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Obama betrays the left; cheers continued expansion of the drug war....


Oct 22, 2009
If you happen to need even more evidence that President Obama has gutted his campaign promises and betrayed not only the left but also African Americans who enthusiastically supported his election, he has just gone public with his support for the continued war on drugs. Keeping marijuana criminalized, it seems -- and keeping more African Americans in prison -- is a top priority for the Obama administration.

This means Obama supports the midnight DEA raids on our citizenry; the filling of prisons with small-time pot smokers; the disproportionately punitive sentences handed down to black men and women across America who aren't really criminals at all... they merely suffer from a chemical addiction that would more rightly be considered a medical issue.

Nearly every country in Latin America has now openly and publicize recognized that the so-called "war on drugs" is a complete and total failure. But Obama thinks it's just great! Fill the prisons! Prosecute more blacks! Buy more guns and night vision gear for the DEA! That's what Obama's America stands for, it seems.

"I personally and my administration's position is that legalization is not the answer," Obama said just hours before the meeting of Latin American leaders at the Convention Centre in Cartagena, Colombia, for the Americas Summit (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-17716926). Meanwhile, Obama's top Secret Service agents and military commanders were banging Colombian whores in the background, then refusing to pay them their $47 prostitution fee. (http://www.naturalnews.com/035580_Secret_Service_Colombia_prostitutes...) Obama had "no comment" on that particular issue.

Let's get real about all this. Marijuana prohibition simply doesn't work. At least not for reducing crime and drug addiction. Anyone who thinks prohibition works is completely delusional. But it does work for certain special interests. What are those special interests, anyway?

Who BENEFITS from the continued criminalization of marijuana?
If you really want to know why prohibition remains in place with marijuana, it's simple to find out why. Just ask yourself "Who benefits?"

• The DEA. Without a drug "problem," the DEA won't get hundreds of millions of dollars worth of increases in operating budgets from the federal purse strings. If drugs were decriminalized, the DEA would have to be sharply downsized (which would be a great thing for liberty and safety but a terrible thing for the DEA honchos).

• Private prisons. Thanks to illegal agreements between prison operators and state governments, prisons can put prisoners to work at slave labor wages -- just a few cents an hour -- manufacturing goods that the corporate prison owners sell for pure profit. If you thought the Nike sweatshops in Asia were bad, go visit a prison in the USA some time and watch the slave labor taking place right here at home.

• Local police. The "drug war" is the excuse that local police departments use to receive more grant money for weapons, assault gear and now even armored assault vehicles to be used against the citizens. Without the drug war excuse, all this grant money disappears and these cops have to go back to actually serving the community instead of bashing in doors like a bunch of cocaine cowboys.

• The government drug runners! It's now a well-known fact that the ATF, DEA and other government agencies are all heavily involved in running drugs across America. Just Google any of these terms if you want to check it out for yourself. The ATF is even engaged in money laundering through the globalist banks. This is why government crackdowns on drugs are highly selectively -- drug raids are really just a way to eliminate the competition so that the biggest drug dealer of all -- the government itself -- can continue to rake in the maximum profits. Legalizing drugs would obviously cause street prices to collapse, sucking all the profits out of the government-run drug business.

• Local District Attorneys and prosecutors. Without the drug war to give them a juicy field of easy targets to prosecute, their careers would take a huge hit. It's so much harder to arrest real criminals than to go after pot smokers and raw milk farmers, isn't it? Gee, imagine the difficulty of actually fighting REAL crime for a change?

• Big Government. The entire government benefits from the continued criminalization of drugs. For starters, it establishes the outrageous precedent that government can outlaw a native plant -- even a plant that has grown wild across North America for hundreds of years. This alone is an outrageous encroachment on fundamental human freedom. Beyond that, the government can always point to "drug violence" as another excuse to squash our freedoms and put in place a tyrannical police state. It's all "for your own good," of course. Isn't it always?

• Big Pharma and the hospital industry. Because recreational drugs are illegal, they're often cut with dangerous chemicals that cause liver damage and kidney damage. This results in yet more repeat business for hospitals and the drug industry. If street drugs were legalized, they would be standardized and regulated, and adulteration of those products would be extremely rare. They would be safer to use, in other words, which is exactly what the pharmaceutical industry is dead set against. They only make money when people are damaged or sick from using street drugs concocted in somebody's trailer.

Who LOSES from the drug war? You!
So we've covered the beneficiaries of the drug war, but who loses from it? You do, of course: Your liberties, freedoms, tax dollars and personal safety are all threatened by the existence of the war on drugs. Decriminalizing and regulating these drugs would have an enormously positive impact on you and your life.

If drugs were decriminalized, here's what would happen:

• Drug gangs would vanish as their source of revenues (illegal drugs at black market prices) dry up.

• Drug-related crime would sharply fall.

• State revenues would skyrocket from the regulated sale of legalized marijuana.

• The corrupt prison industry would collapse to perhaps only 25% of its current size.

• Your personal safety and security would be greatly enhanced due to the lack of drug violence, shootings, home invasions and more.

• Mexican drug gangs would lose their power base, resulting in a sharp drop in crime along the border.

• Former "criminal" pot smokers would once again become taxpaying members of the workforce, contributing to the financial upkeep of society rather than draining it as prisoners.

• The happiness index across society would sharply rise.

Even the Red Cross says decriminalize marijuana
It's all pure economics, my friends. Cause and effect. Legalize recreational drugs and you end the violence, the crime, the prison system overload and the entire underground market for the stuff.

It's all so obvious that even the Red Cross has called for decriminalization (http://copssaylegalize.blogspot.com/2012/03/red-cross-calls-for-drug....).

At the same time, countless members of the FBI, DEA and active-duty police organizations are also openly calling for decriminalization (http://www.leap.cc/).

The rational argument for ending prohibition is further detailed at www.Norml.org

There are no rational reasons for keeping marijuana criminalized. There are only political reasons for doing so. That's why Obama continues to support the irrational war on drugs -- because it's a political issue.

Obama, the betrayer of the political left
Obama, of course, is a teleprompter-reading puppet of the global elite. He does what they tell him to do, and right now they're telling him to keep pushing Drug War propaganda because it's a highly effective way to expand the police state and keep people living in fear while denying them access to plant-based medicine.

Learn more: To bad Obama Is a corporate whore who listens more to lobbyists for Big Pharma than the public or what is best for the people & country
Despite all the press, the current President is not really in a position to really change the war on drugs. Obama started off with a loose policy on DEA enforcement of marijuana laws. He instructed the DEA to not come down on States who had decriminalized marijuana or had medical dispensaries. Then two years later he suddenly, and sharply, reversed this policy. I have two theories on this. One is that someone got to him, and forced him to change his mind; the other is that he always intended to reverse the rule, but starting off with a friendly policy meant that the dispensaries and "aids" of drug use would become more visible for clamping down on later. There have been thousands of DEA raids on medical dispensaries since Obama reversed the rule. Total bullshit.

Ultimately though, Congress is composed of aristocrats and industry owners, and it's the aristocratic bourgeoise who are maintaining the drug policy in the U.S. It doesn't matter how much logic you throw at them or how many people in the public get on board, they are not going to vote for broad decriminalization or legalization of drugs. There is simply too much money in the law enforcement industry, and prisons, and law enforcement jobs, for that to happen. Look at the crony capitalist system we live in, and ask yourself who benefits. The DEA benefits a few rich fat cats. My personal conspiracy theory is that the bourgeoise are profiting from both the underground crime as well as the law enforcement. It's not hard to find where top notch heroin and cocaine come from in the world. It would be a simple matter to track down those sources and eliminate them. But again, money talks.

Obama has no real power to change the situation. The President is temporary. The apparatus that he plugs into is permanent.
Great article, though they really didn't hit the nail on the head about the involvement of Big Pharma in the drug war.
People get high / treat illness with prescription medicine instead of naturally-growing plants, extracts, or chemicals that are not patented or patentable.
Simple as that.
I really don't think it's fair to judge Obama too harshly until next year. Nobody really thinks he approves of the drug war on a personal level, but if he tried to take a stand now he'd be hung out to dry by the media and lose to Romney by a landslide, and that will just set the US back another 4 - 8 years in terms of social progress. If he doesn't at least make a token effort in his second term, then yeah, that's kinda fucked up.
but if he tried to take a stand now he'd be hung out to dry by the media and lose to Romney by a landslide

I'm not sure about this. I think drug activism would galvanize many unmotivated young voters; and if he keeps the message moderate (limits it to down-scheduling marijuana), I don't think the media would have a credible argument against that.
I'm not sure about this. I think drug activism would galvanize many unmotivated young voters; and if he keeps the message moderate (limits it to down-scheduling marijuana), I don't think the media would have a credible argument against that.

Unmotivated youth are never going to outnumber morally outraged geriatrics. Just a fact of life.
good read and i agree with all of this.. you were also right on in why they want to continue this stupied prohibtion
I really don't think it's fair to judge Obama too harshly until next year. Nobody really thinks he approves of the drug war on a personal level, but if he tried to take a stand now he'd be hung out to dry by the media and lose to Romney by a landslide, and that will just set the US back another 4 - 8 years in terms of social progress. If he doesn't at least make a token effort in his second term, then yeah, that's kinda fucked up.

Obama may have some morals, but he has betrayed them all, as far as I can tell, for political purpose.
Making an ex-vice-prez of Monsanto the head of the FDA?
Opening up vast swaths of land for oil exploration, more even than Bush?
Continuing to arrest MEDICAL weed users and suppliers?

I don't know how long you want to refrain from judging Obama, but I can say that I would be inverested in developing a romantic relationship with you. <3
(If I weren't already married.)
Being with someone who is so slow to judgment would be very, very easy, I think.

As for politics, however, Obama had his chance to make some real change, but instead chose to continue the republicrat treatment of poor- and middle-class humans as shit, supporting only the rich. If you can't judge him by now, I would say that you are just hiding your eyes from the reality of a plastic man with an empty heart leading the world's superpower.
Obama may have some morals, but he has betrayed them all, as far as I can tell, for political purpose.
Making an ex-vice-prez of Monsanto the head of the FDA?
Opening up vast swaths of land for oil exploration, more even than Bush?
Continuing to arrest MEDICAL weed users and suppliers?

I don't know how long you want to refrain from judging Obama, but I can say that I would be inverested in developing a romantic relationship with you. <3
(If I weren't already married.)
Being with someone who is so slow to judgment would be very, very easy, I think.

As for politics, however, Obama had his chance to make some real change, but instead chose to continue the republicrat treatment of poor- and middle-class humans as shit, supporting only the rich. If you can't judge him by now, I would say that you are just hiding your eyes from the reality of a plastic man with an empty heart leading the world's superpower.

I'm just realistic when it come to politics I guess :p The president is just a cog in the system. A slightly bigger one than most maybe, but as the man himself has pointed out, he's not a king who can just decree something and have it happen.
The media has been sucking obama's dick. He can make this an issue and they will support him (except fox and limbaugh and other people that don't like him anyway. Fuck obama.
The DEA won't really suffer, because he wouldn't have been decriminalizing all drugs; it will have to be a slow process taking many years starting with weed I guess.