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Opioids OG Octagonal Opana ER - MEGA THREAD - can't find YOUR thread? check here.

I have found that the best way to avoid gelling with the ER's is to snort small lines in 1-5 minute intervals. For instance, if I am dead set on snorting 40mg in one sitting, I will break that 40mg into 4 lines (assume we are talking about the 40mg ER's). Then I will sniff half of one of the lines in one nostril, and then the other half of that same line in the opposite nostril. Then I will repeat this every few minutes until said amount is consumed. I am always making sure the inside of my nose is as mucous-free as possible. This really aids in the getting the best absorption possible.

I just sniffed about 15mg and am groovin at work right now :)
I have found that the best way to avoid gelling with the ER's is to snort small lines in 1-5 minute intervals. For instance, if I am dead set on snorting 40mg in one sitting, I will break that 40mg into 4 lines (assume we are talking about the 40mg ER's). Then I will sniff half of one of the lines in one nostril, and then the other half of that same line in the opposite nostril. Then I will repeat this every few minutes until said amount is consumed. I am always making sure the inside of my nose is as mucous-free as possible. This really aids in the getting the best absorption possible.

I just sniffed about 15mg and am groovin at work right now :)

Im able to go an entire 40 and avoid the majority of gelling now. Soon all extended-release oxycodone is going to be anti-abuse versions as well, then it will be all about the instant release versions of both whoever has trouble with the extended versions.
After thinking about it I have no problem with oxycodone being cracked down on. Although it's a nice high, a media constantly pointing the finger at "oxycontin" is a media I could deal with. It is for me a convenient scapegoat. After all, this helps my beloved oxymorphone slip through the cracks, since the finger is already pointing at something else.
I agree arthunter, but beware, this will soon become everyones problem. We're at the beginning stages of this, just like OC was in the 90s. The docs were handing them out and advocating them very much so, just like with OP now. I can see it now "New high powered stronger than 'oxycotton' kills unsuspecting kids who look into grannies cupboards." Oh how I hope this is not the case!
^^Opiates will always be bitched about, Opana just isnt common enough right now to get noticed. There will always be less Opana on the street and less patients using it than oxycodone IMO and in that case it will never get as much attention. Anything could happen though and once generic opana comes out I think it will become some amount more popular. I think Opana will probably compete more with dilaudid. Fentanyl gets heat because of how dangerous the patch can be.
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If you want to get rid of the pill coating, just use a nail file. A pack of cardboard ones from the shop costs a few bucks and should be able to file the coating of a boatload of pills.

Basically, fine, cosmetic sandpaper.
WOW! This thread really surprises me with these posts about Opana being great and mighty. I've been prescribed Opana (oxymorphone) 20mg ER's for a few months now after my physician switched me from Oxycodone 30mg IRs.

The Opana (oxymorphone) really do suck, they have little or no euphoria at all. Especially to someone who's got tolerance! I do understand the pharmacokinetics of it since I majored in the field.

If you are looking for recreational use I do not recommend Opana (oxymorphone), stick with Oxycodone or OC.
"suckmydrugs", If you look up ^ and a page back, you will see there is much debate about this issue. I too agree with you, that the euphoria is not anywhere near that of OC and others. Please catch up on the posts on this page and a few pages back, and get up to speed! We need to use an inquiry/survey form here, that would be ideal.
Yea, I have gone back a couple pages and read the controversial debate about this drug. I still see no use for Opana! I will have to go back again and re-read!

***Ok so now I've got a question***

Earlier this morning (6 hours ago) I ingested 40mg of Opana ER orally [which I sort of chewed with my front teeth then swallowed]. After 5 hours of feeling nothing at all except a heating sensation in my face, I decided to grab one more 20mg Opana ER; took the green coating off, ground & crushed it up to a fine crystalline powder and insufflated it [not all at once, in 10mg/10 min increments]. I did feel a little bit of euphoria after approx 15 minutes. :\

I do feel that this does not compare to my usual euphoria I get from Oxycodone IR (Roxicodone)! However; it just seems like a much lower and smoother euphoria and not like the speedy effect I get from roxys.

So my question is: With my tolerance being around 120mg of Oxycodone IR (Roxicodone) how many MG of Opana ER would I need to sufficiently equal a comparable dose?

*I have checked conversion charts but none of them are specifically correct nor correlated. I know everyone is different but based on your opinions/personal experiences what do you think is right?
It is no surprise to me that most of the people saying opana has no recreational value are the people taking it ORALLY. Um, hello, 10% BA anyone? Or they are using 10 or 20mg pills, or both factors. (There is a technique with OM, it's not as user friendly as OC).

I challenge you to get a hold of a 40mg opana (not 20mg, too dilute) grind it to the finest powder possible, clear and dry out your nose, and find the right dose for your tolerance to snort using the proper snorting technique for Opana ERs on a full stomach.

Then, let's judge whether or not you are struggling to keep your eyes open with the careless indifference of a content smack-head. There are a select few who cannot metabolize oxymorphone effectively, but the majority dissing OM I say are simply doing it wrong.
He's not dismissing it, but I agree with him. I have 30s. I do get some euph, but not nearly as much as I would with OC if I had equivalent amounts. Once again, I reiterate that people may confuse it's potency with euphoria. There is some euphoria, and some sedation/analgesia at low doses which is great. Its a great well rounded pk. Nodding off is not pleasurable for some.

I agree, it will make you nod, it's super potent and strong. Of course, this is established...this has NOTHING TO DO WITH EUPHORIA!This just further validates my arguments
I of course disagree about the euphoria, some think opanas euphoria is superior to even heroin, but this debate can go on and on and is pretty stupid, just use whatever you like, who cares. Some people love fentanyl, some love dilaudid, some love oxycodone, some even prefer hydrocodone to oxycodone, and some like oxymorphone. Whos right and whos wrong and most of all, who cares? This has me wondering if I should go to the oxycodone thread to talk about how much better I feel Opana is to oxycodone, how it has more euphoria, more potency. How after using oxycodone for 10 months and then trying oxymorphone I felt no reason to ever use oxycodone again. Blah Blah Blah.

As for railing the ER's Oppyandme, I will go multiple lines as you one after the other, or the majority of the time I prep the pill into a single line 5 or 6 inch line and inhale pretty hard half the line up one and half the line up the other at one time. ER's are the one pill I inhale hard even to the point where I feel a little reaching the back towards my throat. I get the best buzz and least, if any, clog that way. Inhaling the ER's softly leads to more clog and less absorption IMO. That way blows me out, and yes, more euphoria then I feel using oxycodone. I lay down to listen to the radio feeling really good. There is sort of an art to using these. The ER's are the one pill I feel need to be cranked hard up the nose.
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^^Yeah, I guess it's correct that everyone has a different definition of euphoria. I just define it as mood elevation, not necessarily in a speedy way as a lot may require of "euphoria". I think opana has the same of more mood elevation than oxycodone, but it is more sedating. It also helps that opana has some very nice warm tingly energy waves running through my spine. I think this is apart of its euphoria.
^^Yeah, I guess it's correct that everyone has a different definition of euphoria. I just define it as mood elevation, not necessarily in a speedy way as a lot may require of "euphoria". I think opana has the same of more mood elevation than oxycodone, but it is more sedating. It also helps that opana has some very nice warm tingly energy waves running through my spine. I think this is apart of its euphoria.

I think that part of the euphoria too, like a body high or a shivering euphoria through your body, I love the feeling it gives me. Better than anything else Ive tried, given Ive never used heroin. The only problem is I think its super addicting, which is why I would never ever shoot oxymorphone.
I suppose it all does depend on the user's preference. IMO I like oxycodone better. Today WAS the first time I insufflated Opana ER and yes it did bring an acceptable amount of pleasurable euphoria. However; not my type. I've done a lot of painkillers, even H and I'd have to say OC & Dilaudid (hydrmorphone) tops it for me.

I'll give Opana ER a thumbs up; although I do prefer oxycodone instead IMHO.
In my experience, I still preferred oxy after the first few uses of OM. But it seemed after repeated use, something changed. I'm convinced OM must grow on people before it is preferred, including getting the right technique down. It seems after a certain point the weird unpredictable high turns into something consistently warm and pleasurable. Maybe something to do with one's metabolism/adaptation. I'd love to try dilaudid, just non-existent in my area. I like a high with legs, so I think all I would like is its come-up.
I suppose it all does depend on the user's preference. IMO I like oxycodone better. Today WAS the first time I insufflated Opana ER and yes it did bring an acceptable amount of pleasurable euphoria. However; not my type. I've done a lot of painkillers, even H and I'd have to say OC & Dilaudid (hydrmorphone) tops it for me.

I'll give Opana ER a thumbs up; although I do prefer oxycodone instead IMHO.

Just to point out the varying differences of opinions, Ive always been very disappointed with dilaudid except for the times I was on a drip or having it IV'ed in the hospital. Plugged and railed I thought it blew. Fentanyl, another one of the higher potency opiates I also was highly disappointed with except for the couple times I had it IV'ed in the hospital.
In my experience, I still preferred oxy after the first few uses of OM. But it seemed after repeated use, something changed. I'm convinced OM must grow on people before it is preferred, including getting the right technique down. It seems after a certain point the weird unpredictable high turns into something consistently warm and pleasurable. Maybe something to do with one's metabolism/adaptation. I'd love to try dilaudid, just non-existent in my area. I like a high with legs, so I think all I would like is its come-up.

The first time I tried oxymorphone I was sold, but I started with the IR version. I was using OC and/or Roxi's for almost a year before giving OM IR a try. I liked it enough that I made the switch to the anti-abuse ER version over easy to use OC. And as you point out, I struggled with the OMER's for a few months after starting with them. It really was something I had to master. I never got the euphoric feeling I got from oxymorphone outside of IV diluadid or maybe IV morphine much earlier. As their names suggest to me Oxymorphone is almost to oxycodone what morphine is to codeine, just superior, for pain as well. As far as what can be used at home though, I still think OC and roxi's are 2nd best., I prefer OC to dilaudid and especially morphine and fentanyl. When I see someone not wanting to use opana after a disappointing experience, I first think the anti-abuse pill does do its job, and second I really believe they are missing out, but I now just put it to personal preference. I always advise against getting accustomed to Opana unless you are sure you wont have to fall back to something else though, because it could be a struggle.
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***Ok so now I've got a question***

Earlier this morning (6 hours ago) I ingested 40mg of Opana ER orally [which I sort of chewed with my front teeth then swallowed]. After 5 hours of feeling nothing at all except a heating sensation in my face, I decided to grab one more 20mg Opana ER; took the green coating off, ground & crushed it up to a fine crystalline powder and insufflated it [not all at once, in 10mg/10 min increments]. I did feel a little bit of euphoria after approx 15 minutes. :\

I do feel that this does not compare to my usual euphoria I get from Oxycodone IR (Roxicodone)! However; it just seems like a much lower and smoother euphoria and not like the speedy effect I get from roxys.

So my question is: With my tolerance being around 120mg of Oxycodone IR (Roxicodone) how many MG of Opana ER would I need to sufficiently equal a comparable dose?

*I have checked conversion charts but none of them are specifically correct nor correlated. I know everyone is different but based on your opinions/personal experiences what do you think is right?

30-40mg's railed, dont ever take it oral, only 10% of it gets in your bloodstream that way. Shave the coating off with a knife, dont let it get wet, crush and grind it into powder. I never inhale lightly as I would with roxi's instead I would inhale 20mg's hard up one nostril and 20mg's hard up the other. I never inhale lightly as I normally would with roxi's. You may just react better to oxycodone for whatever reason.