OH, Columbus - 08.14.04 - Suspended Animation

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i already knew it was your birthday biatch... dont ya remember pure drum n bass?

LOL. you crack me up.
Cool, August in Central Ohio. More good stuff to come to Central Ohio.

Vash, get in touch with me if you wanna put a good columbus dj on the line-up...not to say that I am the only one, there are plenty more like me. PLENTY!
Yea, no doubt, when ya goin release the lineup....the suspense is killin me. I loves me some hardcore.
you forgot to add that it was my birthday bash on the title....


you baad boy you.

i'll be there. if im still alive and kicking it by then.
NICE!!!!! ;) I still need to talk to you. I'll hit you up on AIM.
man that stampede is on bad mother -*shut your mouth*-i was just talkin bout vash.
breaks and other forms of music---are you refering to my j-lo--histericalness
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