• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

NMI Social - The Make-out party!

Rogue Robot said:
female odor when i've been sitting on my ass all day sweating isn't so seductive. :p
i completely and utterly beg to differ

as long as there's not a lot of bacteria or whatever, the riper the better :D

(then again i've dated chick who don't shave or whatever and you also remember my underarm fetish so my opinion may be unorthodox)
i just think if it smells pungent to me, the other half probably wouldn't want anything to do with it. but, he has shocked me a few times in our 6 years together. heh.
samadhi_smiles said:
i completely and utterly beg to differ

as long as there's not a lot of bacteria or whatever, the riper the better :D

(then again i've dated chick who don't shave or whatever and you also remember my underarm fetish so my opinion may be unorthodox)

Bahahhahhaahhaa. Armpits ARE kinda sexy. I kiss my boyfriend's armpit all the time and he's like wtf....
s_s: where is your bl crew title dude:) why didnt you request it?
Hmmmm..."pungent" is something that comes to mind when at the Chinese restaurant... and has nothing to do do with gastronomics--in the literal sense at least...
deathrow: i guess they mean something %80 wet or moist, not sure tho:)
Deathrow558 said:
You know how they say 80% humidity etc...what does that mean?

you know how the air feels moist before it rains? well, that's usually 100% humidity. here, they measure it on a daily basis since the humidity makes it hotter. i don't worry about the humidity in the fall to spring.
Well apparently the humidity is 86% just now. So does that mean that for every 100 bits of 'air', 86 bits will be wet?

Haha, I'm so scientific :D
Ok, I did a bit of googling and:

One-hundred percent humidity means the air is completely saturated and is holding its maximum amount of water vapor. That will make it appear foggy outside with perhaps some drizzle or mist.

So that explains why it gets hazey outside sometimes. Cool %)