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Nothing happened? "Moon Rock" Molly question....

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Sep 27, 2014
So, I've never tried Molly before, and XTC only once years ago. A buddy of mine, believe it not, scored some Molly and gave me a bit of it free. What he gave me wasn't much, and I wasn't familiar with it. Apparently what he had given me was something call "moon rock" Molly, or just a glass form of Molly before it gets broken down into a common white powder. It was two small crystals. They looked black in dim light, but if you hold them to light they're slightly see through and purpleish in color.

Anyway, I crushed them up into a fine powder, even that looked a little crystaline, and without any scales I estimated out about 100mg worth of the powder. Basically, about the size of a dime, maybe even a little less. Now, I'm a big guy... 5' 11" and 260lbs... I took the powder and parachuted it with some water. I did a tongue taste first and tasted nothing. Didn't taste like chemicals, didn't numb my tongue. No crazy shit like that.

Now, it's well past 1 hour... almost 1 hour and 20 minutes since ingestion to be precise, and I feel absolutely nothing. My stomach got a little upset, like I had indigestion almost, but nothing I'd call abnormal from my day to day BS.

Even with my size, and even if my dose was low I was STILL expecting something from this if it was actually Molly. Maybe an ounce of euphoria? But no, nothing.

I still have half the powder left and I'm contemplating what to do with it. Snort it? Parachute the rest?

Honestly, I refuse to believe this is bunk simply because of the fact that it was given to me... for free... by a friend to try. I didn't ask for it, dude just gave it to me. And I trust him enough to not give something that would hurt me for no apparent reason lol.

Any thoughts on this from experienced Molly users? Is it simply a dose vs. body weight issue?
Well the fact that it didn't taste like anything is pretty suspicious to me. That's how I usually determined things. Mdma should taste extremely bitter. I obviously can't tell you whether it was real or not. I'd rail the rest probably.
Yea, just did.

Honestly, I'm also just getting over a cold. Taste buds a little out of whack, and my nose is even slight clogged. Either way, I snorted the rest through a clear nostril it had small kick to it and does leave a slight residual taste on the tip of my tongue and roof of my mouth. Nothing I'd call bad or extreme. It didn't "burn" or hurt to snort it, but you could definitely smell/sense/taste something in it.

My opinion is that I probably just didn't do enough of it and wasted it. All well. I'm just sitting at home playing video games. Not like this was a big deal for me anything.

^ Lots of missed words in this post when I normally don't have typos. Hmmm.
I'm sorry but we don't allow substance identification threads here. Suppose someone on here tells you "yeah you'll be fine, just take some more", you believe them and end up ingesting a bigger dose of something toxic, see my point? There's absolutely no way for us to say what is in your drugs and if they're good or not. I would be very weary of ingesting more of it if 100mg didn't do it for you, at the very least that means you have low potency product there and it could be something else than MDMA just as well. Even if you are a big guy you should have at least felt something. By the way, MDMA tastes awful and very chemical, not that any drug that tastes awful is MDMA of course, but MDMA does have a taste

My advice is to either test it with a testkit and if you can't do that to throw it out. Further advice would be to never trust anyone when it comes to drugs, not even your mates, a lot of people have no idea what they are ingesting and think it's MDMA while it's something else. We can't help in identifying this for you, the only thing we could do is confuse you by giving you 10 different opinions. I'm going to close this thread as it's substance ID, if you have any more questions feel free to PM me or another mod

*edit* I see you already took the rest. I hope it turns out to be MDMA and not something else :D I'll re-open the thread so you can provide an update on how you're doing if you want, as long as it doesn't turn into speculation on what drugs you have or had
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Thanks, mod.

I didn't really want ID help, just want opinions from users as to whether or not 80-100mg of supposed Molly for a guy my size should have an effect within an hour of ingestion. You clearly answered that question.

And yes, I did snort the other half. About 20 minutes ago. After snorting it, it did not burn but the drip does give that bitter taste you guys mentioned. I still taste it in my mouth a little, although I wouldn't describe it as "awful" as you put it.

Everything else is normal. I felt a slight flushing in my arms, but it passed. Heart rate is normal for me. No headaches, nausea, or any other negative effects to report.

So I think the consensus here is that it was probably Molly, just weak Molly... and I didn't take enough. That's my opinion anyway.

But thanks for the replies guys.
No problem, welcome to bluelight by the way GhostOfYou! You might want to invest in a testkit so you can see for yourself next time what chemical is actually in there. It's not wise to trust the word of someone else when it comes to drugs, not even good mates. A lot of times people have no clue what they're actually ingesting, it's almost impossible to find out without a testkit or lab results. For instance: the majority of MDMA in America is actually bk-MDMA (methylone) yet people keep buying it thinking it's MDMA and providing it to their friends as MDMA. If you're not an experienced user you might never notice the difference. A testkit helps prevent this

By the way, XTC (ecstasy) and molly are the same drug or at least they are supposed to be the same drug. They are both names for MDMA. XTC is usually used for MDMA in pill form while molly is usually used for MDMA in crystal form, but it should be the same drug. Whether or not something you buy as molly or ecstasy actually contains MDMA is another matter
And yes, I did snort the other half. About 20 minutes ago. After snorting it, it did not burn but the drip does give that bitter taste you guys mentioned. I still taste it in my mouth a little, although I wouldn't describe it as "awful" as you put it.

So I think the consensus here is that it was probably Molly, just weak Molly... and I didn't take enough. That's my opinion anyway.

mdma definitely burns when snorted. some people even mention it as one of the worst things they've snorted in the appropriate thread here on bl.
mdma tastes much more "awful" than it tastes bitter. compared to for instance ampetamine which tastes bitter and a little bit awful, mdma is bitter and extremely awful ;). i cannot keep a straight face when i taste it, even though i associate the taste with the high.

it doesn't sound like what you got has mdma in it. and even if it was mdma it wouldn't be just weak, but heavily cut. insufflation gets you much higher than taking the same amount orally (albeit for a shorter time), so if you snorted 100mg after eating 100mg, you should definitely be high as fuck even if it isn't the best stuff around.
Nothing adds up, id say 99.99% sure its not mdma.. For one, it should be the most vile taste ever, secondly the burn from snorting and drip should be absolutley awful, and thirdly, you didnt get high haha..my best guess is your friend got this molly and wanted you to just try it out for free because he was skeptical himself about the product.... Get a $20 test kit to know
@BlueBull: Thanks for the input. Yea, where I'm from in the US we differentiate XTC (the pill) from Molly (the powder), not just because one is pill and one is powder, although both contain MDMA, but because it's known around these parts that XTC pills/tablets can vary WILDLY in purity, whereas Molly (the powder) is known to be more pure than XTC pills. Certainly, like you said, either one can be fake, adulterated, impotent, etc., but where I'm from specifically there's a stigma surrounding XTC pills that most of them are garbage. Without a kit, if I was offered an XTC pill here (even for free), I'd probably turn it down. But call something "Molly", and that's a different story. You at least stand a decent chance to get a decent drug if you go with Molly. But, I know I'm preaching to the choir here. Not trying to sound condescending.

@Black: I agree with most of what you said. Like I said in my post before, it certainly didn't burn. I'm a guy who's used to snorting pills, coke and even heroin. I don't fuck with needles, so if I want a quick high, then up the nose it goes. I've had my share of burns before, and believe me when I tell you this did not burn. I've done coke that burned worse. Maybe I'm tolerant? I have no idea. It's all wild hypothesis at this point. Also, keep in mind I did not have a scale present. I said that I estimate the amount to be 80-100mg of "powder" based upon the fact that the pile of powder was about the size of a dime. Again, I believe my "guesstimations" were off, and I simply did not snort/ingest enough of the drug at one time to get high. And, taking in to consideration that I have previous tolerance for opiates, plus my body weight of 260lbs... there's a chance, even if just a small one, that it was my fault and I fucked up the whole experience. Perhaps what I should have done, instead of parachuting half and snorting the other half, is to have just snorted all of it? Like I said, I was never looking for a long term high. I would have been happy with an hours worth of euphoria. But what I got was nothing.

@Cdilly93: No idea man. You could be right, but like I said I'm a big guy to begin with, who's already sick (with flu), and already has a tolerance for a lot of drugs. It's not a good feeling to know that my "friend" possibly played me just to test the potency of some drug, but either way (from an objective point of view), the drug itself seemed legit and it did absolutely nothing for me. I'm willing to side with you 50/50, but I'm honestly leaning more towards the fact that (a) I didn't do enough of it, and (b) I fucked the whole thing up by spacing the doses 2 hours apart when the doses were small to begin with.

Remember what I said to begin with, this drug came to me in crystal ("moon rock") form. I'm not saying it couldn't have been bunk even in that form, but let's be real... it's not like my buddy handed me a bag of white powder and said, "here, have fun." Even when I saw the rocks I was surprised, and he said, "yea man, that's just how they make it."
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Alright, we're now two hours after the second dose and you didn't feel anything or suffered any negative effects. So I think we can conclude you will be fine, that was the main reason I left the thread open for a while, to see how you were doing and make sure you'd seek help if there was anything toxic in those crystals. I'll close it again as anything after this will just be guessing at what it was you ingested. Which was bunk drugs, you did do enough to at least create some effects, even if it was weak MDMA. Buy a testkit and if your mate has any left test your crystals with that, you will be surprised I'm sure. It is almost as easy to recrystallize an adulterant with MDMA than it is to add it to powder or press it in pills, don't be fooled, you are ill-informed in thinking crystals are more likely to be high quality just because they're crystals, that's not correct

On top of that it is impossible to identify drugs by how they look, taste, smell,... Pure pharmaceutical grade MDMA is white and semi-translucent, while most people think it is brownish and cloudy. But the brown colour most MDMA has are impurities from synthesis. The market is constantly changing so what might be considered safe to take in your area today might not be safe to take tomorrow, I've seen it happen and so did anyone else that has a few years experience. Please invest in a testkit or send your drugs to a lab for identification, your case is a prime example of why that's the best thing to do. PM me if you have questions
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