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Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Harm Reduction Tips!

I have been thinking the same thing.

I was thinking that there just not the same as they used to be. Maybe they changed them?
^ My girlfriend has done them a lot less than me and she seems to be pretty out of it off 1. I generally stop at 2, because when I try 3 I don't actually remember the trip at all - I just come out of it and apparently I've done 3 nangs :\
..and a whole bun ch of retarded shit that no one told you about... because everyone has the same vopice cos of the gas and the pattern of speaking, and they think your copying their last bulb trip maing fun of you, and the cycle starts from that to telepathic messages that people seem to react to with body language every time.

As much as a bulb whore I am when I have them they just don't seem the same anymore... I think i just miss MDA pills, that made nitrous really intense. Like those trips that put you back in time like 6 months ago, in a different room/car/whateverm and you replay the trip live, not being able to control you actions. like a perfect first person view of a bulb trip you've had in the past as it were rcorded down to every last little detail. Anyone ever had that?
Tanks?!? I've Tried....

Splatt said:
heh, you got it pat down sir. circular breathing is the key.

An' that gets all those foo's
that pay'd
me out
fo' playin' the flute
in Yr 5, too.

Vs. Metal One's, I can fit 4+ in mine...,
but it's
to get a (1) one-shooter...
three still fit,...
an' if you got a trigger finga
(put yo' finga under the lever fo' balance)

Take it easy/'ard.

Believe me,
I once tried to use a compass to open some....


best way is to give someone a hat,
an' they play lock 'n' load,
so peeps get runs
at the

Rotate hat...

We use a Chinese Mortar Mannin' Hat.

Nitrous is one of the
best gases
to watch people
even if you aint got none.




an' so on.... one of the strongest dialations of time I've experienced....
Like An 8 Hour Sleep

Splatt said:
Anyone ever had that?

If I'm straight,
an' I have a 3xbulb,
I feel like I jus' woke up from a

Strange, but true.

:eek: :)

I prefer one at a time or it can leak if used too often or its already cold.
And part of the built up process is screwing the next bulb in which no matter what you do, even if you accidewntly drop a bulb or cant screw it in properly. it is always screwed in and breathed in exactly when the end of the techno music pattern. A room full of O.C.D weirdos controlled by nothing but the timing of beats. :)
I've often wondered if I got N2O at the dentist today I'd start rambling our groups non-english language thats built up over the years. Or possibly move my head around while being drilled or something.
^... or pass out as I did a few times. If the mixture is set around 60% N2O you can, with a bit of practice, control your nose-mouth breathing so you just sort of hover in that k-hole kinda space prior to unconsciousness. It's totally weird and you can't understand what the dentist is saying, yet you try to give rational answers to what he asks. You usually know how well you kept it together, as the N2O either stays on or gets turned off, in which case you're brought rushing back to reality with straight O2!

Yuk, I hate N2O so much. Despite some of the fond dental memories, these days I prefer the pain to having nitrous and/ or a local.
Well I have a general problem with any anaesthetics. I've came out of procedures before ripping stuff out of me and sticky pads off me, attackiong nurses and doctors. And waken up on high doses of some heavy doses of general anaesthetics during operations/procedures.

The K-Hole and full dose nitrous effects I am often fully aware of what I am doing, it is like I am possessed, but it's been set in stone, and I must finish what my mind has made me do, and all I can do is observe it as a third person would. This is what Im worried about as I am due for some dental work. I really don't want to start spazzing out yelling out in an olds persons voice telling the dentist to shove it up her mother (coprolalia) or throwing my neck around in an uncontrollable matter. And I am pretty bad with locals too, any *caine type locals I need about three or four shots before that area is numbed, and the effect lasts a very short time. Then I start to get all the side effects of higher doses of *caines. I think I'll go in there on benzos (unless they thin blood badly or something) and get the needle and the N2O, so I'm calm and not talking in a womans voice to coloured pixels.
I cleaned my whippers the day before a festival and yeah... the cheap bulbs have that fucking disgusting lubricant in them and that was lining most of the parts in my whipper... so a combination of disinfectant and hot water, then wiping everything with a paper towel and then rinsing again did the trick fine...

On both my whippers I put the mouth piece into hot water and disinfected it.

A tiny bit of care is all that you need....
Splatt said:
Well I have a general problem with any anaesthetics. I've came out of procedures before ripping stuff out of me and sticky pads off me, attackiong nurses and doctors. And waken up on high doses of some heavy doses of general anaesthetics during operations/procedures.

The K-Hole and full dose nitrous effects I am often fully aware of what I am doing, it is like I am possessed, but it's been set in stone, and I must finish what my mind has made me do, and all I can do is observe it as a third person would. This is what Im worried about as I am due for some dental work. I really don't want to start spazzing out yelling out in an olds persons voice telling the dentist to shove it up her mother (coprolalia) or throwing my neck around in an uncontrollable matter. And I am pretty bad with locals too, any *caine type locals I need about three or four shots before that area is numbed, and the effect lasts a very short time. Then I start to get all the side effects of higher doses of *caines. I think I'll go in there on benzos (unless they thin blood badly or something) and get the needle and the N2O, so I'm calm and not talking in a womans voice to coloured pixels.

This sounds remarkably similar to me. I don't really spazz out so to speak, but on full blown K holes (im talking, 500mg in 5-10 mins) im absolutely smashed, but im still aware, just like you say, aware but having no control of what im doing. Same with locals, every time i go to the dentist i need 4-5 injections to numb my mouth, 1 just doesn't cut it.

Same with benzo's as well, i can eat 6-8mg of alprazolam, and be extremely smashed but still manage to keep my shit together, whereas my mates would have passed out on the floor or something.

It sucks, having to do things in excess all the time.
Splatt - Had a bit of nos on the wknd and had one of those nos dreams that I had about a year ago, if that makes sense. Like as I came out of it I saw what I'd seen in the dream a year ago. All these new people. Back then I was confused but now it makes sense, which confuses me more.

Nos is clearly a door to a parallel universe :p
thanks for this i never thought of such things
I don't know what thread the discussion is in, of nitrous syphons and brands.

But Clovers are really shit! No cafe or restaurant will go near them. They are pretty much made for people abusing nitrous oxide, often being right next to cigarettes on display in a store!

These things have lots of machine oil left over from production. You need to find better brands such as iSi or that other brand with a strawberry on its cover. They are food grade nitrous. The Clovers are definitely made pretty much soley for abuse and are very cheap to buy in bulk at a wholesale level. Kitchen shops and warehouses won't go near them.

We did an experiment of cleaning a bulberator and then putting a Clover brand into it and getting tissue and A4 pieces of paper and squirted the nozel directly onto the papers. What did we see, little fragments and a grey to black oily substance. We cleaned the machine and used iSi/better brands (basically any of the very shiny silver ones) and the impact on the paper was invisible to minimal after several tries.

After a big session (200+) of Clover, a machine is now completely black inside again, a lot of this stays inside of the bulberator, but some of it comes out the nosel. We did get fragments which looked and felt metalic every now and then. Not sure if its frozen impurities or something, the pierced bulb lid or the oil being frozen. But a good way to stop them going into your lungs is kind of use your tongue as a guard or point the stuff at the side of your mouth, so nothing is going directly down your throat.

After the same amount of iSi and better brands, there was very minimal darkness, nearly none.

Just plan your nitrous activities ahead and avoid Clover. They leave you feeling much sicker and after too many of them the impurities really get to you in a bad way.

[EDIT: You can't say where and how to get bulbs. hoptis]
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Not sure if its frozen impurities or something, the pierced bulb lid...

Yep, that's what it's likely to be all right. Check you piercing nozzle. It's a hollow needle. The end metal on the bulb is quite soft. As the nozzle pierces and pressure is released from the bulb, it makes perfect sense a small amount of metal would enter the the vessel.

Always use a filter over the nozzle when using bulbs.
which brand is MOSA sorry? One of the good cooking/cafe shop brands?
The Nangs are chrome and they are "apparently" 99.8% pure medical grade.

They taste better than ISI at least.