Mental Health numbness after repeated trauma


Jul 27, 2018
While I was binge drinking (& sometimes drugging) on the street, some very horrible things happened to me. I'm currently sober from alcohol (12 weeks on Monday). I don't know how to process the things and get over them when I feel so disconnected from them.
Any ideas?
I'm going from numb to occasionally very depressed and then back to numb and dissociated from everything.
I feel really stuck.
and being sober from booze is so boring to me, although I know its the right thing because I was in serious danger from the situations I was in as well as the alcohol.

I hope its okay to post this here, if its not, please delete it.
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Perfect place to post snufkin78. Welcome!

Have you ever heard of EMDR?

Capatin.Heroin has been doing it recently as part of his program and it seems to be really helping. I benefited from it too. It's pretty cool how it helps. If you can find a skilled therapist/practitioner it's pretty amazing stuff. Can provide a hell of a lot of relief.

Likewise, you might want to look into "urge surfing" techniques and MBRP:

I also just read a really interesting book, Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness:

If you have time to burn, you might also check out Peter Levine's and Dan Segiel's work on trauma. Also, this is cool:
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EMDR sounds like a great thing, someone else once suggested it to me so I'm definitely going to see if I can find a teacher locally.
I've been avoidant of Mindfulness stuff because my Dad teaches it for a job, but I need to get over that and learn more. (Just to note, my Dad is cool - he just shoves Mindfulness stuff down my throat a bit much :)