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NoFap movement, thoughts and opinions


Jan 8, 2010
The title speaks for itself, what are your thoughts/opinions on this new no fap movement?
Does it have any scientific weight to it?

If you are unfamiliar... It boils down to the suggestion that using porn can affect ones brain negatively.
In such a way that your perception of a sexuality is hindered causing erectile dysfunction, ADHD, OCD, etc.
Bullshit. Porn is healthy in many ways. It is often prescribed as sexual therapy for couples. It depends what you watch and how often. All things in moderation. Also if someone is a sick fuck they are gonna be a sick fuck regardless.
Everything in moderation :) It's even okay to do Cocaine is moderation :D Much better than slamming an 18 pack of beer in a night! Know what I mean jean!

If you have an addictive personality, well..... You shouldn't do anything of those things 8)
Its a movement? Who's movement? A world without fapping is a world left desolate and lorn.
as long as they're not hurting anybody, what do i care if they desist?

The title speaks for itself, what are your thoughts/opinions on this new no fap movement?
Does it have any scientific weight to it?

If you are unfamiliar... It boils down to the suggestion that using porn can affect ones brain negatively.
In such a way that your perception of a sexuality is hindered causing erectile dysfunction, ADHD, OCD, etc.

I like it and will explain my position at the end of this post, but firstly I think it is mainly a symptom, a societal response, to the danger of internet pornography in the younger generations (who've grown up with it). The sheer amount of guys with problems and who are finding successful rehabilitation from the issues (ED, social anxiety, etc) tells quite clearly that it works and that there is an issue surrounding internet pornography. Does it hold scientific weight? Absolutely. Thousands of guys reporting the same issues and then healing themselves, firstly, and the mechanisms behind it are known. Over stimulation of the reward circuitry in the brain, dopemine issues, and neural associations of pleasure with your hand as opposed to a partner. The same issues can be found in the older generations who had magazines and videos, but internet porn poses a greater risk. Something about looking at a screen opposed to a magazine too, don't know what it is but I've noticed a difference.. printed images engage the imagination more perhaps?

I think nofap is good because it shows it is possible for guys to go more than a day without busting, and helps to break this hyper-sexual culture we've created over the past couple of decades.. where sex is everywhere and yet is also deeply absent. I put the porn industry up there with the banking industry and the arms industry in terms of perversion to the human spirit and generating profit through its repression. So it's nice to see a human response to this problem and through the internet, something which makes me smile because this is what the internet was made for!

Totally disagree with barbiechandler btw, who's done porn so maybe slightly biased on this topic. Healthy in what regard? Releasing steam? I think it's unhealthy and caused by living in an unhealthy society that still has very Victorian attitudes towards sex (but with hyper-perversion).
this ted talk offers some of the intention and scientific basis of the noporn/nofap movement

ive tried it, and it worked (completely obliterated my depression and social anxiety whilst increasing my self-confidence to levels i have never previously experienced drug free). of course there are uninformed people who give nofap a bad name, but thats the same for any body of thought.

porn is degrading to me, people say that porn performers are doing that job as a choice, but i think lots of women end up doing it out of a complete lack of choices, most porn i have watched is very unempowered and unsexy and fake and misogynistic and that carries over to objectification of women in real life.

once you set the goal for yourself to not masturbate for a long period of time, you start to realise how little you control over sexual urges, how unconscious masturbating to porn really is. changing the way one acts, when you see something that triggers lust, and being able to slow down the train of thoughts that leads to pumping the vaseline bottle and opening 10 xhamster tabs, is an invaluable skill which can benefit one in all aspects of life.

i wish i knew about it when my chronic depression began at 16 or so

as for all things in moderation, you wouldn't tell an ex-heroin addict that he can use heroin, just in moderation...

so you wouldn't encourage a porn addict that he can watch porn just once a week

btw a large proportion of people who do nofap have porn addiction, i personally would say i have a porn addiction simply because i watched it once almost every day for many years, and to me a habit that spans years and is done daily constitutes if not an addiction, then a well worn habit.
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What I don't like about the "no fap movement" is that they are trying to make a normalcy into some kind of "thing". Like, not being a wanker is something special nowadays, the world has gone crazy. Also I feel it's counter productive in a "don't think about the pink elephant" kind of way, it will just keep masturbation on your mind and make you end up doing it.
well the point is to not feed thoughts that are focused on sex, so the more you do that, the easier it is to not think about sex. the longer you stop masturbating for, the easier it is to abstain ime.
Everything in moderation :) It's even okay to do Cocaine is moderation :D Much better than slamming an 18 pack of beer in a night! Know what I mean jean!

If you have an addictive personality, well..... You shouldn't do anything of those things 8)

I agree at least in general.

A person should be able to do an honest self examination.
If you "Fap" to porn a couple/few times a week - you probably shouldn't even think twice about it.
If you Fap daily - it's probably worth at least considering it in the context of your life, and whether you have grown accustomed to placing masturbation in a higher priority than you would intentionally plan.

If you Fap multiple times daily, and/or you need to watch some form of extreme porn to enjoy it - Then you should at least be aware that you are starting to make significant changes to the way you process sex. You may or may not see that as a negative.
I've lost my sex drive to some antipsychotic medication, when I finally come off it I'm probably going to go wild with my sea monster. Hopefully women can get involved this time.
not me...if I dont have a chick, porn fills the spot, if I have a chick, I dont need porn unless we go a stretch and she isnt available. If you can have the real thing why would you watch porn?
If you think your masturbation / porn habits are a problem, then NoFap will work. If you don't, it won't. It's all in your head, one way or another.

I will say this: I did something similar over the summer, and it did help me mentally disengage from what I felt was a problem. I'm not going to evangelize it, though.
ive tried it, and it worked (completely obliterated my depression and social anxiety whilst increasing my self-confidence to levels i have never previously experienced drug free). once you set the goal for yourself to not masturbate for a long period of time, you start to realise how little you control over sexual urges, how unconscious masturbating to porn really is. changing the way one acts, when you see something that triggers lust, and being able to slow down the train of thoughts that leads to pumping the vaseline bottle and opening 10 xhamster tabs, is an invaluable skill which can benefit one in all aspects of life.
The content of this thread is premium, and the content of Mysterie's post is profound and inviting, calling all to give NoFap a try :)
i feel pretty crappy when i jerk off and watch excessive porn..... like i have been lately since i quit methadone. .. super horny.... but its depressing and i do get ED sometimes and im only 31..... from drugs and porn and being a peice of shit

there were times where i didn't jerk off for maybe 6 months and i had extra energy and focus
there were times where i didn't jerk off for maybe 6 months and i had extra energy and focus
That's what I would like to discover. You're right, spanking the munk gets depressing. So far I have one day jack-sober :)
i'd like to try a month nofap again, just because i think its a trip. it takes mental dedication to return focus back on a non-sexual object or thought when sexuality is so pervasive online and everyone wears bum shorts now :\

ideally after that i would just use imagination to get off once every week or two.

i lose so much energy/drive/motivation doing pmo (porn->masturbation->orgasm) pretty much daily.

might start journalling every night again as that helps me to set course for where i want to go