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Harm Reduction OD Social v11 ~ Pour your 40 on the ground for the homies that aint around

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what's going laccy?

abundance of morphine and valium has been consumed my way all yesterday, last night and now at 5am saturday morning with a little bit o' weed here n there. i'm near ready to crash out.

whatchu been up to, pal?
Smoke a little weed what? I know you got pounds you smoking on hahaha.:)
How is the weatiher down under today? Good I hope! It was sunny but fucking cold with strong winds
Want to get on aim in an hour?

Today was very busy and stressful, had to meet with school about pot charges, then looked at apartments and applied for Jobs. That wasn't too stressful, but then I went to see my doctor for a monfhly suboxone script., and that went well got my vyvanse upgraded to from 20mg to 30mg, shea said I could switch to dexedrine ir (which is what I want) next monrth if the vyvanse still didn't feel right. Don't get me wrong I love vyvanse,2@ just love d-amp IR. in addition, I got my Temazepam Increase from 15 to 30mg capsules now which is very Gucci. I need like 60mgs to feel good as fuck. Today I Took 40mg vyvanse, 1,5mg suboxone, 75mg temazepam , 700mg lyrica , smoked hella strong weed, around like 13 cigs (my lungs feel like shit; I love to smoke on amps. ) , and I'm goin to take 50mg hydrozyzine soon :)

What was stressful was my mom threatened to not pay for my meds, which is fucked up becuae I would get sick because I don't have any income at the moment. Really she was just taunting me because she knows how to pus my buttons, what a cunt. But I love her . She is cool, but has gotten really really gay about drugs and shit. Hbut it'd all good she pay for the temazepam which is cheap as fuck, and she is buying the lyrica and vyvanse

So I had three bags left this morning, which I did all at once. Overdosed. Ambulance. HOspital. Police. Unbelieve able.

wow. iam sooo glad to hear that you are alive and ok!! i was seriously worried for a sec because usually when ambulance is called, the police come....wait the police came!?!?!? wow, those are some cool fucking cops for not charging you. if they charged you, would that be a violation of parole, like sent to prison for remainder of parole?

please man, take this as a learning lession. if you keep fucking around you will die within the next 7 years. is there any at all that you care about such as girlfriend/boyfriend, a child (daughter or son), family members you are really close to, close friends, even a pet? try to think how devastated they would be if you endeed up dieing from overdose? fuk even hobbies work man, think about the focus on the good times, not the bad! you can define the character of a person by not what they have done, but rather by they overcome!!

i know you feel like your life turned to shit, but i am concerned about your mental health. did you get your manic bipolar meds, do you have any thought of suicide? i know this is really personal and i dont mean to call you out at all, we care for you man, i care. please, pm me if you need to talk or have disturbing thoughts, you need to get that out, and it is hard to trust people, i knnoww. but i totally understad where you are coming from, and i dont mean that is metaphoric way, i mean it in a literal way. i have been there man, you know! while i havent experienced as extreme shit as you, i have experienced very similar simulations. idk what the fuck i am saying, i am rambling and concerened, and i am here man!!

lmfao token...

I can kinda relate sl...last time I got a clonazepam Rx (2mg q12h), I took 44mg over the course of 16 hours...sold quite a few...and ended up in an institution (that wasn't all I took)...

BTW...I know no one gives a shit, but...so glad to be getting back into school...

taking Bio for Sci Maj I (4h), Govt of the US (3h), Comp and Reading (3h), and Concepts of Personal Fitness (a non-physical PE; 2h)...wanted to take physics, precalculus, and biology (would have been a full 12 hours since they're 4 hour classes), but the precal and physics I wasn't being offered this semester...the only two I worry about is the english and govt. class...they should be to terribly hard, but I lack motivation in those classes...the PE should be easy as hell though boring as fuck...

damn man, you have to stop abusing benzos like that! i mean abuse benzos, no lie, but taking 44mg klonopin is extreme, and taking that much isnt exactly addiction, it is running away with drugs, you are using drugs as a crutch to run away form situations. defining addiction is extremely difficult, because people are different: they use different drugs, dosages, ROAs, genetics, metabolisms, ect...

i hope everything is ging well doug!!

may i ask how old you are?? and what college do you go to? i got to UGA. you said you are science major, wht type of science

definition of addiction: doing the same thing over and over knowing how fucked up the result will be...




great quote token!! this definition is sooo fucking true!! idk, what's so wrong with being insane though, it has it;s benefits %)
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I don't take benzos like that anymore...I do still take large doses...the reason I took so much clonazepam that time was I realized just how ineffective that one was for me...that was back in august...at most, usually, I take 8-10mg of alprazolam in a dose to "feel" it...4mg is a solely therapeutic dose...no sedation or perceived cognitive changes; just lowered state of anxiety...

and yes, I'm good laC, thanks for the concern...

also, I just turned 21 in november...I go to kilgore college; currently majoring in chemical engineering...once I get my A.S./B.S. I'll probably major in medicinal chemistry in grad school for my M.S....might go for a Ph.D....
token!!! how have you been! how is everyone, i havent read any of the posts.
token!!! how have you been! how is everyone, i havent read any of the posts.

sup tricomb?

I don't take benzos like that anymore...I do still take large doses...the reason I took so much clonazepam that time was I realized just how ineffective that one was for me...that was back in august...at most, usually, I take 8-10mg of alprazolam in a dose to "feel" it...4mg is a solely therapeutic dose...no sedation or perceived cognitive changes; just lowered state of anxiety...

and yes, I'm good laC, thanks for the concern...

also, I just turned 21 in november...I go to kilgore college; currently majoring in chemical engineering...once I get my A.S./B.S. I'll probably major in medicinal chemistry in grad school for my M.S....might go for a Ph.D....

ohh nice, i did not know that about you!!! benzos aren't really something to be fucking around with, but i think you know that ;) how have you been ytoday, any good druugs?
good afternoon/evening, folks!

i had a wonderful sleep ALL DAY, waking up at around 6pm this evening, an hour and a half ago. popped 10mg valium before rolling out of bed and prepped 100mg morphine before doing anything else. feels good man.

then had a shower and headed into the corner store to pick up a fresh pouch of tobacco (no fuck up this time, had to pay for it haha :(). now just brewed myself one strong motherfuker of a coffee and smoking a cigarette watching the tail end of that Steve Carrell movie, Evan Almight. it's good for a bit of a laff:)

not sure what i'm going to do for dinner. i do know i have some rump steak i could slice up and whip up a quick and tasteful stir-fry. i think i'll do that! i am damn hungry after all.

how's everyone's day been? anything out of the ordinary happen that i should know about?
man, i just made an awesome stir-fry beef for dinner. prep included slicing and dicing cauliflower, brocolli, carrot, mushroom, onion, gralic and beans. marinated the beef with sweet soy sauce and a garlic and red wine sauce. prep only took 15-20mins and cooked within 10 mins and it turned out fucking beautiful. a nice and healthy dinner indeed!

so now i'm eating dinner, sipping on a Canadian Club and watching this american show called "Full Throttle Saloon" for the lulz. the best part of the show is the dancing girls and brawls that breakout throughout the evenings there. there's even a few nice harley's to look at. it's held at a place called Sturgis which is in North Carolina, i think.

so i'm nice and high, made a beautiful dinner and am drinking some fine alcohol. what a lovely easy going night i have ahead:)
Just touched down on 2 weeks opiate free. Feel great, still taking benzos but one addiction at a time hey?
Merry Christmas fellow bluelighters, this is my first Christmas clean in 6 years. And I'm going to make the most of every minute of it.
Much love guys, look after yourselves x
Lefty: I finally tried some cider like you suggested a few months back. It's decent, but I think I will stick to beer/liquor for the winter.

This is my first Christmas clean in five years and the only reason I was sober 5 years ago was because I was in rehab. Congrats man.
token!!! how have you been! how is everyone, i havent read any of the posts.
hi tc<3
i'm surviving.
Just touched down on 2 weeks opiate free. Feel great, still taking benzos but one addiction at a time hey?
Merry Christmas fellow bluelighters, this is my first Christmas clean in 6 years. And I'm going to make the most of every minute of it.
Much love guys, look after yourselves x

well done dc. have a good holiday. :)
Lefty: I finally tried some cider like you suggested a few months back. It's decent, but I think I will stick to beer/liquor for the winter.

This is my first Christmas clean in five years and the only reason I was sober 5 years ago was because I was in rehab. Congrats man.

ah nice one, brother! which ones in particular did you have? different kinds bring different results. did you stick to the more traditional type which is apple and pretty dry or mix it up and go fruity?

it's spirits time for me hence the bottle og Honey JD and Canadian Club. though, i just had a shot of morphine then so am sucking back a coffee and have a cigarette hangin' from ma mouth.

Sturgis is in South Dakota. Silly Austrailians.

meh, whatever, i got the country right at least - you guys have to many states to name let alone guess and recall :p my father was telling me his brother (my uncle) went there about 20 years back. it's obviously been around for a while.

have you been there before BDP? or just familiar with the place?

Just touched down on 2 weeks opiate free. Feel great, still taking benzos but one addiction at a time hey?
Merry Christmas fellow bluelighters, this is my first Christmas clean in 6 years. And I'm going to make the most of every minute of it.
Much love guys, look after yourselves x

congratulations, man! that's an awesome effort, keep up the great and hard work!

i agree with tackling one addiction at a time as you're doing. you don't want to fluster and overload yourself, possibly setting you up for relapse if things blow out of the water.

much love to you and i'm sending you all good vibes to continue with the terrific hard work you're accomplishing ! proud as punch for you, brother:)
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What's up OD'ers.. (ironic since I was just at a wake last night :\)

So yeah, went to that guys wake last night.. a lot more people showed up than I thought would so that's good. Needless to say I went home afterwards and drank myself stupid.. probably not the best idea but, it was better than getting a bundle.

Feel better this morning.. got some closure.. made me realize that I don't have to end up in a box like him If I don't want to.

Christmas is almost here.. I'm clean for it.. amazing.. I've heard some other BL'ers say the same thing and that's pretty bad ass. Right now I'm just working on some new songs and artwork, drinking coffee and waiting for my chic to get out of work so we can fuck. ;)
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Fuck heroin, at least fuck BTH. My days of high quality BTH hookups have long since died and gone.

I can understand the idea of ECP but no longer can justify anyone using black tar heroin.

Even when pushed through a micron filter, the "filtered" product is still totally unfit for IV administration.
mmm I made the dankest sandwich today

a poppyseed bagel sliced, with some swiss and colby jack cheese on the bagel to be broiled until its nice and melted. Add 6 slices of bacon with a slice of onions, a slice of tomato, a single slice of a pickle, a little bit of lettuce, some mustard, then some buffalo style deli chicken meat and some smoked jalapeno deli chicken meat. Yummm, heaven on earth. Just wish I had some salami and pastrami instead for the deli meats
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