being overweight at my age. So I will be checking this thread as a way of staying on track!
Keaton - DUUUUUDE you're looking amazing! Congratulations man, job well done. Now you can enjoy the feeling of 'maintaining'. :D
Awesome thread.

I got a little too big for myself a little while ago, and began a diet and exercise regimen. I exercise for at least 10 minutes a day (although my average is closer to 30 now), with some of my exercise time spent on cardio and some of it spent on weightlifting.

For a diet plan, I still eat fairly shitty, but I never, never stuff myself. I eat until I'm not hungry, instead of eating until I feel full. My restaurant portions, of say, a cheeseburger (I did stop ordering bacon cheeseburgers) can last me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have made substantial, subtle diet changes, and I'm eating more veggies than I used to, but it has been a matter of portion control for the most part.

I was 192 about a month and a half ago when I said "no more," and now I'm 183 and dropping. I'm aiming for about 5 pounds a month. My goal is a long term healthy lifestyle change rather than an actual diet, and I plan on getting down to 160-165, which is my healthy weight (5-7 with a very large frame), and maintaining that shit.

I still don't feel that I look any better at 183 than 192, but meh, I just have to keep going until I see the difference in the mirror.
Keaton, mad proud of you! Nice work! You look great! (You were already sexy to begin with though ;) )

I am feeling terrible about myself lately, even though Ive technically been the same weight for over a year now... still struggling HARD to lose the weight I gained from ssri's while making the everlasting taper off of them. It seems like just when I start to taper down I have to stop or go back up on the dose, and its getting discouraging :/ I tapered a couple days ago again, I'm probably on half my highest ever dose, but I cried for like 3 hours straight yesterday for no reason. And I just generally lack the motivation to live during this whole process. Serotonin (or lack thereof) is a bitch! I eat healthy food. I exercise. But its not enough. The weight won't come off because I can't stick to it on a daily basis. My weight has always fluctuated between 130-150 lbs. Right now I'm at my heaviest. I feel like a blob. I feel like if I quit smoking and drinking the weight would melt right off but even if I quit for a couple days I end up doing it again because at hte time it seems okay. Impulsive decision making has never been my friend. I just want to look in the mirror and like what I see again. I guess I had to fix the inside before I try to fix the outside..... meh
hope you get off those anti-ds euphoria. those things will suck the life out of you.