NSASDD Social - pop pussies and dirty needles for everyone

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iam also so dumb i hafta popst 4 times ina row cause i dont know what the edit button

I had one crazy sad day today. As i was pulling into my driveway i see my neighbor walking towards my car with a messed up look pn his face. I ask him whats wrong and he tells me there is a dead guy in his back yard and he wants me to go back there and confirm it. The look on his face told me he was dead seroius. I walk into his back yard and i see a young neighborhood kid 19 years old dead on a lawn chair. His eyes were still open and he had flies on his face. My dumb ass neighbor asks me what he should do, i told him to call the fuckin cop you fuckin moron. This poor kid was another victim to heroin overdose. I guess he was partying with my neighbor last night, my neoghbor went to bed , woke up early for work and found him when he got home from work. I know this kid liked to mix xanax with heroin which can be a lethal combo. Its sad to see these young kids today fuckin with heroin. Im 31 years old, when i was that age it was just weed and coke. I cant imagine what its like being that young already hooked on dope.

man this shit bummed me out! Have known too many that have fallen victim to dying from overdoses and I even came close myself. I just had a 20 year old friend die a few months ago from an od and it's awful.

And yeah, I'm only 20, and I feel like being hooked on dope at this age just fucking consumes me and weighs on me like a ton of bricks. I dream of a day where I don't think about shooting dope all the fuckin time. In all reality, I can't imagine my life without heroin anymore and it's sad as fuck.

its fucked up man, ive been pretty bad myself for the past three years but since i started at a later age i was able to get a good career, get married and have kids. If i got hooked at 18 0r 19 i would have never been able to achieve anything in life. Thats just me personally. Its a fucked up addiction because heroin cravings are different because they are patient and they wait for you. I was able to quit cocaine no problem. it was a sad sight today brothers, be careful oout there. Try getting on suboxone bro, you are way to young to let this shit run your life before its even really started


although I haven't made that leap to the needle its a scary reality

i agree with you on that chinky, stay away from the needle. Thats the only reason im still alive, i think snorting gives you a better chance at controlling yourself. People always tell me that everyone switches to the needle, but i cant picture myself poking myself with a needle ten times a day. Another thing about the needle is , everyone can see the track marks, unless you want to wear long sleeve shirts in the summer which is just as suspicious. I guess its more expensive for us but i can live with spending the extra money

i just talked to my neighbor he told me the cops gave him more shit about the condition of his house than they did about the dead kid in his yard. I guess he is one of those hoarders who collects garbage and never gets rid of anything. that explains why he never invited me in his house. I wanted to tell him to stay away from me incase this kids family comes gunning for him. My neighbor is 40 plus years old and he is always hanging out with these young kids and selling them drugs. One of these days someones parents is gonna teach him a well deserved lesson
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although I haven't made that leap to the needle its a scary reality
I had one crazy sad day today. As i was pulling into my driveway i see my neighbor walking towards my car with a messed up look pn his face. I ask him whats wrong and he tells me there is a dead guy in his back yard and he wants me to go back there and confirm it. The look on his face told me he was dead seroius. I walk into his back yard and i see a young neighborhood kid 19 years old dead on a lawn chair. His eyes were still open and he had flies on his face. My dumb ass neighbor asks me what he should do, i told him to call the fuckin cop you fuckin moron. This poor kid was another victim to heroin overdose. I guess he was partying with my neighbor last night, my neoghbor went to bed , woke up early for work and found him when he got home from work. I know this kid liked to mix xanax with heroin which can be a lethal combo. Its sad to see these young kids today fuckin with heroin. Im 31 years old, when i was that age it was just weed and coke. I cant imagine what its like being that young already hooked on dope.

man this shit bummed me out! Have known too many that have fallen victim to dying from overdoses and I even came close myself. I just had a 20 year old friend die a few months ago from an od and it's awful.

And yeah, I'm only 20, and I feel like being hooked on dope at this age just fucking consumes me and weighs on me like a ton of bricks. I dream of a day where I don't think about shooting dope all the fuckin time. In all reality, I can't imagine my life without heroin anymore and it's sad as fuck.
its fucked up man, ive been pretty bad myself for the past three years but since i started at a later age i was able to get a good career, get married and have kids. If i got hooked at 18 0r 19 i would have never been able to achieve anything in life. Thats just me personally. Its a fucked up addiction because heroin cravings are different because they are patient and they wait for you. I was able to quit cocaine no problem. it was a sad sight today brothers, be careful oout there. Try getting on suboxone bro, you are way to young to let this shit run your life before its even really started

Yeah man it's really fucking discouraging. I've been addicted to opiates for like 2.5 years, but I just can't imagine doing this for much longer. I gots a felony already too that really fucks with me. I've also been to rehab twice and done the suboxone thing. Nothing has totally worked. I've had brief instances of sobriety but it only lasts a month or two.

And what you're saying about the needle is right. When I was just snorting, it was still an addiction but it wasn't the complete NIGHTMARE it became after I started the needle. Hell, I'm just as addicted to the needle as I am the dope.

Right now I'm at an awkward stage where I only use a couple times a week. Not a full time dope fiend like I was a few months ago. It sucks cuz I still get sick, but barely, but still enough where it bugs the shit out of me.
Just reminds me of this junkie in his forties I knew and used to kind of kick it with at his apartment. He was always chillin with peeps half his age, offerin them drugs and shit, and I only really chilled there cuz it was a good low key spot to do dope away from all the people you don't want knowing about you being a junkie. The dude did dope with his daughters and shit and it just gave me the heebie jeebies.

That and once he thought I stole a bag from him and he pulled a knife on me. Dude got so sketchy. Glad I haven't seen his ass in a long time.
life is fucked. nbd js. I'm 17 and I do dope...IMO, it's one of the best worst things I've ever one...
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