Nitrous Problems


Dec 21, 2008
Hey everybody i dont know who to turn to about this problem, i feel like a such a moron for what ive done to my self ill start with a little run down of my nitrous oxide use. Over the past 2 Years ive been using nitrous fairly heavily on avg id say a few hundred bulbs a week with a break of maybe 6 months in between that 2 years but the last year has been fairly heavy use maybe missing a week or 2 here and there.
I started to notice some negative effects over the past few months firstly i had a experience where i got sores on the edges of my mouth, went to the docs and was told this was due to a b12 deficiency nothing too major i was told to buy some supplements etc which i did and that cleared up the problem. About a month ago i had a session where every bulb would leave my legs and arms locked up for about a minute being the idiot i am i continued the session until all my boxes where gone, everything was fine after that session for a few weeks but in the past week or two ive noticed that my toes were tingly and a bit numb after a couple of weeks they got slightly better until i stupidly had some more nitrous oxide on the weekend and realized the next day when i woke up that my feet had gotten worse again half my left foot is fairly numb up until about half way down my foot.
Anyways i realize what i need to do is stop using nitrous oxide all together but i guess im afraid of a couple of things firstly that ive caused irreversible damage to my nerves and that i may not feel my feet properly ever again, secondly im afraid im going to lapse again and end up in a even worse state than im already in. I guess i just wanted to share my story and hope that it might help some people not make the same mistakes i have made. Has anybody else ever experienced problems of tingling and numbness due to heavy nitrous use?
Oh my goodness, please please please stop the nitrous!!
Don't be afraid to go to a doctor to tell them what you've been doing and for how long. They could have something that could help with the potential damage you've done.
But please, no more NO2!!!

Good luck <3
I haven't experienced this myself, but you are causing damage to your nerves and really should stop doing nitrous. Keep supplementing with the B12 but if the numbness and tingling persists for very long after you quit you should see a doctor.
Oh my goodness, please please please stop the nitrous!!
Don't be afraid to go to a doctor to tell them what you've been doing and for how long. They could have something that could help with the potential damage you've done.
But please, no more NO2!!!

Good luck
If he was doing that much NO2 he'd be dead by now. NO2 is nitrogen dioxide, a highly toxic gas.
OP, please cease your n2o use and see a doctor if these problems continue.
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Yeh i figured stopping my use of nitrous was the only way to avoid this problem, i guess overall its the addiction to it that worries me and i fear im going to make the wrong decision when im drunk and end back at the bulb shop. I think i might give my soda siphons to a mate to make the temptation a bit easier :)
Also i guess talking to a doctor would be a good idea thanks for the advice people!
All your symptoms are consistent with functional deficiency of B12. I would keep supplementing with B12. If you can't stop on your own, you might need to check yourself into rehab.
Dude this is a really serious situation. Apart from the B vitamin problems you can get nerve problems that can really fuck you up.

First: stop
Second: find either a knowledgable doctor or get a referral to a specialist

These problems can be life long and disabling.
If he was doing that much NO2 he'd be dead by now. NO2 is nitrogen dioxide, a highly toxic gas.
OP, please cease your n2o use and see a doctor if these problems continue.

Lol, smart ass...No I'm just kidding, I picked up on that too, but I wasn't about to correct her, lol.

You already got all the advice you need, haha. Stop. NOW! Don't do it anymore, ever again. This could be nerve damage, but it is PROBABLY brain damage, as far as I know, Nitrous doesn't affect the nerves, just NMDA, which obviously NMDA blockage = numbness, perhaps the brain has started to grow accustomed to the constant antagonism, who knows. I know Ketamine would leave me pretty numb for a couple of days after a binge. On top of this, B12 deficiency, definitely keep supplementing, I don't know how much is too much, I know on House they gave someone a massive dose once...Not that I trust the show 100%, lol, I'm just saying, you could get away with doing, double or triple the recommended amount that the pills state.

See your doctor if you aren't getting feeling back after a week or two off the Nitrous with B12 supplements. They may have some advice, and be honest, obviously, about everything, duration, frequency, amounts. What's more important, getting feeling back in your feet, or your doctor trusting you 100%? I know what I'd pick...

Besides all that...Just good luck. Dissociatives can be damned addictive, eh? I know I loved my Nitrous in the Fall, went through 110 hits in a month, nothing like you but I still felt I was developing a problem. Its such a tease, haha, and each time you do it seems so non-damaging, and it is, but just goes to show too much of anything is bad. The B12 deficiency, I hope you saw coming all along, you really should have been supplementing the entire time, seeing at the rates you were using it. But what's done is done.
These problems can be life long and disabling.


The worst cases of vitamin B12 deficiency caused by nitrous were all but treated without any persisting symptoms with a few massive shots of that vitamin.

To my knowledge there is no record of anybody having side effects for a longer time than the deficiency itself

Still if you got to that point youre taking wayy too much
Yeh definitely no more nos for me! My feet are feeling a bit better today which is a good sign, ive been doing some research into B12 deficiency and read a bit about B12 shots given to people mainly vegans who suffer from a lack of b12 due to not eating meats etc, so im going to go ask my doctor about that. Thanks for all the advice people i appreciate it <3
take your paraphernalia, right now, and destroy it. seriously. as a sign of respect for yourself. let it be symbolic of the death of the habit. dont give it to your friends. you dont want to be responsible for inflicting the same damage you have suffered on them.

dont ever do nitrous oxide or any other inhalants ever again. the next inhalant high could give you a stroke and leave you paralyzed on half of your body.

take care of yourself, man.
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Sorry n3ophy7e, I wasn't trying to be a dick or anything.
I'l leave now :|

Aww, don't leave, I just felt at that point in the thread, for someone as knowledgeable as yourself, there was more that could have been said. Don't worry about it man, no hard feeling or nothing, I just observed it and spoke my mind, as did you, lol.
Hmm and I thought my 1000 bulb in 2 weeks binge was bad. Sounds to me like you have some neuroanasthesis and you need to stop, like now man. I still havent fully recovered from my binge, it was a bit of a liabation so im pretty much numb emotionally but if it gets to the point where your having physical numbness then you really need to stop. Its probably the nastiest feeling in the world coming off a nitrous binge. This type of addiction might be rare but its very real. Some of my worst memories to date were of me abusing nitrous in front of my folks. Stay off the stuff for a while, this sort of recovery is very long but the worst part goes away after a month or two. I was taking b complex and omega 3 and 6's, I reccomend you do the same. Namaste brother.
Stop using nitrous and continue taking B12 supplements. I seriously doubt you've done permanent damage, but only a doctor will know for sure.
Billy, Billy, Billy......after all the advice you've received there are still countless bulbs entering our bedroom. I'm not saying stop, cause I know you too well, and I know it wont, but please cut down a tiny bit more.....please? I love you so much, and I don't want you losing the feeling in your feet before our wedding. I care about you and I'm only saying this stuff cause I am concerned for your well being.
I love you. <3
I think Billy needs rehab or something. Nitrous oxide addiction is no joke, and it will kill you. If you have a taste for doing it daily (most people don't), it's just as addictive as crack cocaine.
I'll be honest, nitrous oxide is very safe drug when used under certain circumstances, You have surpassed those circumstances my friend! What are you trying to do? Burst a lung and look like you have herpes? I'm intentionally being rude to put it through your head that your destroying both inside and the outside of your body