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Harm Reduction OD Social 2.1 v. "I just dropped my Gucci loafers off to get fixed" - Muv

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iono bout today, but tomorrow you're all only going to have one thing on your minds: Damn!!! Those are some bad ass shoes!

=D ;)
what kind of shoes are you getting?

I'm getting back in the car more runs 2 the city, I'll see you guys later.
you'll all just have to wait an see =D

when I was having them fitted last week, I was like, "So can you find me some blue laces for these?" I think the guy threw up a little in his mouth at this question, and answered with a resounding NO. So I guess I'll have to find them on my own ;)
Haha. Condoms.


Wus gut? Can't wait to get to work simply because I hate BL on my phone.
New shoes? I fuckin love shoes.
Its the first thing womeen look at. I gaurantee nice shoes have gotten me laid more times than good game

I just dropped my Gucci loafers off to get fixed.
You guys all probably think I'm a d bag. Eating caviar, wearing gucci, driving my bmw. Nahm just kiddin, I don't have a bmw. I have an audi. Haha.
^ They had an episode on South Park about how shoes determine what type of guy you are.
They were teaching all the girls in home-ec to look at a guys shoes so you can see if he's worth dating/ how much mone he makes. I think they made a chart, or something like that.
Oh, and the perfect number of credit cards for a man to have is..... two.
Hahaha. Dude, seriously. I wear my skate shoes when I want a nice night alone at the bar.
I wear my suede and rainbow-stitch boots when I want company. It is like clockwork.

I live like an hour from south park, co which makes the show about twice as funny. I also have those dudes autograph from when it had only been on air a couple years.

I have two credit cards... that don't work. Lol.
I bet that lexus is nice. I was just kidding, I drive a subaru rally car that is seriously short on luxuries.

I kinda want to buy an old mercedes diesel or Golf TDI and turn it into a veggie oil car.
naw what you need is an old rabbit

and my favorite car is buell xb 12 s =D

good to know about nice shoes and the girls... i only really have one in particular I'm interested in impressing, and I think these kicks will just about tie the knot
I bet that lexus is nice. I was just kidding, I drive a subaru rally car that is seriously short on luxuries.

I kinda want to buy an old mercedes diesel or Golf TDI and turn it into a veggie oil car.

Shut up me too. I dream of diesel! LOL. I have a endless supply of the best B100 biodiesel.
diesel rabbit pickup w/ extra leaf springs. Carry 1000 pounds and get 50+ mpg. Best vehicle ever. (If you don't mind slow, uncomfortable, and smelly)

@tricomb. GOod to see another jeep head. I had two cj-5's (both 74). I put so much money into my last one. Both long gone tho. I had a 73 commando, but never got on the road.
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