• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Nurofen Plus (codeine)

I would strongly advise against taking that much ibuprofen, especially if you do it more than once. Ibuprofen is extremely irritating to the stomach lining and even though you might not feel anything adverse, there would almost certainly be some damage occurring.

Why bother just dumping the pills in your mouth when you can do a CWE and have the codeine extracted in 5-10 minutes?? Stop being lazy people! CWE's are piss-easy to do, and you don't have to swallow the rest of the crap in the tablets to get the effect you're after. Be SAFE and treat your body with at least some respect.

*edit* Oh, and I'm not sure if it's been said in this thread but you should never EVER take more than 5000mg of paracetamol/APAP at once. EVER!! (that is only 10 x 500mg tablets, not very much when you're trying to get the codeine effect). It is extremely dangerous to go higher than that dosage, and paracetamol overdose is a pretty darn easy way to kill your liver, or just plain die :|

Well it wasnt all at once and yeah, it was a one off, im not stupid enough to do that regularly.

And if the daily maximum dose for ibu is like.. 2000mg or 2500mg, then doubling that i dought would do much damage wise. Some people take over a hundred nurofen plus a day in NZ and manage to still be kicking.
moonyham said:
then doubling that i dought would do much damage wise.

What makes you say that??

Some people take over a hundred nurofen plus a day in NZ and manage to still be kicking.

I find that very difficult to believe....
That would be over 20 grams of ibuprofen per day...

I'm glad you don't do it though, it's very unwise.
^I have known people to take that much ibuprofen a day; usually they end up with a hole in their stomach, septicima, or requre dangerous surgery to remove dead stomach tissue. They mght be alive, but they cetanly ain't kickin :|

*edit* Oh, and I'm not sure if it's been said in this thread but you should never EVER take more than 5000mg of paracetamol/APAP at once. EVER!! (that is only 10 x 500mg tablets, not very much when you're trying to get the codeine effect). It is extremely dangerous to go higher than that dosage, and paracetamol overdose is a pretty darn easy way to kill your liver, or just plain die :|

Its actually killed people at doses of 4 grams- 8x500mg tablets (apap) which is, werridly, the highest recommended dose. I've personally taken up to 7 grams, followed by about two months of worrying. Not worth it.

From a HR point-of-vew, using nurofen plus is defintely safer then using paraceetmol/codeine mixes. For one, the extraction is easier- no massive amounts of matter to be disposed of; ibuprofen is soluble 1mg/1ml of water (paracetemol is 10mg/1ml) so even if you used 200 ml's of water, your not going to be ingesting that much ibupfrofen. Ibupfrofen is a lot more hydro-phobic then paracetemol as well. It also has a realtively wide therapeutic index; people take up to 4 grams a day (however, usually in enteric coating so they dissolve slowly in the bowel, not stomach). Paracetemol is also fatal to cats, in mg levels- another reason to use nurofen plus for CWE then panadeine or the like. Also, the molecular weight of ibuprofen means it will sink to the bottom of a container of water. Easily seen and removed.

You can tast ibupfrofen- if I do a CWE now, I always have a sip- if it burns a bit, and has the taste, I know to let the liquid settle, and re-flter.

Plus, nurofen plus has more codeine per tablet :)
misses the daze when you could just break a N+ in half

aint cwe'd in an age too....
What makes you say that??

I find that very difficult to believe....
That would be over 20 grams of ibuprofen per day...

I'm glad you don't do it though, it's very unwise.

Yeah, it is hard to believe, but you better, cause its true. Its actually becoming a problem here, because theres NO other painkillers you can get, and because doctors are NAZI'S when it comes to giving painkillers, people turn to abusing the only OTC pill that comes close to working. Sad state of affairs really, they are thinking of banning it soon because of this.

It wouldnt even be happening if doctors werent turning people away who legitimately need painkillers, but from my personal experience and others, it happens all the fucking time, and when your in pain your in pain.. people get desperate. Doctors here are fucktards and believe tramadol is 'very strong' and that 2mg of morphine 'is heaps'. Fuck them, fuck all of them.

Hi , I have read these disscussions on the use of this particuller drug, I have been taking this in copious ammounts for well over 3 years , Let me explain copious, I take anywere from 10 to 20 at one time ,I may get a hell of a gutz ache and YES I cant go to the toilet for a few days and its worse when I follow the initial 10 -20 with another dose the next day ,but the stone is awesome hehe , I love it , {yes I am retarded} So I want to say I have had no issues with it what so ever except the bowell movement probs which really gives me the shits ,ROFLMAO. I have been told alot of things that ,more than 6 at a single dose will kill you , WELL IT DONT,

Thanks :)
How much codeine is suggested for a first time user?

I am going to extract codeine from Nurofen Plus tablets but am unsure on which method to proceed with....

is Lemesis 's way to extract the codeine a safe way or should i look toward doing it with more precision and go with the method i quote below.

"Here's a quick and easy way to do a CWE on codeine/ibuprofen pills that will save your liver and preserve 95%+ of the codeine. Put 6-8 oz (maybe a bit more if you are using heroic amounts of pills) of cold water in a glass and add ice cubes and let stand for about 15 minutes. Crush your pills and put them in a separate glass. Add hot warm water to the pills, but just enough to dissolve the pills. Then, add the dissolved pills to the ice water and stir vigorously. Wait about 20 minutes until you see a layer of solvent form at the bottom of the glass - this is the ibuprofen and pill fillers that you do not want.

Now you are ready to strain. Take a paper towel and push it halfway into another glass so as to create a make-shift filter. SLOWLY pour the ice water mix into the paper towel filter. Remove the ice cubes from the paper towel filter. Pick up the filter by the edges and bring the edges of the filter together to form a tight ball. Squeeze any remaining liquid out of this ball into your brew. What you should see remaining in the paper towel is globs and chunks of white pill matter - this is a good sign and indicates that you have strained out most of the non-opiate material. Discard the paper towel and drink the brew.

This is a low-tech but effective method I use to get quick pain relief and spare my liver from the horrors of APAP and/or ibuprofen. A lot of people get pysched out by CWE's but, honestly, it is very easy to do and you don't have to be a chemist to do it."

Thank you.
I am looking forward to see how this buzz will go.

Question has been moved to here
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What makes you say that??

I find that very difficult to believe....
That would be over 20 grams of ibuprofen per day...

It's true I was taking 120tablets nurafen plus a day. I gradually increased it. Been addicted for about 9years. I have had a lot of close calls from taking so much ibuprofen. I have alot of bleeding ulcers and have had to have blood transfusion. I don't recommend trying this because it is highly adictive
Yeah, it is hard to believe, but you better, cause its true. Its actually becoming a problem here, because theres NO other painkillers you can get, and because doctors are NAZI'S when it comes to giving painkillers, people turn to abusing the only OTC pill that comes close to working. Sad state of affairs really, they are thinking of banning it soon because of this.

It wouldnt even be happening if doctors werent turning people away who legitimately need painkillers, but from my personal experience and others, it happens all the fucking time, and when your in pain your in pain.. people get desperate. Doctors here are fucktards and believe tramadol is 'very strong' and that 2mg of morphine 'is heaps'. Fuck them, fuck all of them.

I know same in Australia so stupid
Hi , I have read these disscussions on the use of this particuller drug, I have been taking this in copious ammounts for well over 3 years , Let me explain copious, I take anywere from 10 to 20 at one time ,I may get a hell of a gutz ache and YES I cant go to the toilet for a few days and its worse when I follow the initial 10 -20 with another dose the next day ,but the stone is awesome hehe , I love it , {yes I am retarded} So I want to say I have had no issues with it what so ever except the bowell movement probs which really gives me the shits ,ROFLMAO. I have been told alot of things that ,more than 6 at a single dose will killed by you , WELL IT DONT,

Thanks :)

OMG you stupid stupid person. It's not going to kill you straight away but it will be the death of you. I used to think the same thing and would just pop the tablets and even overdosed a couple of times. Because you build your tolerance so someone who takes 20 in one go could potentially die where I can take 120 tablets plus. But my stomache is fucked beyond fucked there's nothing I can do now I should of listened to all the doctors etc... let me know if there's anything else you need to talk about
I took 8 neurophen plus in one go to get the codeine, and the ibuphrophen has left my stomach feeling awful even a week later. I had no idea that was possible. I didn't exceed the daily dose just the hourly dose. Seems crazy that something supermarkets sell can have such side effects from a small overdose (I now think an upset stomach I had a few weeks ago was caused just by taking 4 - double recommended dosage, especially when prescribed stuff (like codeine phosphate) that's so difficult to get hold off seems to have no bad side effects no matter how much you take. I often wonder how they decide what is over the counter and what is controlled....