Non-medicinal ways to deal with stress and anxiety


Indefinite break from BL - contact other admin
Feb 22, 2000
In all of our lives, whether we are suffering from a hard weekend of partying, or just caught in a difficult occupation, we have to deal with stress. Sometimes, drug use can make this seem worse than it is. Sometimes, in trying to get away from drugs, we find ourselves feeling miserable and on edge. I am asking that if you need a hug or words of encouragement, you start a thread in Social where you’d get a lot of what you need. If you need specific help with an issue, try bringing it into the Dark Side forum. But I am also asking that those with experience please add to this specific thread, as I’d like to make a list of ways to aid in dealing with stress and anxiety.
Some people turn to religion, others turn to friends, and others turn to themselves. Wherever you seek solace and balance, there are things you can do to bring yourself back to a happier way of living. If you know of certain stress-relieving techniques or books or programs that others may try, please list them here. Links to other sites are appreciated, as opposed to a load of text (that would bog the server and flood the screen). If you could give your experience with that method, how you found it, what it is like, and how others can gain information on it, it would be appreciated.
While proper diet (subject to opinion) and exercise are basics to most stress relieving programs, I understand that certain over-the-counter and prescription drugs can help with this. I’d ask that this thread stay focused on the psychological and mental aspects of dealing with anxiety while I start another thread covering the pharmaceutical answers. Thank you for your time and assistance.
The first addiction I ever developed was working out.I've been around the fitness industry since I can remember and I opened a gym/heath club almost three years ago.I've invested a hell of a lot of time and money in it,and it's actually now considered to be the best in my area.
To me, working out is just part of my daily routine,just like brushing your teeth. Working out has helped me get through the toughest times of my life,more so than anything else.IMO,nothing works better for helping alleviate withdrawel symptoms when i've had to straighten out in the past.
I've been dealing with certain anxiety problems (to say the least) since i was very very young. now i am finally breaking through the cloud and cell of anxiety in life with many simple techniques. first and foremost::: YOGA!! seriously, not only does this do a good job of sculpting your body (if you put 100% into it) but it does wonders for aquiring stress releiving practices. in generally i would suggest all of the eastern philosophies which put great importance on mental focus (get more in tune with your real self and get rid of the stress which has become you)- yoga, tai chi, tantra (which i would definitely recommend for its multiple stress relieving qualities), karate. also supplement this with a proper diet (which is not debated by nutrition specialists), and regular excersise (which in itself on a regular basis causes increase in serotonin levels).
also none of this shit will do you enough good if you have a lot of stress or anxiety, you have to add on professional help along with it. also quit psychoactive substances (most importantly pot) which definitely will halter and harm any proogress which you make in these other practices).
BREATH!!!!Seriously. Pay attention to your breathing all the time.It is perhaps the simplist and most accessible relaxatoin technique I have come across. Five sec. in, five sec. hold, five sec. out. Instant results.... Hope it helps....

By the way....Good job Love Bandit!
lovebandit you mentioned programmes i may have misunderstood you..but im gonna post this not preaching or anything for what im about to mention could offend some people.
im talking about trying to get away from drugs, i think it's the hardest thing to do ever, i have used this program to stop my alcohol intake as i was a typical alcoholic, but haven't and hopefully wont reach that stage with drugs.
the number of NA is posted with the other helplines, those who have heard of it would know that it's main prurpose is to help stop all drug use.
but the advice i would give is even if you're not ready to give it all up just yet, but still feel that you need help these meetings help loads to relieve stress and anxiety...that's how i use them,,,just take what you want from them and leave the rest behind.
as through experience the thought of giving it all up is frightening as hell, but as a start seeking help through them will benefit you tremendously.

'id rather live in an illusion than face harsh reality' me
[email protected]
Actually, unicorn, that does fall in line with what I'm asking for. Another aspect of this forum was to get feedback from those who have gone to such programs. Someone that can give insight and experience for others to know what to expect.
Additionally, any program that doesn't rely on prescriptions is what I was after for this thread. Natural ways to deal with whatever it is that is freaking you out that day, that week, whenever. That way people trying to break from drugs, or worried about being tested, or just trying to get away from anything man made, can have something to help them thru the tough times.
Problably one of the best ways to get over stress and other issues is meditation, where you can just focus on it and get past it. Then there's reiki, with symbols that specifically work on healing problems like stress. And other techniques... personally I feel these are better then poppin med pills. While pills are good for helpin you forget about it and ignore it, this type of stuff lets you face upto it and remove it from your life.
Unicorn...right on!
I go to NA because I did have a drug problem...however, after going to my 90 meetings in 90 days...I picked up on a lot of things, things I will take for the rest of my life....drugs were not the problem, I was my problem. Tomorrow, I will be clean for 90 days.
I do agree with meditation. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is reflect on the day ahead..what I need to do to make the day a smooth one.
This works for me, and may not work for others, but I do pray to the god of my understanding...I am by far the least religious person that I know, but I do believe in a higher power...when you feel stressed, just ask the god of your understanding to help you through it...this is a hard concept for many to accept, and was hard for me to accept, but after trying it, it works...
Exercise is a great way to relieve stress, but do not overdo it if you are out of shape. Just do what you can, jump on a treadmill and work on your cardiovascular system...I have now tried this for a week,45 minutes a day, and it has helped tremendously....
Also, call people and let them know about your is great to let it all out...most of your friends will not tell you that they are too busy to talk to you. But also remember this, call your friends when things are going well too. I know I would annoy some by calling them and let them know things are great...but remember, you should do things for yourself to relieve the stress.
I hope this helps some...
the easiest way to deal with and/or alleviate stress/anxiety seems to be different types of meditation, such as yoga, working out, or whatever. but i, like many others im sure, havent the attention span or patience to do any of these things.
so i got a hobby.
seriously, anything you can find that takes up most of your attention and thought and allows you to be doing something with your hands is a great way to deal with anxiety. i guess its channeling the energy into something creative.
personally, i play guitar, computer games, pinball, paint miniatures, build model kits, all kinds of stuff like that. itreally helped me get through a lot of rough crap in my life, and i got some kewl skillz to boot!
"Sometimes not knowing everything's the only thing that makes it okay." - Delerium, The Sandman
JustStark, Grand High Pubah of subhuman affairs and official corner- office holder of the ANTI-TRIAD
BROWNMAN i wanted to send you a personal email but couldnt find your email address anyways reply to mine!
i just wanted to say congratulations on ur 90 days!! it's a great accomplishment!!! it took me awhile to get it through my head that the alcohol was the problem...but i had my 90 days a couple of days ago in AA though. im still struggling with the idea of drugs though as they haven't been a problem. guess i've only been using for a couple of i can't say.
but i have dealt with the problem of serenity, and peace of mind..though not clean time

send me an email!! plus anyone else who's interested in talking about there experience or have got any questions.
'id rather live in an illusion than face harsh reality' me
[email protected]
I meditate at least once every day for at least 30 min. I wasn't able to due to my short attention span at first and started with only 5 minutes at a time. I found that I was slowly able to meditate longer and longer, and the longer I was able to meditate, the better I was able to feel.
I have been practicing Reiki ever since Void attuned me in it, and I find that that helps a whole lot too, especially when I get *stress* headaches.
Reading. It allows me to leave my stresses behind for just a little while, and that is so helpful in that I am not so overwhelmed by things at times.
I water my plants every single morning and that helps me be grounded to the earth. I think that appreciating the earth and the things that nature provides helps me be a lot less stressful.
anytime i feel stressed or anxious in general, i sit down with a piece of paper, and list everything in each area of my life that is bothering me, no matter how small. then i go back and either look at what needs to be done so that it wont bother me, and then take these steps to do it or use reasoning to tell myself why it shouldnt bother me. it sounds kind of silly, but it certainly works for me
I don't think that's silly at all fizzygirl. As a matter of fact I do the same thing at times, but when I'm done I burn the piece of paper and meditate on the things I will do to change my situation
This should go without saying, but i'll mention it anyway.
Eat right, and try to stay physically fit or healthy. Now a balanced diet is different for everyone, but a search on or at is an excellent place search for nutritional information. You can also go to your doctor and ask what is best for your individual needs.
As for working out, lifting weights and running seem to be great stress relievers for me. It takes your mind off the matter, and enables pent up stress to be released in a better way. Physical activity doesn't have to be strenuous though. A brisk walk in the morning, before breakfast, is a good way to burn some calories and feel invigorated for the rest of the day.
Listen to some great music, and dance your ass off. You can also listen to some chill music, or a song that gets you in a generally better mood. Soak in a hottub, close your eyes, and just let the music and warmth travel throughout your body.
Aromatherapy is great for relieving stress. I don't know much about it but I managed to pull one of many FAQ's here:
Lavendar is supposed to be good for stress and whatnot.
One more thing I recommend is to go cruising around in your car, with open windows or top down, and with music turned up. But don't do it if you are angry, and try not to go on busy streets
or during rush hour. You don't wanna get even more stressed.
My own experience was that stress and anxiety became debilitating because I didnt listen to my body before both became so severe that my body went into full on siren mode to alert me to the fact that I needed to step back and unwind. Hard core panic attacks and all the loss of social confidence that goes along with such episodes.
I literally do not notice until its too late that there is an unhealthy level present in my daily life. This is mainly due to the the fact that for an extended period of my life I smothered and denied an extremely stressful environment in which I existed, my sensors seem to be shut down more or less.
Being conscious of yourself, your body and ESP your environment is half the battle. Yoga, working out, massages, meditation, deep breathing, just taking an hour a day and dedicating it to yourself helps. It is so easy to get caught up in a regular daily itinerary, that at the end of a week or a month or a year, you can realise that you havent made time for yourself to unwind at all. Real unwinding in my book not equaling going clubbing and taking the funstuff

Maintaining a calm and rational outlook, i.e not sweating the small stuff, also helps. When you start to feel upset, step back for 10 before you allow your instant reactions to get the better of you.
I'll second the writing things out idea. I've found that when you have a million things rushing through your mind, stop and pour them all out on a piece of paper. When you read back over what you've written you'll gain fresh perspectives and will be able to re-prioritise your problems. It helps you solve things systematicly and efficiently, rather than falling for the stress induced trap of trying to fix everything at once and getting flustered.
Another good idea is to not try to respond to serious discussion posts when you haven't been to bed in 36 hours. But that's another matter.
I'm sure you all know what I'm getting at, despite the fact that it's not as coherent an arguement as I'd like.
to those who are talking about NA or AA please dont go to emails about your support stuff thats what we want in the forum!!
maybe we could start a thread about NA/AA and let people talk about their experiances.
I would definitely agree with those that mentioned yoga/exercise. Not only do they help relieve stress but they work for me to help curb my drug intake. I used to come home from work and just wanna get fucked up cuz I hated my job so much. But then I decided to start working out and I would end up feeling so good afterward that I wouldn't even feel like getting wasted.
I just recently started doing Tai Chi and Yoga. They are definitely excellent for stress relief. Plus, they can do wonders for improving your dancing by making you more flexible, more conscious of your body, better balanced, and in just better shape in general. I always make sure to do one or the other to warm up before I go to a party cuz I can flow so much better after doing them.
Taking up Yoga has also inspired me to quit smoking. It involves a lot of deep breathing and when you finish a yoga practice it feels so great to breath so deeply and fully that you don't want to fuck that up with cigarette smoke.