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NPS Act V1. Blankets? Just Say No!

So that's it then I guess guys, welcome to another era of drugs , not that it will be much worse but hey :)
"Suppliers would be required to prove their products were safe for human consumption."

They think al RC enthusiasts are those wankers who buy potpourri sprayed with random unidentified cannabinoids or spend a tenner buying two pills packed with the scrapings off the table-top at a distributor.

I haven't read the legislation, but from what I've heard from those who know better than I is that it's a badly drafted piece of shit bill that'll be unenforceable by the CPA and could in fact work against the anti-RC lobby (such as it is):


Thursday, 21 January 2016 12:56 PM
By Deej Sullivan

The Psychoactive Substances Bill has passed its third reading in the Commons and now appears to be unstoppable. So where do we go from here? Can even a sliver of hope emerge from a Bill packed with so much anti-scientific rhetoric and so many ill-conceived aims?

Well there just might be. Because there is one key aspect of the Bill that could give us cause for hope: It doesn't criminalise users.

It's not entirely clear cut. Possession will be an offence in prisons, and it's still unclear as to how the law will work when purchasing psychoactive substances from foreign websites. Will that be allowed or will it, as is suspected, be considered importation and even supply if the substance is shared?

The main aim of this bill seems to stop encarcerated people dealing, fighting, overdosing and dying on these potpourri mixes of random cannabinoids. After all, that's what's grabbing the headlines
... well done, Mr Sullivan.
"Here guys, there's a specific loophole in your bill that could be closed a thousand times easier than any other. I am putting it in the public domain so that you can divert even further from the view of myself and thousands of others".

Idiot. 8)
/\ If that was aimed at me then your naivety astounds me.

What astounds me is that you posted the author's name and rather than notice my using it too chose to seek out offense.

But no, it was not aimed at you in any way. If it was I would use your screen name and a lot more social grace and respect. :)

EDIT: Anything posted on here is nothing more than the senseless, baseless gibberish from those scummy druggies. Nothing they say could possibly be correct. Mass media though? Trusted much more. ;)
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Watch out for exit scams people. I havnt been scammed thankfully but heard of vendors taking orders and sending nothing and planning on shutting down in a few weeks. would make sense for any dick head vendors to fuck people over just before shops close and everything is banned. A lot of places doing direct bank trnafer so no way of getting money back that way if you do get fucked over.

MDB i fell for that one unfortunately/fortunately? lol couldnt resist.

What has it done/ is it doing for your tolerance? I'm starting to thnk up rationalisations and justifications now "one last benzo sheer indulgence opportunity" etc. :\ I'll have to decide quickly or they will have sold out, unless its a bunk batch?
I haven't tried the said flubromazepam powder yet as I still have a few pellets left over but i'm confident of quality though through past experiences with their etiz powder. I have experimented with replacing my 1mg of diclaz with 4mg flubromazepam and have to say that the 1mg of diclaz holds me better. I do prefer the heavy/wooly headed feeling of flubro but it doesnt seem to work as well for me at keeping anxiety/shakes at bay and my experiments have only set me back in terms of following on with the taper plus the flubro makes me a lot more apathetic and lazy which i'm desperately trying to sort out due to the demands of uni and life in general.

Its all to easy to say "fuck it, one more benzo binge wont hurt" but in reality the chance of it being the "last" time are slim to none. Im at the stage in my taper where any increase in my dose will set me back at least a week or so, just not worth it if you really do want to get off them asap.
Just spotted an email in my inbox from a big vendor saying theyre shutting 18th March but may be having a sale before then to clear stock.

they say all other uk vendors will be doing likewise despite anbiguity in the law.....
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General note: many RC vendors are jumping ship before the ban.
Any with a modicum of sense will ensure they are closed for business earlier than the ban date and with sufficient time for anything sent out to reach its destination.

Please try and avoid specificity, now is the most dangerous point in the entire history of RC's. Anything that may in any way encourage the viewing of any particular vendor could indirectly cause deaths if the sellers start throwing that toxic chestnut at the safety of customers that is cutting one sample with something they cannot shift.
I sincerely hope those in parliament are prepared for the results of their actions.
RC's being sold as cuts to or outright as street drugs has been a plague for a good while, but the ultimate in fire sales will ensure any shit for brains scum of a dealer has an infinite supply of active cuts...
I haven't tried the said flubromazepam powder yet as I still have a few pellets left over but i'm confident of quality though through past experiences with their etiz powder. I have experimented with replacing my 1mg of diclaz with 4mg flubromazepam and have to say that the 1mg of diclaz holds me better. I do prefer the heavy/wooly headed feeling of flubro but it doesnt seem to work as well for me at keeping anxiety/shakes at bay and my experiments have only set me back in terms of following on with the taper plus the flubro makes me a lot more apathetic and lazy which i'm desperately trying to sort out due to the demands of uni and life in general.

Its all to easy to say "fuck it, one more benzo binge wont hurt" but in reality the chance of it being the "last" time are slim to none. Im at the stage in my taper where any increase in my dose will set me back at least a week or so, just not worth it if you really do want to get off them asap.

Yeah all common sense and rationality says 'do not do this', it can only set my tolerance and taper back, and possibly very significantly. The main problem is that i find flubros more euphoric and recreational than either pyraz or diclaz, so I can easily see myself loosing control on this and bingeing excessively. I'm going to have to make the right long term decision on this occasion and save myself £50 too.

Btw did you ever get any of those white diclaz pills? Chances are if you did they were the same thing from the same vendor. I havent kept the original baggies for any of my vendor pills, and i have no idea whether the assortment of pills that i have are 1mg or 2mg. 8(

This means I am very reluctant to use them during my taper. I dunno i might quarter them towards the very end, and just take the smallest amount possible, if, things become difficult. By that stage i plan to be off dayly dosing, and worse case scenario I'll be taking the minimum amount every 2-3 days, before eventually stopping altogether.
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about time too u druggie scum cuntybollocks lot wont be able to get hold of your bath salts and mephistopheles and maybe youll get a job and stop runing this country CLEAN FOR THE QUEEN.
This. I bought some AH-7914 from a previously reputable vendor, get another gram of it in the mail, just pre-ban; looks a little odd but still looks like AH, long story short I figured I'd play it safe and IV half my usual dose.
Instantly my lungs were on fire and I was practically paralysed with pain, I'd resigned myself to the fact that I was dying at this point and tried to crawl into the street down the stairs so someone could clean up my corpse. Eventually I was able to stand and just lie in bed until things blew over. 6 hours later I could barely stand and was shaking all over.
I mail the vendor saying that his chemical nearly destroyed my 'lab equipment' on his facebook page and he offered a full refund there. Then when I chased him up on it, he vanished like a fucking ninja.
What about quack GPS (and there seem to be a lot around nowadays) that seem to take a sadistic delight in refusing patients with e.g PTSD/Social Phobia etc etc the actual treatments that can give them some relief. Insomnia kills like most mental illness does eventually. The argument for addiction and abuse is augmented as usual by big Pharma, Tobacco Giants and our usual alcohol 'pushers' whom are responsible for the biggest addictions in human history. Who can blame people with analytical minds to seek out their own treatment to enable them to lead half way decent lives, sleep may be once a week and feel confident enough to leave the house once in a while. No, rather than prescribe drugs that only require occasional use they want to throw Prozac and crap down peoples throats every day and their list of lethal
antidepressants is exhaustive and now they're handing them out to our kids who show the slightest sign of discontentment with this State run shambles of a 'life'.

Ireland firstly introduced this 'marvelous' blanket ban plan and now they are back tracking big time because it didn't work. Death rates are higher because people are too frightened t to go to A & E and admit they've committed an 'offence'. The National Press and Teresa May are going to need the kind of spin doctor that is extinct to clean up this crime scene. If people wish to remove themselves from the Darwinian gene pool by shooting up and over dosing they'll always find a way it's just a shame for the instigators of this malware their pockets won't get lined.
Was always gonna happen ...you cant sell super strong benzos like flublam clonlam etc without drawing attention of authority back to GP to beg for alprazolam etc..
This. I bought some AH-7914 from a previously reputable vendor, get another gram of it in the mail, just pre-ban; looks a little odd but still looks like AH, long story short I figured I'd play it safe and IV half my usual dose.
Instantly my lungs were on fire and I was practically paralysed with pain, I'd resigned myself to the fact that I was dying at this point and tried to crawl into the street down the stairs so someone could clean up my corpse. Eventually I was able to stand and just lie in bed until things blew over. 6 hours later I could barely stand and was shaking all over.
I mail the vendor saying that his chemical nearly destroyed my 'lab equipment' on his facebook page and he offered a full refund there. Then when I chased him up on it, he vanished like a fucking ninja.

Mate if that happens again PLEASE call an ambulance. Thats what we exist for. Glad your ok brother <3