Mental Health night shift work, i never get sunlight and i feel like im going crazy?


Nov 14, 2011
because of my sleep schedule for work i wake up when the sun is down and go to sleep as its coming up and i never get sunlight on my skin..i suffer from general anxiety and i think this lack of vitamin d makes it worse..what can i do besides stop working night shift?
Oh man the first night shift job i ever had fucked me up bad. I couldn't sleep and i felt fucked in the head constantly. Of course i handled it with temazepam and booze to sleep and coke to wake up with of course made it a 100 times worse. So yeah don't go that route.

Id go with a sun lamp and vitamin d tabs. I do find that vitamin D offsets the lack of daylight abit which is good.
Forget about vitamin D and melatonin, if you suffer from GAD its very unhealthy to work nightshifts, go to your doctor and let him back you up to switch jobs.
Also get this, you will love it!!

It actually has nothing to do with Vit D.. the blue spectrum is what is needed to hit a wavelength specific nerve in the eye. This nerve determines the sleep and wake circadian rhythm for the body and mind. By utilizing this light we can manipulate the circadian rhythms to reflect more of our real life schedule.

Its a god send for SAD and shift workers.

Working antisocial hours can prematurely age the brain and dull intellectual ability

feal free to ignore Joeof1.
I did it for years…

Bartended til 2 am … up til sunrise, then went to bed. UP at 3,4 pm back to work. Had maybe one hour of sunlight a day.
Do you have any days off at all? Medications are available, but I would try something else first. Vit D maybe, but I heard it's not even absorbable like people used to think anymore.

Sunlight lamps might be helpful…
What about a tanning bed? The bulbs have a mixture of UVA and UVB rays and will give you a boost of Vitamin D. Use in moderation.
Well daylight in summer time is 12 hours long, shorter in winter of course, but, Unless you're sleeping 10-11-12 hours a day you should see some sun.
I worked a 7:30 PM to 3:30 AM shift and I treated it as if I was working days, meaning when I got home I did NOT go to bed because it was 4 in the morning. I stayed up, granted not a lot to do at 4am, but a TV series to catch up on, I used to play WarCraft online, perfect game to occupy some time at time when there is nothing to do, and there are people to interact with :) When the sun came up I'd go outside and do something, even if it was just a walk, went in the hot tub, in other words I treated my morning like it was my evening. Went to bed at about 10am and got up around 6:630 PM a good 8 hours sleep and some sun :)