Mental Health Nice Things (quotes) People Have Told You.


Oct 20, 2008
A Self Esteem Building Exercise!

"You Are Light Years Ahead Of Your Time."--from a friend.

"You Are Dumb Like A Fox."--from a rehab counselor.

"You Would Make A Good Detective."--from my dad.

"That boy knows more about the Bible than any other student I have ever had."--high school English teacher.

"¡Perfecto bien!"--Spanish teacher.
"You're a great listener, and very smart" - dad

That's the one that stuck, but I'll post more as I remember them. Most have to do with "you can do anything you'd like". A funny one from my mom was "nothing you can do will surprise us anymore" LOL.
"You're an extremely self aware person, you never do anything absent mindedly" - my mum recently, very complimentary of course although I don't believe it's entirely true. 😄
Not much... Mostly superficial compliments once in a blue moon (and usually to another person) because my one parent is a classic narcissist. Something like "Doesn't he look strong?" to someone else when I'm sitting right there. :rolleyes:
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I love positivity, in a world of mostly misery.

We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.
Karl Jung
The drug policies of the US elite are a stain on mankind and they destroy many minds and lives it isn't your fault if you struggle with drug addiction.

Spoken by an American I am sure drug addiction thrives elsewhere for a number of reasons too
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"our decisions determines our pain"

posted wlsewhere but thought wtf, right? lol
"You're very thoughtful, I appreciate everything you do around here" - my father

it's just nice to know all my extra work is appreciated and to believe I'm on the right track to recovery.
The folks at a site I find nonegoistic and gently uplifting and heart opening posted this yesterday I often visit just to see the daily quote the warm happy go lucky grateful souls are sharing I would never think to find the quotes in my own quote hunting. Actually I quoted this someone wrote in an article but they spoke the words so I quoted this does it not count?

"We are living in difficult times. It helps me to remember that our ancestors endured famine, floods, war, plagues, and prejudice. Our existence is the direct consequence of ancestors who persevered despite the odds. We carry their resilience and courage in our genes."

Wait I get it now.

Sry. Wasn't doing it right.

Something someone literally spoke directly to us, quote it! Got it!

"You have a God given gift. Do not waste it son." - The last thing the X-country coach said to me freshman year after I got kicked off the team for smoking pot. Basically the exact message he imprinted in my mind. I forgive them now our pot use could have spread like wildfire on the team I guess they were protecting them and their developing neurologies from premature cannabis use.
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