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Mods where are you?????????
Curiosity killed the duck
Hello... heeellllooooo ... is anybody out there?..... i cant hear you.. hellllooooooo....
my left nut is sweet
and the right is sour
sweet and sour

rollin' and strollin', its kinda like bowlin'. my head's kinda big and it feels kinda swollin'!!
Paro os a Goat.
Paro as 40 Goats.
Paro as 40 Goats on a hilltop and the herder.
Paro as 40 Herders with 40 Goats on 40 Hilltops.
All I heard was:
Paro as 400 goats on a hilltop in NZ with 40 herders. (thats pretty paro).
And thats the Bottom Line.
She Sells Sea Shells By the Sea Shore
We're packing our suitcase for a place, none of us has been
A place that has to be believed to be seen.
the pinky and the brain, the pinky and the brain, one is a genius, the other's insane...
meep meep pika pika meep meep mew!
I swear I'm not a violent person, but you people are driving me insane, and I could do something drastic!!!
Gonegoose: The omelette came first!
Ghost: Be quiet and eat this sparkling carrot!
CC: ...then someone pushed her into the surf and she drowned!
Tantras: with 50 wild strap-ons?
narks: anyone for stir-fry?
redmojo: No! No one is here! *slams a door in his face*
MS: ...and don't come back!
pekkie: The mods are all dead. I ate them.
DD: If the dog was deaf then I don't think he knows, nor cares, what the blind man said!
entropope: Nice poem! Sure you didn't write it in primary school? Or kindagarten?
And the rest of you: Die. Slowly.
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with tomato sauce.
[This message has been edited by Tarsarlan (edited 18 October 2000).]
meep meep!!!

pika pika pika!


*nibbles on TNT carrot*
*sees hungry little munkE and gives it to him*
Not long ago I was doing what so many
of you are doing now.
Yes, not only me but many others.
(Yes! its been done before.)
I used to think that posting lots of
pointless crap was the way to go.
I got sick of it.
Everyone gets sick of it.
You're all going through a stage.
And you will get sick of it too.
Huh? Whats that?
You're gonna prove me wrong?
Go ahead then.. try me.
You know I'm right.
(Point to post : CareFactor/0)
It's been a 21 year "stage" for me Mikey!

My mum's recipe for ice:-
1) Pre-set freezer to below zero.
2) Take a standard size ice cubical tray from the tupperware cuboard in your kitchen.
3) Place in it about a litre of ordinary tap water. You can vary this amount depending on the water strength desired.
3) Once all cubicle's in the ice tray are filled equally, carefully place tray in cooling device set below 0 degrees celcius!
4) Patiently allow water to cool to the extent where it changes medium from liquid to solid.
5) Upon freezing, remove ice from freezer and tray and allow to stand for one minute before serving so as to get the delicious shiny watery effect.
Best served cold.
Serve's four ppl.
Try it, impress your friends!
How can you soar like an Eagle when you're working with turkey's?
Tars: 50 Innocent Strap-ons
And thats the Bottom Line.
Mexican rats are dancing in grass skirts with the president of Indonesia and singing "God save the queen" as an ode to Fat Tuesdays in Germany with their mouths full of ginger bread men made by seven year old ravers and contemplating the purchase of a fake calvin klien tennis racquet made by child labourers in the south of France while the australian people strip naked to the polish national anthem inspired by a hairy cat soaked in ketchup and wearing fish net stockings who dances like mary poppins and prefers to use strap ons as her cutlery while eating wildflowers from japan that are grown by beetles that are drunk on red bull and beef flavoured marshmallows!
FUCK? ami?
Thats what I'm after!
I honestly believe I'm dumber for having read that, good work
I have my hsc right now, but i'm not really studying. Since you enjoyed that i'll give you more.... muahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa
Crusty old men raving naked to "bigger than Tina" by the Fauves while taking a dump and conversing to the Arch-Bishop who's got a piece of cheese in his teeth that's in the shape of Tasmania that was made by cows that dance amongst pink feathered chickens who get catapulted out to the ocean as a hobby by a farmer sitting on a fat sheep which resembles god's mouldy creation while his wife makes mash brownies mixed with spinich for extra fiber dances around her rotten banana peel collecting to the tune of "the vengabus is cumming" wearing her brady bunch tee shirt with a big green stain on marcia's head and in the meantime the bacon on the bench starts to look like frank sinatra on a hot summer's day but only when it is fried with oil and sun dried mouse pads...
now everyone, please check out this link below: http://www.joedean.com/abc.htm
AAAAAddddddvvvvvvaaaaannnnncccceeeee AAAAAAuuuussssssstttttrrrrraaaaallllliiiiiaaa ffffffffaaaaaaiiiiiiirrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!!
c'mon be an Aussie: spin crap
talk shit
have a yarn
Everyone act like your a Kangaroo short in the top paddock!!
Have you ever noticed that when you got out, and you in, they are never red. Blue might be green, but the car kept on going, BOY WUZ I SUPRISED!
All I heard was: Anyway, So, Therefore, Thus, And so on, where all at a party, Thus turned to And so on and said "Therefore! get me a drink". Therefore turned to Thus and said "Anyway!". Anyway, Anyway turned to Therefore and said "No! Thus you can do it" Therefore turned to Thus and said "I spose not then!" and Thus turned to Therefore and said "No, I spose not isnt here!" Therefore turned to thus and so on and said "So then, I spose Therefore is no not here, Thus anyway can do it"..... Therefore looked confused and turned to thus and said "Enough!"
And no Im not on acid. Hee Hee
And thats the Bottom Line.
Kangaroo ??? never seen anything bounce as high as that ballon after it came crashing down from the pedestal it sat upon next to the dried flowers amoungst the clippings from the newspaper from dads war days, hell , I didnt even think people chewed tabacco anymore let alone snuff !