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NYE Party Packs...What have you got up your sleeves???

Peak A Tronic...you little aussie baker!!!!
Go and shove a few purple people eaters up your ass.
SRK...Sydney Rashen Kings
does everyone remember the post about that imbecile DJ Skinny Gee? from the states.
We arent getting our own one r we; someones posts starting to sound familiar.
wtf are there people listing expansive imports of E? who cares, it's not like you can take them all down, or take 10 in two days.
OH those white and pink doves, I remember them so well. Tell me rashen_dog, are they from the uk? If they , you are one very lucky boy. If they arnt,dont hang on to them as they just are not it, you've been done!
I remember peaking off cruisin the uk parties with my little stash of dovies flying me everywhere.
Im sure that if youve really got all that you say you have (ooh you name dropper!!) the boyz in town will find you a bit loud and dangerous...be careful as who knows who is watching.
Please dont start swinging at the ppl on this sight. our aim is to remain social.We aint gangsta wannabies, but we are amicable.
dictorial definition~rashen: character of ill considered haste or boldness.action without forethought.
dog :a contemptable worthless fellow.
It would be good to catch up with ya rashen_dog,as i'm sure I have seen you before.there's a picture in this dictionary under 'penis', but dont worry cos its only a small picture!!!!!
party hard....party safe
OK guys!!!!!
Youve done it...i'm not going to contribute to Blue Light anymore.
You people are really sad. You all group together to make yourselves feel better. When you read the comments youve all put onto me, you see just how immature and pathetic you all are.
Mona...your harm minisation/political correctness, combined with your threads that are boring, are never funny or even remotely interesting. You must have been the odd one out at school right? You are sad and probably also rather ugly.
To everyone else, i doubt there is one old school peeker amongst you. Most probably 15-18yo new school ravers. No diss to raving, but there are no longer raves...they are merely all age commercial dance parties. The rave scene nowadays is not what it used to be...the people have changed...from uni students and gifted people...to tragic young druggies.
"You must have been the odd one out at school right? You are sad and probably also rather ugly."
LMFAO!! ROFLMTO!! thats the funniest thing ive read all fucken year. Post of the year: rashen king!! wooooooohoooooo
Oh man *wipes tear away* thankyou for cheering me up dude, ive been a depressed shit all week and that got me on the floor. Love ya werk!!
btw, dont leave just because ppl are picking on you. Ive read your stuff and I think you know your shit, but perhaps you are a little quick on the temper button, so take a chill pill (from '96...best batch so I hear) and then come and make some more posts!!
love ya dude - horse
Personally all this " im going to close this thread " etc bs is getting old..
Either do it or dont do it..
well.. i was waiting for Chaos to close, because if I did it now, it'd just look like I'm offended by rashen dog. I didn't mean to make the guy leave Bluelight, I simply pointed it out a few times when I thought he was wrong or just getting incredibly boring. I never made a personal attack. I have no idea why he's named me the ring leader. I've had a go at him maybe twice before this thread and it was only because he was being offensive.
I'd put a bit more faith in the other Bluelighters to not 'follow suit' but merely react to a person or situation they see fit.
I agree with Horsey that rashen knows his shit when it comes to good pills, i'm just sick of hearing it. *nod*
CHAOS!!!! close this thread man
*craking heads of punks that give out shit to moderators for doing what they are supposed to do even if it aint what they really want*.....
just before I crack heads with my dodgy artec mouse that is my sledgehammer

sad to miss your info rashen, but frankly it's not worth it. If you want to go; later, I'll make no effort to stop you. If you want to stay, actually think about peoples critisms of you, instead of getting pissed off all the time. Or just keep flaming and watch half your posts dissappear real quick.
Oh and Mr Nice Guy, sorry you're tired of it. You'll get used to it. Its the way we do things now.
[This message has been edited by entropope (edited 25 November 2000).]