**NYE pill of choice?**

Loofah Duck

Nov 2, 1999
Hey all,
I don't think I've seen this posted yet and I'm just bored and curious. What pill, if any, are you all planning to drop to roll into the new century? Some of you have probably been saving that special pill for a long time.
I have a couple White Buddhas waiting. I just took them for the first time this weekend and they kicked ass so much that I decided to take that instead of the green nike's that I have. When that clock strikes midnight and we are all peaking our asses off it is going to be such an amazing feeling.

Happy Holidays to all of you.
[This message has been edited by Loofah Duck (edited 23 December 1999).]
Hey I am glad to hear those buddhas are good i have a few but havnt takenem yet i was holding on to yellow clovers those are nice too so i guess I'll just have to Eat both. hehehe!!!
I'll be necking a couple of Teletubbies..
Or I'll snort 1g of coke, followed by lots of champagne..
Maybe I'll just candyflip..
Screw that, I can't make a deciscion - I'm staying in!!
Let yourself be loved. Let love be yourself.
PLUR, Loonie :)
I'll be ingesting the DEA (the pill that is). I have already had them and they did me right (unlike the other DEA we know). I plan on going to the DROPBASS joint in Milwaukee, if not there then it'll be Y2K in Chicago at the Dolton(do not want to end up there tho). Well have fun, and I will talk to u'z in da next millenium (that doesn't even sound right).
i plan on doing a hodge podge of 3 different pills:
blue nikes
yeeeeee haawwwwww!
I HEAR THOSE WHITE BUHDAS!! I plan on dropin two, double stacks of the fat man for y2k, and i know they're the shit cuz i've had em for the past two weeks!!!
right now im sittin on 3 white tweetie birds, one of witch im trading for a green ck and one other im trading for a pink bullet, i just hope there will be no terroist attacks in milwaukee for the drop bass party, been hearing some crazy shit bout that. sorry off subject...
MaD LoVin, Jessiy
What drugs for NYE? 9 ferraris, 3 euro dollars, 1 4U(yes!), 1 pure MDMA, 2 1/2 liqs of ketamine, 50 sack of hydro, and 45 hits of LSD. No lie.
Truly a victim of the drug culture. A natural street freak. Ingesting anything that came by.
i was gonna take white buddahs but my b/f gave me red stars for christmas! so i want to take what he takes...but you all make the buddas sound like theyre the best...has any one taken both red stars and buddahs?? which are better? BTW: these pills are all from the bayarea...

[This message has been edited by Ma-en (edited 23 December 1999).]
whats good in england right now?
my friends and i are going to have to buy lots when we get there for NYE
Well as of last night make that 8 ferraris, 2 euro, 2 liqs of K, and a 40 sack of hydro.

Forever is in the visuals.
Well new years eve ...
Iv'e been saving some of each and I am going to use them all up

1 Ferrari + 1 RR + 1 buddah + 3 Y2K (hey I saved them forever) and of course it won't be a holiday without some rolls of K to combine

Plur ..