⫸STICKY⫷ Office of Oppression (OoO) NSFW

Our first experiment with the ticket had a Class D personnel member enter onto a bus using the object. We stationed agents at each of the stops to observe his behavior without actually entering onto the vehicle (a precaution in case everyone who got on was in some way affected; the old reports were vague in this area). Many times he simply sat in place, or paced up and down the aisles. Increasingly he began to stare outside in horror, and the last few times we could not locate him. At the final point before the bus was to be parked for the night, we saw him pounding on the window with a pleading expression, screaming towards the agents for help as it pulled away, a strange mist filling much of the background behind him.

As we could not draw many conclusions from this event, we decided to track down some of the passengers and interrogate them, to hopefully shed some light on what happened. Many were hesitant to talk or claimed that they did not notice anything, saying they were preoccupied by something or distracted by illness, aches, or feelings of foreboding. We finally found some useful information from three boys (one 15-year-old (Caucasian) and two 16-year-olds (Hispanic)) who were riding the bus near the front for part of the trip. We were told that our test subject had tried to leave several times, but his pulling on the stop bell was always ignored, and the doors seemed to close right before he could get out. He would run and just not make it, or walk from a distance and get manipulated into the back of the line. Finally he sat right at the head of the bus so he could be close enough to get out in time, but every chance he got, there were too many people swarming on or off for him to leave.

Something about this event seemed to bother the boys, but one of them was particularly irritated, but could not explain the source. Under hypnosis, he described what to him was a moment of pure dread, that he had seen a few people in the crowd of passengers actually push the man back on, subtly hold him back, or trip him, all while staring ahead innocently, like they didn't even notice that they were doing it. Finally, after shouting at the driver that he wanted to get off for a good ten minutes (which the driver ignored, aside from requesting that the subject sit still and be quiet), the man went back to his seat, apparently giving up in despair. Two of the boys said that the man actually shrieked and stumbled back to his seat in fright when the driver turned around at him. The other didn't realize that the two were in conflict, which is contrary to his usual habit of avidly looking for and watching fights on the particularly rough inner-city buses.

After going back to his seat, the boys said they promptly forgot about the subject, most likely because he was not struggling anymore. The next time they saw him he was three seats back, then five, then seven, but at no point could they recall seeing him stand up from his seat to move further back. This was all they could tell us, and it seemed to cost them plenty to even reveal this.

On a side note: at the end of our session, the youngest teen screamed, "It was like it swallowed him in the end!" and promptly had to be hospitalized for extreme psychosis.

love dat site comrade

Brace yourself, cos this goes deep
I'll show you the secrets, the sky and the birds
Actions speak louder than words
Stand by me my apprentice
Be brave, clench fists.
If that's what the office of oppression does to its senior member then count me in. I've always wanted to have a finglonger or 10.

If that's what the office of oppression does to its senior member then count me in. I've always wanted to have a finglonger or 10.


Your bourgeoisie desire will go unheard, for the needs of the proletariat outweigh us all


Comrades, I have unsettling news.

This man is a TRAITOR:


Raul Castro has signed documents stating he will allow the imports of DVDs, computers and other such things that do not progress the cause one bit, instead it promotes bourgeois thoughts among the workers.

He must be stopped at all costs.
Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will once rise again.

No crime will go unpunished, and no good deed will go unrewarded. Any, and all forms of dissent and disobedience is to be reported immediately.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

The Office of Oppression offers you heaven against the threat of hell.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.
Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will once rise again.

No crime will go unpunished, and no good deed will go unrewarded. Any, and all forms of dissent and disobedience is to be reported immediately.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

The Office of Oppression offers you heaven against the threat of hell.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.

Faith is virtue, and virtue is power. A great nation will rise once again.
cannot tell if patriot or infidel.

Brace yourself, cos this goes deep
I'll show you the secrets, the sky and the birds
Actions speak louder than words
Stand by me my apprentice
Be brave, clench fists.

The horse dies. :( I cried. Poor Atrayu.

And WAAO got banned. This makes me a sad Panda.