• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Non-native English speakers, how hard of a language did you find English to learn?


Bluelight Crew
Aug 20, 2003
What's your native language -- the one you were using with your family when you were seven? and at what age did you start actively trying to learn English?

What about English most frustrated you when you were first learning it or picking it up?
What about English made it easy for you to learn it?

Do/did/will you speak your native language, English, both, or neither, with your children?
My native language is Tagalog (Philippines) and I started learning English at the age of 8. I don't remember having a difficult time learning English due to the fact that English is a widely spoken language back in the Philippines and is considered the second language of the country. Advertisements, books, tv shows, commercials were both either in Tagalog or English. I would definitely want to teach my kids Tagalog, but since I am currently residing in Canada, it would be a challenge to keep them speaking the language as this is an English speaking country.
My first language was Greek up to the age of 4 when i started learnin English. I grew up here in America but my parents are greek so yeah its the only language we would talk in the house. I went to kindergarden for 2 years so i guess i learned it a bit slower because i had to do 2 yrs. Idk i was young an dont really remember if it was hard to learn.