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Ohio marijuana issue 3 coming up!


Aug 23, 2015
I don't know if any fellow Ohioans are familiar with this, but there are a lot of pro marijuana voters who think they shouldn't choir for this for some reason. Does anyone know why?
I've heard some nonsensical rant about it creating a monopoly, but I have no idea why anyone would care. Any insight would be great. Don't want a political debate but want to know what the thought process is here. Thanks!
well idk i heard about the monopoly thing too, but at the same time if it is passed then its legal and if the monopoly thing is a issue we can just change that part of the law later.
I'm from Ohio and I say vote NO for responsible ohio.

They're creating a market that's going to be 100% controlled by 10 investors. No one else will be allowed to enter the market, and there won't be any patient to patient sales allowed. You'll be able to grow for yourself if you're lucky enough to get a license, but then you'll be limited to 4 plants per household. So if you have a roommate and both of you have licenses, you're out of luck at stuck to your shitty 4 plant limit.

Garbage bill in my opinion, and I rather just keep it illegal and the majority of people I know feel the same way. The midwest has some of the best growers, and it's unfortunate none of them will be able to benefit from this. I'm all for people getting their medicine, but I'm not going to be a sheep and vote for this crap.

They'll control all the prices, probably not give 2 fucks and have some shitty trim run concentrates for way inflated prices since no one else can enter the market, and it will just hurt the people who have been in business here for years. FUCK RESPONSIBLE OHIO
I'm obviously not from Ohio, but this sounds to me like the kind of referendum that is offered to the people in an arguably flawed manner (as the post above me illustrates).
It's a kind of "wedge politics" that divides people that would otherwise agree on an issue, and tends to play into the hands of those who are manipulating for a certain outcome.
I don't know any more about the specifics of this case, but it's worth considering all of the options in this case.
Is the proposed model really worse than outright prohibition??
The reason i bring this up is that i've seen similar referenda knocked back - only to find that no other model (thus no other opportunity at reform) is ever proposed, at least for a very long time.
Surely some people would still grow and operate outside of the system? Again, forgive my ignorance - but these sorts of political games are pretty standard on all sorts of issues.
Sometimes the "sheep" are actually the ones voting against their own interest because they've been conned. Just a thought...
Greedy people just see dollar signs and forget that the medical marijuana movement was built by activists to help sick people. Repulsive.

Ohio will go medical and legal eventually, these people just had enough $$$ to get BULLSHIT on the ballot for their first shot. So vote no, and in 2-4 years there'll be a better option.
I'm just upset because with no competition in a HUGE market means no one is going to strive to do it better and push the industry forward. All these fuck head investors are the only ones going to be able to see a profit. Do you think they'll really care about growing the best weed possible, making the highest quality concentrates, and making all the other products the best they can when there's no one else to compete with? They're going to do everything from a business standpoint, it's all money to them, so lets do it all cheap as possible and who really gives a fuck about quality. Why put your time and effort into something to make it better when you can get away with selling some bullshit for the same price or rather any price you want?

Felonious Monk covered pretty much everything else. It's a bunch of greedy people seeing they can take advantage over a whole group of people for their own good. They really don't give a fuck about helping patients or creating jobs, they just want to control a whole market and line their own pockets. It's unfortunate that this has a high possibility of passing and people don't take the time to look into it more rather than "OMG LEGAL WEED"
Yeah - We could all vote no and say "No Monopoly on Weed" - but at the same time, with Bud being Legal and all - Do you REALLY think that 4 Plant Limit and Applying for a License is ACTUALLY going to FLY if this Bill Passes : / I mean, come on - the Midwest DOES have some of the best growers, RIGHT NOW, while it's still Illegal. Do you think after 10 years of Growing Illegally, they're just going to suddenly start caring about the Law?? I highly fucking doubt it.

I've read the full, long ass, boring as hell definition of what this law is going to be. It states that there will be 10 State Approved Facilities that are where the States Medical and Recreational Products will be Grown, Tested, Made into Edibles, and Concentrates. The Bill says NOTHING about only 1 Company, or 10 different Companies running these Facilities. It says Companies will have to Apply for A License to Operate a Facility, and they have to prove they are Capable and Knowledgeable enough to Grow Top Shelf, Up to the Standards of Other Legal Recreational States, Quality Controlled Marijuana - and this Includes Edibles and Concentrates. They actually tried to put in a lot of Strict Quality Control Measures, very comparable to the way that Alcohol Production and Sales are Controlled.

As for the 4 Plant per Person and you have to Apply and Pay for a License to grow those 4 Plants - Do you REALLY think that people are actually going to listen to this law. FUCK NO. Those who have $$$$ will to play it safe, those who grind and hustle their way thru life will keep doing what they've been doing - living their life by their own code of Right and Wrong based off of Logic - not old Draconian Laws and the Court System. Do I think this Bill is Perfect? FUCK NO............but it's a step in the right direction. I don't WANT TO WAIT 2-4 more Years, because 2-4 years, may become 10 - or Ohio may NEVER have a chance to pass a law like this again. They've been TRYING to get a Medical or Medical and Recreational Bill on the Ballot since 2012!! The last attempt they made, they collected all of the Signatures Needed to get the Bill put on the Ballot - and Governor John Kasich used his Executive Powers to shut the Bill down.

Also - This is not just a new Law, this is Actually an AMENDMENT TO THE OHIO CONSTITUTION making it MUCH HARDER to be Repealed. I agree that this Bill is by no means Ideal - but you have to think about the Reality of the Situation. They can make all of these petty little bullshit add on Laws to the Bill - But once Marijuana is Legalized for Medical and Recreational Uses, that's a train that's immediately picking up speed and is going to be hard to stop. There aren't enough Police in Ohio to try and stop someone from growing 10 Plants instead of 4 - Or from Growing without a License. How the FUCK are they going to prove that kind of stuff? Unless you're a Dumb Ass who's always getting the Cops called on you, or you just decide to start a Huge, Money Making, Grow Operation - To me, after reading the Bill - Your average person, who wants to grow their own Marijuana - while it may be against what the Bill Outlines, HOW are they going to ACTUALLY ENFORCE IT?

This may be the ONE CHANCE that Ohio has to Legalize Marijuana, and on top of that - EVERY STATE that Legalizes, is ONE MORE STEP in the Right Direction. Sure, it's not Ideal, but the Minor Details of the Bill that not Everyone may agree on, those can be dealt with and figured out as the Industry is Created - which will also bring a nice chunk of Jobs for Lower / Middle Class People who SERIOUSLY need it - I fucking HATE CORPORATIONS, and I don't like 100% of this bill, but it's a Compromise. It's a step in the right direction. I understand and feel while people have an issue with this - but this just seems like too good of an opportunity to pass up. Every single State that's Legalized Recreational and Medical Marijuana is having Similar Issues with the way parts of the Law are worded. A Brand New Industry that's never existed before is being created, because of Our Generation, there's bound to be a few kinks in it that need to be worked out - but Legalization and Medical will at least help those who need the help, whereas just saying " NO " without being fully informed on the actual in's and out's of the subject is just Ignorant.

Instead of Speculating or Spreading Rumors - READ THE ACTUAL BILL FOR YOURSELF......................


That's the REAL BILL right there. Feel free to HATE IT ALL YOU WANT - But at LEAST READ IT FIRST. We already don't follow what they tell us to do - why is a law LEGALIZING going to make everyone Bitchmade all of a sudden. There will still be an Underground - Just the Penalties will be way less about sending people to Jail or Prison, and more about Paying Fines and taking peoples Money. I just don't like that people aren't even giving this a CHANCE. It's Happening NOVEMBER 3rd, 2015. Be a part of a Revolution or keep the World Stagnant. It's up to You / Us All.
This may be the ONE CHANCE that Ohio has to Legalize Marijuana
Yeah, this is what i am imagining.
Australian voters were tricked into voting against a referendum prosposing we become a Republic a bit over 15 years ago by a bunch of politically-savvy conservatives, thus we are still a constitutional Monarchy of the British fucking 'Empire'.

Based on that bitter experience, I would warn against complacency in thinking that another chance will come along:
in 2-4 years
Classic wedge politics from a complete outsider's point of view (for what it's worth)

Is a supposed monopoly really worse than having your door smashed in by stormtroopers with machine guns at 3am for suspected possession of a herb (ie prohibition as it stands)?
^^that's not the real concession/comparison though..

More realistic might be, in down-trodden communities, of which Ohio has plenty, is it better to create a new industry, which will support the creation of jobs at every income level; OR, to create a legal monopoly and only allow local residents to man token service jobs.

THAT is what I've seen is a true concession many communities make. Economically-driven legalization only stops one wrong (criminalization of possession--and in many cases not even a complete version of that), while it perpetuates another more insidious wrong, which is white supremacy (plutocratically-controlled means of production/whatever you'd like to call the continuation of imperialism).

And 2-4 years is more than realistic in a moderate state in America in 2015, since it could be passed by the legislature at any time.
OK so the monolopy thing sounds sketch to me and I don't know any details about it or how bad it might be but I did read this:

"Allow each person, 21 years of age or older, to purchase, grow, possess, use, transport and share over one-half pound of marijuana or its equivalent in marijuana-infused products at a time (a total of 8 ounces of usable, homegrown marijuana for recreational use, plus 1 ounce of purchased marijuana for recreational use), plus 4 homegrown, flowering marijuana plants. Authorize the use of medical marijuana by any person, regardless of age, who has a certification for a debilitating medical condition."

The 4 plant rule is for FLOWERING plants. This is PLENTY for personal use. Colorado actually only allows 3 FLOWERING plants (+3 in veg), so this bill is actually more lenient than Colorado's.

If the monopoly thing is so bad I would think the ability to grow your own (4 plants is A LOT), would completely negate the need to go out and buy any.
This is a terrible idea. They even had the foresight to make it in perpetuity so if marijuana gets made legal federally these corporations will still be in control. The legal battle that will come to pull them down will be difficult. This is mere speculation but I bet they'll crush those who even sell it personally with worse laws than there are now. I wouldn't vote for this. What other agriculture product gets treated this way?
We already don't follow what they tell us to do - why is a law LEGALIZING going to make everyone Bitchmade all of a sudden. There will still be an Underground - Just the Penalties will be way less about sending people to Jail or Prison, and more about Paying Fines and taking peoples Money. I just don't like that people aren't even giving this a CHANCE. It's Happening NOVEMBER 3rd, 2015. Be a part of a Revolution or keep the World Stagnant. It's up to You / Us All.

I hear you, but it's just not fair. Having them control an entire industry and shut EVERYONE else out pisses me off beyond belief. I thought we were a free country. Do you have any idea how much money these fuckers are about to make off us? The rich investors get richer and everyone else is left in the dust.

Current penalties are a joke anyways right now. All this will do is provide safe available access to the casual user who most likely already has "safe" and available access. Less than 100 grams is a misdemeanor and punishable with a small fine - no jail time.

The growers and wholesalers are the ones who will hurt the most, and again have no protection still once this passes. They are already most likely hurting and are in the position they're in now because they didn't have a fair chance. Most of them are good dudes just trying to provide for their kids and families, and not getting rich by any means and just trying to get by. They got in trouble when they were younger 10+ years ago and society doesn't give them a fair second chance once a nonviolent convicted felon. They get by doing whatever they can. It's a huge spit in the face to these people and you can say "well you knew what you were getting into and it's your fault you fucked up," but I think they deserve better.

Different strokes for different folks I guess, and maybe I am being hard headed about it but Responsible Ohio can lick my nuts.
Just a quick correction on Ohio Law - YES You Can carry up to 100 Grams on your Person, and it's only a 4th Degree Misdemeanor Ticket, half the time, they don't even right and just make you throw your Buds away - The one thing you FORGOT to Mention about that law - IF YOU GET CAUGHT AND GET THAT PETTY 4th DEGREE MISDEMEANOR TICKET, Sure you may only have to pay $100.00 Fine or some shit - BUT YOU ALSO LOSE YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE FOR 6 MONTHS AUTOMATICALLY IF YOU CHARGED WITH ANY!! DRUG CHARGE, Even a petty, under 100 Grams Misdemeanor Ticket. Then you have Reinstatement Fees. You can't drive for 6 MONTHS, but still have to pay Insurance or your License Gets Suspended.................I feel what you're saying and where you're coming from - but I'm not backing Independent Growers just so THEY CAN HOLD A MONOPOLY. It's all Bullshit - I hate the fucking Weed Scene. People are so Egotistical and Judgmental, Acting like their better than other people just because they got dat' Killa Kush. Fuck all that noise. I'd rather go eat Acid in the woods by myself. The Pothead scene has gotten SO FUCKING LAME, SO MONEY HUNGRY..................Fuck that. Spread the love for free. Greedy Assholes.


Yes, I agree that it's not a COMPLETELY FAIR LAW - BUT NOT ONE STATE THAT HAS LEGALIZED BOTH RECREATIONAL AND MEDICINAL HAS ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISHED MAKING A COMPLETELY FAIR LAW. In order to get work done in Politics - YOU NEED TO GET THE LAW PASSED, AND THEN CHANGE IT FROM THE INSIDE. The fact that you're just willing to shrug things off and say "Eh, I can wait another 2-4 Years.....", I'm sorry but that shit is just ignorant - You can't foresee the future any more than I can. Why try and ACT like you can PREDICT the future?? This may be OHIO's ONLY CHANCE - They've been trying to pass Legalization Bills EVERY YEAR since 2012. Ohio is a VERY EQUAL REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT STATE, with it Gradually leaning more BLUE. I'm personally not willing to take the Chance on this being the ONLY CHANCE, and voting NO over some PETTY BULLSHIT.

This is what GENERATIONS HAVE WANTED since before the 60's, and now that People have the Opportunity to make a REAL CHANGE IN OUR SOCIETY - You're just going to say FUCK IT, I don't like how they worded it. How many People on this Board HONESTLY EVEN READ THE ACTUAL BILL BEFORE I POSTED THE LINK??? Not many I bet.......To Me, The ONLY People who will not benefit from this and who want to or are going to vote NO are people who are ALREADY RUNNING GROW OPS and they don't want to have to do things Legally, or have their Prices Come Down. That is PURELY SELFISH. Other than that - The "Corporations this and that bullshit " is just that, bullshit. I FUCKING HATE CORPORATIONS!!!!!! But some things come with a NECESSARY EVIL in order for things to get better. Corporations already RUN EVERYTHING IN OHIO ANYWAYS..............How different is it even going to be?

So in Total You can have a HALF POUND of your own Home Grown at your Residence at all times - PLUS an Ounce that you Purchased - PLUS 4 FLOWERING PLANTS which you could easily get anywhere from 2-5 Ounces or MORE off each plant. That's not enough free weed for you? Not having to build Traps in your car to Transport Shit safely, it's not worth not having to do that anymore. I just don't see how any TRUE SMOKER could vote against TRUE POLICY PROGRESSION. It just seems like you're being self centered and out of touch.

I'm not saying shit else. My position is already sealed. Vote how you want - That's what a Democrazy is.......................but if you don't vote for LEGALIZED MARIJUANA, I lose a lot of respect for you and don't think you have an argument in your dialogue that could possibly change my mind. I WANT MY FUCKING RIGHTS BACK OVER MY OWN BODY. FUCK!!
Yes, I agree that it's not a COMPLETELY FAIR LAW - BUT NOT ONE STATE THAT HAS LEGALIZED BOTH RECREATIONAL AND MEDICINAL HAS ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISHED MAKING A COMPLETELY FAIR LAW. In order to get work done in Politics - YOU NEED TO GET THE LAW PASSED, AND THEN CHANGE IT FROM THE INSIDE. The fact that you're just willing to shrug things off and say "Eh, I can wait another 2-4 Years.....", I'm sorry but that shit is just ignorant - You can't foresee the future any more than I can. Why try and ACT like you can PREDICT the future??

Don't take offense to this but I can absolutely predict the future better than you.
OK so the monolopy thing sounds sketch to me and I don't know any details about it or how bad it might be but I did read this:

"Allow each person, 21 years of age or older, to purchase, grow, possess, use, transport and share over one-half pound of marijuana or its equivalent in marijuana-infused products at a time (a total of 8 ounces of usable, homegrown marijuana for recreational use, plus 1 ounce of purchased marijuana for recreational use), plus 4 homegrown, flowering marijuana plants. Authorize the use of medical marijuana by any person, regardless of age, who has a certification for a debilitating medical condition."

The 4 plant rule is for FLOWERING plants. This is PLENTY for personal use. Colorado actually only allows 3 FLOWERING plants (+3 in veg), so this bill is actually more lenient than Colorado's.

If the monopoly thing is so bad I would think the ability to grow your own (4 plants is A LOT), would completely negate the need to go out and buy any.

I am not savvy to this legislation but I hope potential voters are paying attention to the post I have quoted. If growing is inconvenient for you, then perhaps the proposed legislation is against your interests, although I tend to think a less heavily policed black/grey market would end up meeting your needs. At the end of the day, if you can grow your own then you can undermine any commercialised effort to grow sub standard cannabis for mass profit. 3 flowering plants is plenty for anyone, you just have to educate yourself on how to manage your grows. You can pull a pound from 3 plants under a 600w light every 3 months or so easily. If you smoke more than 4 pounds a year, and don't grow yourself, the quality of this legal cannabis is likely to be less of an issue for you than the price.
I think it's the opposite and the people who are voting for it are people who don't grow, and the people who just casually use. Growing is an art and takes years to get good at. I know for a fact with the same equipment, nutrients, genetics, and all the information out on internet I'm not going to do it the same or better than the homie who's been doing it for over 20 years. Yeah maybe we can pull the same weight, but the quality? lol. Talk to Artificial Emotion or any of the growers on here who've been at it for over a decade and they'll tell you the same thing. Yeah your first few grows you may get some good frosty nugs but is it going to be the headiest of the headiest pot that blows everything else you've ever had over the past 15 years out the water or on the same level? Doubt it. It really is something that you have to practice and learn over time. Spending a couple hours everyday over a few months reading about learning to grow isn't going to make you good grower until you go out and try to apply it.

I know I probably sound like someone who's out to discourage people out of my own interests but it's really not the case and I'm not a grower or drug dealer. I also really do appreciate this discussion because it's something that will directly have an effect on my life and I'm in no way trying to start shit or just disagree to start shit and I love hearing everyones input even if we disagree

Who knows maybe in a few months when this shit does pass (which it probably will) I'll be happy with it but for now RO is complete bullshit to me and it feels like we're falling for the same monopoly bullshit we fell for a couple years back with the casinos. Fuck that.
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I have managed to grow fantastic weed with a lot less than ten years experience. I know plenty of other people who have accomplished similar results. Genetics has a lot to do with it, it might not be the best bud in the whole world, but neither is the majority of what you buy in dispensaries.

It sounds like you are just making assumptions and not basing this on experience. Just because you can't grow the 100% dankest weed on the planet, so what? If it pisses on just about everything else which is available to you then I think you are in pretty good standing. I have never been to Ohio but I would be shocked if the black market weed is better on average than you could grow yourself.
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