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Not Feeling Any Stimulants Anymore


May 5, 2015
So I am a 16, 167lb 6'3 male and I've been experimenting with harder drugs for about 6-9 months (don't really remember exactly the time when I started) and the first drug I tried was MDMA. I took two pills and had one of the best nights of my life. I instantly fell in love with the feeling but I knew how dangerous abusing it can be so I was careful about my rolling habits (no more than 2-3 in a night, spreading out rolls over a month or two, taking supplements to help serotonin receptors replenish). I started doing some other things like acid, shrooms, coke, dxm stuff like that. I have only done e about 5 times before and it was still magical every time. Then I took a 2 month gap before taking 3 orange mickies that I was sure were good pills and I didn't feel anything. I was pretty much sober the entire time except for a brief 5-10 minute period where I was rolling decently but then it stopped and I was just tired but not depressed at all unlike the previous times I did it. I was confused as to why I didn't roll hard that day when I should've with the amount of quality pills I took. Then I waited another month and a half and took 2 1/2 points of Molly. I snorted half a point then popped the other two. The friend I was with was going crazy because of how intense his roll was but again I only had a 5-10 minute period of mild rolling. I haven't used MDMA since because I'm tired of wasting my money. I was on low doses of antidepressants (Prozac and Zoloft) for a 6 month period about a year ago but that's the extent to medication I've been prescribed. I've also had similar experiences with not feeling anything from other uppers when I used to. The first two times I did coke I had a great time but then it just stopped working like the e no matter the quality or the amount. I was given 10 pills of 25 mg adderall xr and I took them two pills every hour but I didn't feel it nearly as strong as I should've (the reason I kept taking more) and it was only my second time doing adderall. I also had a situation where I smoked crystal meth for the first and only time and I took 3 hits out of a pipe and again everyone around me felt it but I didn't. I've never had any problems with drug addiction or abused any drugs because I have been relatively smart about staying away from addiction after seeing first hand someone be changed in a completely different from an addiction to heroin. Opiates still affect me the same and so does acid and shrooms but I don't like the way I always feel sick and all the misrable side effects that occur when I do any opiate causing me to have a distaste to them; so basically I'm just stuck with hallucinogens. I am unsure of why uppers don't affect me anymore when they used to make me feel great and like I was on top of the world.
Same!! So disappointing. But I've been doing some research on the subject and had some stomach absorption tests(no connection.no just figured it out later) long story short, my test results showed my stomach was hardly absorbing food so I figured it wasn't absorbing that either.
Same with the other stuff too! Check you stomachs absorption and get back to me on that if you find a correlation, thanks
If you get real MDMA or powder cocaine, I guarantee you it will work. Bunk ecstasy (MDMA) and powdered coke have been a real problem the past 10 years or so. They were my drugs of choice in the 90s. To be perfectly honest, though, finding real and good rolls or coke has always kind of been a problem, especially with MDMA. For example, in the Netherlands today, only 70% of the x pills are real, even though they are very close to the traditional MDMA sources. In America and Britain today, it is something like 30 to 35% real (source: Mixmag magazine).

Amphetamine and methamphetamine are, paradoxically, both strong yet subtle highs. These two, too, should work for you as well as soon as you learn to pick up on the nature of their highs. What about marijuana? Does that get you high? If not, maybe you're just a "hard head."
I had somewhat similar effects after using MDA every 1-2 weeks for about four months. I noticed my stimulant prescription was not as effective as usual. In retrospect, I think this had more to do with after effects of abusing MDA than true stimulant tolerance. I gave it about 3 weeks and supplemented some racetams, multivitamins, and exercise. Everything was totally resolved in a week or so.

I absolutely learned a lesson. MDA is much quicker to bite you in the ass than MDMA. Still I think that this is quite applicable to both.
Well the thing is it's the same pills that I used to roll from super hard before. The person I get it from is one of my best friends and he gets it from someone who tests the pills I front of him and they are all legit pills. And the coke I've done has been some pretty good coke as of my knowledge. Like it smelled like really strong gasoline if that right. But weed doesn't get me high anymore. Acid is the only that gives me an actual effect now. I don't think I'm a hard head because I used to feel it a lot more but then one day it just stopped. I'm like utterly confused. I want to talk to my doctor about it but I don't think that I can bring up shit like this. But when I did meth I didn't feel a thing except for when I took two drags of a cig and then it went away in like a minute or two.
I had somewhat similar effects after using MDA every 1-2 weeks for about four months. I noticed my stimulant prescription was not as effective as usual. In retrospect, I think this had more to do with after effects of abusing MDA than true stimulant tolerance. I gave it about 3 weeks and supplemented some racetams, multivitamins, and exercise. Everything was totally resolved in a week or so.

I absolutely learned a lesson. MDA is much quicker to bite you in the ass than MDMA. Still I think that this is quite applicable to both.
And I think you might have just done it too much to where the pills lost their magical feeling. But I haven't abused anything like that
I'm currently sort of like this, except with the addy xr bit. Wow, two 30mg xr pills would kick my ass. And you didn't feel much from ten? Of course don't do this, but I bet you'd feel it if you took it all at once lol.

There's always the hard head or someone would a naturally high tolerance, and given what you posted I'd assume it's your individual body chemistry and neurochemistry if you hadn't abused any substances. It could also possibly be those antidepressants, because who knows how it changes your "chemistry" from person to person. I guess the term idiosyncratic came from at least a few examples, so you might be one of them? Nothing but conjecture here though.

I've just noticed that you started pretty high too, even on your first dose if I'm reading that right. That could be it too. When you take enough stimulants, you will definitely gain a tolerance even if it's a little bit. Yours seem to be a lotta bit. =P

I wouldn't particularly recommend this, but what worked for me was to simply increase the dose by much more until you get the desired effects. And not just one or two hour at a time, I mean all at once. The former doesn't really work imo, especially in your context. You'd just not feel it, gain some tolerance, and just not feel it some more. I did this with mdma a lot, because I was told in person it would work. It didn't, and even if I reupped at the 30-60 min mark, the effects were negligible except dilated pupils, a mild stimmy feeling and the usual "can't eat or sleep" effect.

Anyway, this is all I have.
Thanks for the info. I'll probably wait two more months before trying anything then take your advice just to make sure it's not tolerance at all.