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No effects post surgery?


Jan 27, 2019
Good Evening,

I have a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, specifically type 3, and for the 99.9% of you that haven't heard of it, the primary issue that causes the most problems is I dislocate joints (fully dislocate, not just a subluxation) multiple times a day doing things that you would never think would cause them. An example is I recently dislocated my knee simply walking across my living room. Because of the pain associated with this, I am given opiates on a pain contract, specifically Percocet 7.5/325 3x daily. Now, I will admit up front that this dose has not worked well for me in quite some time, and I typically take 2 in order to get relief. I have tried working with my provider, but as I'm sure most people are away, providers are extremely hesitant to increase doses these days. So I supplement with Kratom when I can, and all is peachy.

In October I rolled over in my sleep and dislocated my shoulder, and in the process completely shredded the labrum inside of it, as well as tore one of my rotator cuff tendons. On the 17th of January (so just over a week ago) I had surgery to repair which resulted in 3 screws/anchors and a significant amount of wire. Initially it was supposed to just be one screw, but when he got in there the damage was much worse than the MRI detailed. Prior to the surgery I talked to the surgeon about being on a pain contracted, followed the guidelines, and got permission for the surgeon to manage my pain medication for up to 30 days. The surgeon said that he would up my dose to 15mg every 4-6 for the first few days, and the lower me to 10s for a bit, and then I'd go back to my baseline dose. As I woke up from surgery he tried to send me home with nothing, and I managed to talk him into giving me something, which I discovered after I got home was a small script for 10mg percocet. I was frustrated, but it was what it was, so I had it filled. I had a nerve block put in, but despite having it, I felt severe pain on the back side of my shoulder immediately after surgery. My instructions were to not taking any pain meds until the nerve block wore off, but I was hours beyond my normal dose for my other issues, and my shoulder was already hurting, so I took a dose. I didn't notice much, and by that evening I was projectile vomitting. I was vomitting every 10 to 15 minutes and could not even begin to keep ANY meds down, including the Zofran for nausea. By 7 AM The next morning I felt like my skin was on fire and I was taken to the ER. The ER doctor straighted me out with IV Dilaudid, Zofran, and Tordal. He gave me an oral dose of 10mg Roxicodone before I left to ensure that I could keep it down, and I did. I went home and proceeded to rest and take my meds.

The 10mg Percocet were not strong enough to handle the pain because of my tolerance, which I should have said I've been on opiates consistently for about 7 to 8 years now. The ER doctor gave me instructions to take my 10mg every 2 to 4 hours for the next 24 hours, and then go back to 4-6 hours after that. After trying multiple times to just take a 10mg I made the decision to add one of my monthly 7.5's to the dose, bringing the total to 17.5 mg, which was barely enough that first day, so I went with either 20mg or 25mg for that first day, and the following day I backed off to 20mg, and backed off to 15 after that. All was well for a few days, and then slowly but surely I started noticing that I wasn't feeling the expected effects of the meds. It helped a bit with pain, but the euphoria wasn't there at all, and by last Tuesday they weren't working AT ALL. I had some leftover Hydrocodone, 24 to be exact, which were 5/235 mg. These are incredibly weak, and without thinking clearly, I ended up taking them all in one day attempting to get some relief not thinking about how much acetaminaphin that was.

Fast forward, and I figured out that the ER doctor had given me Reglan to use in tandem with my Zofran, and that Reglan works by blocking dopamine, and had also given me a rash and severe anxiety. I discontinued used, and found that the pain meds started working somewhat again. But I got up today and I'm back to them not working at all. I have access to 4mg Dilaudid, so I tried that only to get no effects at all. So I tried 8mg. Nothing. So I tried snorting 8mg thinking maybe something was going on with my digestive tract and the meds just weren't getting absorbed. Nothing.

So my question is...did I do some sort of damage to my liver with the high doses of acetaminaphen? That doesn't make much sense to me, because snorting the diluadid should have bypassed my liver and given me rapid onset of effect, but I felt nothing. So I did what reseach I could, and thought maybe I've just depleted my dopamine levels so badly between the higher doses of meds and the trauma of the surgery...I started taking some Maca root, which has made 4g of Kratom work SOMEWHAT, but the dilaudid and percocet are having 0 effect on me. I'm scared that something is wrong, and of course will get in trouble if I go to my doctor with this info. I will if I have to, but I was curious if anyone had experienced this. I've never had an issue with opiates not having an effect, I've just gotten a tolerance to Hydrocodone, and anything short of 10mg of percocet won't have any effect on me, but I've NEVER had any issues with 4mg of diluadid or higher.

Not sure why the dilaudid would be having no effect. Were they prescribed to you or are they from someone you know?

As for the acetaminophen/opioid combination tablets, read up about cold water extraction. It separates the Aacetaminophen from the opioids so you won't be putting yourself at such a massive risk of of APAP overdose.
Not sure why the dilaudid would be having no effect. Were they prescribed to you or are they from someone you know?

As for the acetaminophen/opioid combination tablets, read up about cold water extraction. It separates the Aacetaminophen from the opioids so you won't be putting yourself at such a massive risk of of APAP overdose.
They are from someone I know, but they are for sure real Diluadid. I've picked them up for this person on several occassions, although I haven't used any in about a year and a half.

And thank you for the suggestion, I've heard of CWE, and I've attempted it many many years ago, I was just so out of it from the surgery it didn't cross my mind. Definitely will next time I have surgery.
There are so many fakes around at the moment, the chance of getting legitimate pain pills at street level in US seems to be very slim these days. I mean, if you can't get them with everything you experience, I can't imagine it being easy for anyone to get them. I could be wrong, just a thought.

Here is the cold water extraction thread: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/548643-Cold-Water-Extraction-(CWE)-Mega-Thread-amp-FAQ-v2-0

It may take a bit of searching, but there is some decent info on how it's done. It's easy once you've got the hang of it.