• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

ODs happen in a non familiar place?

Juniper Bruhmomentius

Bluelight Crew
May 10, 2019
Ive come across this statement "75% of OD’s have non-lethal amounts in their blood. But 80-90% of them where not in a familiar setting when they OD".
Conditioned compensatory reactions seems to be the reason for this.
In theory, if you go get high to new place you would get higher than usual. Wondering if the high stays better even when you return to your home.
Anyone wanna try this theory? Gonna try this next week, but interested if someone wants to try before that.
Almost all overdose deaths occur without lethal amounts of any one substance in the blood, as 90%+ occur after polydrug use. Any idea where the quoted statement comes from?
Its from Opiates subreddit.. I ll look into the studies that were done, since people claimed this was legit.
Not surprised I just fell into a fucking DARE progapanda haha. Tho I ll still be testing this tomorrow. You know the possibilities and all.
I doubt it's propaganda, it circulates in psychology in general. In my college days at least.

Environmental cue conditioning goes deeper than you'd expect.
I looked into this a few years back. Seemed pretty legit, but I wondered about the circumstances that lead to non familiar location usage. Like had they been striate for awhile and were relapsing?
I looked into this a few years back. Seemed pretty legit, but I wondered about the circumstances that lead to non familiar location usage. Like had they been striate for awhile and were relapsing?
That would explain the deaths. Ive been also noticing that I need more drugs at my home than at friends places. So maybe Im more in the mood at my mates places and thats how I have conditioned myself.