NSASDD: Social Thread: Pop Pussies, Not Pills. Dirty Needles for Everyone

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Mornin yall

got a short day at work today * looks up n lips 'thank you god'

damn dude, 11 hour days have been kickin my ass whilst tryin to taper, its kool bein at work for like the 1st 5 hours, lunch goes fast n i stay busy n keep my mind off everything, but fuckin christ come dinner time, n especially last night , i was/am just draggin ass sooo hard, we had a huge dinner rush last night n i was just movin like molasses, actually even had 2 costumers ask me how tired i was, luckily tho, that b/c we were short handed the other dude had to due 3 people tasks so i was able to do my task faster then he could do 3 :\
also, just figured i'd share with the social

i have had this situation goin on that i wasnt sure how to handle

a new girl at work, initiated a 3some to me n this other girl who work there, ne ways ill spare the useless details, other girl says yes, but she isnt a cheater n therefor wont participate b/c she has a bf

ne ways the girl who initiated it has been quite agressive about getting together,

the other day i was sure what to do, my choices were either, 1. blow her off n make something up n not go through with it 2. go n ruin/stop me taper n go n cop a bag n be 'STRONG LIKE BULL' or 3. be honest with her, tell her im partially WD'in n that i will last 45 seconds tops.

anyways, i chose to just be honest, told her i was an addict n u know what her response to me was

"i know"

i was like wtf, but i do such a good job of keepin it secret 8). (and i roll the eyes, but i did always think i was pretty secretive n good at hiding things but she has made me rethink how many people may now im a junkie)

she was spot on too, i asked her, "how do you know" n she was just like, "u are constantly sweating, ur mood swings, frequent bathroom visits even when we're busy as shit, and your pupils are always tiny"' n i thought to myself, damn, this bitch is good

anyways i told her i was tryin to get clean n that my stamina n libido were gone, she didnt care...


HighonLife said:
...i went over to her place last night, we chilled n the hot tob n im proud to say that even partially dopesick i was able to give her what she was lookin for, she was pleased,

she also seemed impressed when she finally did come n was like " i thought u said u would be coming first for sure".... i said " i've climaxed 4 times already" ahahahahaha

Woah! Let's hear more about this...
S'up social.... question?
where did everyone get the idea that i am a meth head??? I haven't had meth in a year+. I bang some of my concerta after I extract the methylphenidate so I won't end up on the street banging 8balls of ice like it's nothing. I don't get it... And Jan Brady??? As if...
I am a hottie from way back w/ no jealousy of anyone's looks or social status....this is the internet for christ's sake. Yeah I had a fit in CD soc a while back.big goddamn deal. I can take anything you guys wanna throw at me. After 34 years on this life I realized that I am above my past behaviors. I AM A BAD ASS BITCH!so barang on the tl;dr. frankly-i don't give a fuck.

Still with peace and love............skillz
skillz~4~thrillz said:
where did everyone get the idea that i am a meth head???
probably because you say "i'm a bad ass meth-shootin bitch" every single time you post in the social. just a random guess
it's the weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekend.

and who's gonna party tonight? MEEEEEE!!!
Harm Reduction Tip of the Day, by JC:

Never inject gooey/gelatinous extended release substances.

That was HR with JC.
just tried the new suboxone strips for the first time last night
they are pretty cool, dissolve very quickly & kick in nicely too
i approve
S'up social.... question?
where did everyone get the idea that i am a meth head??? I haven't had meth in a year+. I bang some of my concerta after I extract the methylphenidate so I won't end up on the street banging 8balls of ice like it's nothing. I don't get it... And Jan Brady??? As if...
I am a hottie from way back w/ no jealousy of anyone's looks or social status....this is the internet for christ's sake. Yeah I had a fit in CD soc a while back.big goddamn deal. I can take anything you guys wanna throw at me. After 34 years on this life I realized that I am above my past behaviors. I AM A BAD ASS BITCH!so barang on the tl;dr. frankly-i don't give a fuck.

Still with peace and love............skillz

hey, atleast u made the cut. i was left out of both families

also, i dont think anything was meant by it, at all.

hows things goin girl?
S'up social.... question?
where did everyone get the idea that i am a meth head??? I haven't had meth in a year+. I bang some of my concerta after I extract the methylphenidate so I won't end up on the street banging 8balls of ice like it's nothing. I don't get it... And Jan Brady??? As if...
I am a hottie from way back w/ no jealousy of anyone's looks or social status....this is the internet for christ's sake. Yeah I had a fit in CD soc a while back.big goddamn deal. I can take anything you guys wanna throw at me. After 34 years on this life I realized that I am above my past behaviors. I AM A BAD ASS BITCH!so barang on the tl;dr. frankly-i don't give a fuck.

Still with peace and love............skillz

Why'd you take it so seriously?
It's just a joke.
Axel I actually live in Quincy so not quite Boston but, close enough to say Boston to those that don't know. I practically lived on Comm Ave myself when I was dating a BU student. I'm guessing you lived with your band mate that you said went to BC living there.

Chinky, I usually do cop all I need at once but, I just used way more than I should have. If I cop during the day it's usually at lunch so starting that early meant a few more pills. Depending on my mood my willpower can be non-existent too so I try and get just enough or I'll just do em all.

Speaking of copping BANKAI
Getting OCs my dude. Nobody was buying the OPs so dude stopped getting em. He still gets the purdue made mexican EX ones. Not sure what the deal is with that but, for now it doesn't matter. I want roxis but, dude isn't too bright and neither are the other customers because they think it's a different drug still. I have explained it more times than I can remember and everytime he says he gets it but, a few days later and it's like we never had the convo.

Edit- for the record I did try and snort an OP and no. Just no. They won that battle
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