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New York Times: Few Problems With Cannabis for California


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013

"Few Problems With Cannabis for California"
"LOS ANGELES — In the heart of Northern California’s marijuana growing region, the sheriff’s office is inundated each fall with complaints about the stench of marijuana plots or the latest expropriation of public land by growers. Its tranquil communities have been altered by the emergence of a wealthy class of marijuana entrepreneurs, while nearly 500 miles away in Los Angeles, officials have struggled to regulate an explosion of medical marijuana shops. But at a time when polls show widening public support for legalization — recreational marijuana is about to become legal in Colorado and Washington, and voter initiatives are in the pipeline in at least three other states — California’s 17-year experience as the first state to legalize medical marijuana offers surprising lessons, experts say. Warnings voiced against partial legalization — of civic disorder, increased lawlessness and a drastic rise in other drug use — have proved unfounded."


Look at those plants! No wonder they stink.

I think that the legalization is great despite being in a state that's very strict with its laws and will probably be the last to allow legal cannabis.

It would cut down on the amount of people in the systen or in jail over ingesting plant matter. It would also bring money into the community and give oppurtunies for local business and employment.

To say that it would raise lawless is pure scare tactics if anything i believe it would cut down on the amount of shady people invovled replacing them with individuals who actually care about marijuana and spreading the medicine.

“Where does it stop?” Mr. Steckler asked. “You make all drugs legal?"

All drugs should be legal in the first place mr steckler who are you or anyone for that matter to tell me how to live my life or what is ok to put in my body.
“Where does it stop?” Mr. Steckler asked. “You make all drugs legal?"

All drugs should be legal in the first place mr steckler who are you or anyone for that matter to tell me how to live my life or what is ok to put in my body.

Yes. Yes. Yes.
the sheriff’s office is inundated each fall with complaints about the stench of marijuana plots or the latest expropriation of public land by growers.

I love the smell of cannabis heads.
Robert Kennedy of the Kennedy clan is very interested in the political-economic implications of the War on Cannabis. Robert himself claims to be a lost Cannabis addict, and is supportive of drug war policies. He used his monetary wealth and gravitas to make a pro criminalization PAC called Smart Approaches to Marijuana or SAM. SAM has bipartisan patronage. I read in the issue of yesterday, he had a whole paragraph to assault the crime caused by moves in the west to legalize Cannabis.
^I just looked these clowns up.. These are some of their prominent members and their bullet listed quotes from their website.

“The unregulated tobacco industry is a worldwide public health disaster. We should learn from our mistakes, not repeat them with marijuana.”
-Kimber Richter, tobacco researcher, University of Kansas.​

We have a tobacco researcher who is comparing cannabis to tobacco, psssssssst yeah you, pssst grass isn't tobacco, I know they are both sometimes smoked, keep researching Kimber you're a geniouse and if try real hard you will make the distinction some day, think of apples and oranges....

"A world of legal drugs will be a world in which the fates of the top one third of Americans and the lower two thirds will diverge even more than they already do." -
David Frum​

We have a columnist from the Daily Beast.. Mr david frum I see you are/were a Canadian.. I see you were quoted about "A world of legalized drugs" be a place where the difference between wealth distribution would be even greater. At this point we have all given the fuck up and have had it up to our eyeballs with the greedy fuckers and their insanity. We just want our freedom and dont give a rats ass if we get a little poorer and those fuckers get a little richer.. your argument is trash anyway, but I'm sure they will find a real way to fuck us even more. Wow, I thought drugs had been blamed for everything but now grass is responsible for rich peoples greed.. with this insanity coming from your mouth I understand why George Bush had such a hard time making any sense when he gave a speech.. because you were the fucking idiot writing them. "Go sell crazy somewhere else we are all stocked up here"

Wealth distribution.. here is a run down of wealth distribution In the us..

"Walmart is the world’s largest retailer, bringing in over $16 billion in profits for the 2012 fiscal calendar year. How can the largest retailer in the US get away with paying most of its employees unsustainable wages at $8.81 per hour? Most of Walmart’s employees are the lowest paid workers in the entire US. Walmarts CEO, Micheal Dukes’ salary for 2012 was $20.7 million. He even got a 14.1% increase from 2011. Each American employee would have to work 785 years, with no days off, not even holidays or sick days, to earn 1 year’s salary equivalent of the CEO. Where is the employee’s pay rise? Walmart employees are only asking for a raise so they make a living wage of $25,000 annually, and either no forced overtime, or at least getting the pay and benefits of working overtime. Tax payers pay an average of $1.7 million per store, or $5,815 per employee, per year for Americans employed at Walmart. This is because Walmart employees are forced to get state-aid assistance for food stamps, medical, and other variables also. The lowest paid CEO is making over 50,000 times that of Chinese workers. " > source <

Jim Walton Net Worth $33.8 B As of September 2013
Alice Walton Net Worth $33.5 B As of September 2013
S. Robson Walton Net Worth $33.3 B As of September 2013
> source <


How about you try and write something that can be read by an intelligent person with a straight face.
David Frum Shares His Shocking Marijuana Ignorance With Newsweek/Daily Beast Audience

"Children our our most precious resource. We should shield them from harm, not expose them to it. If we truely want a more positive outcomes for our nation, we must develop public drug policies from a new starting point: "whats in the best interest of the kids?" -Christian Thurstone psychiatrist and researcher University of Colorado Denver.​

Doc we here at Blue Light and the World have never heard the THINK OF THE CHILDREN, this must certainly be a new and novel starting point... CAN I please get A loud Blue Light "Think of the Children!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Being a psychiatrist Im sure that you are well aware that this is a manipulative plea to emotion. a plea to emotion is used to try and manipulate people to your agenda. They are often used when there is little logic to back their stance on. I love kids and want the best for them and I also want grass legal for people over twenty one.

I hate to break it to you but I am a dad too.. whats even more amazing is that i love my kid and want the best for him and all kids as well. shocking isn't it.. and I want kids to have their parents who are in jail for pot released so they can try and make the mess of their lives the legal system has made of them back into something that resembles a decent life. I want all the adults who were kids themselves once, who's record has been scared by conviction jackets removed. This will benefit their kids as there parents will no longer be stigmatised and prevented from getting things like student loans or decent paying jobs. Dr. please do forget, fail to realize, or decide not to acknowledge that the medical community and the drug companies are now the biggest creators, promoters, and beneficiaries of addiction in the first world. You guys hand out opiates, benzos, and speed like its candy to anyone who can pay for an appointment and the bill at the pharmacy, even giving speed to kids as young as four years old. Open your eyes doctor and allow yourself to see whats going on as this looks allot like your choosing to belive what you want and need to get honest with yourself.

"it takes years to raise a teen to realize his or her potential. It takes much less time for marijuana to destroy it. We can bear the cost of lost potential or benefit from safeguarding teens from threats to their development. Let's ,make the smart choice" -Leslie Walker. pediatrician and professor. University of Washington school of Medicine​

Leslie if you are under the impression that marijuana use can destroy potential you should see what the current legal system does to a person's potential. Personally I love the adults as well as the children. Once again this is an emotional plea that is trying to portray people who want grass legalized for adults, as people who are against kids. CAN I GET A "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" If they aren't rising so high they may have been overestimating their potential. Hate to say it but its Johhny and not the grass, yep johnny really wasn't that smart and was real lazy. But if it makes you feel better continue to blame the grass.

“It’s shocking, from my perspective, the number of people that we all know who are recreational marijuana users,” said Gavin Newsom, the lieutenant governor. “These are incredibly upstanding citizens: Leaders in our community, and exceptional people. Increasingly, people are willing to share how they use it and not be ashamed of it.” >source<

“We cannot promote a comprehensive system of mental health treatment and marijuana legalization, which increases permissiveness for a drug that directly contributes to mental illness,” -Patrick Kennedy​

I'm just going to hand out todays Ass Clown award to you. JFK smoked grass. You were hooked on oxycontins. Where is your head. I'm glad your out of office but it's a shame that you have decided to join the hoards who are already milking the failed drug war. What did you miss the spotlight. Well you found a niche and have filled it with you and a bunch of ninnies. You need to learn how to be more in line with public opinion and base your positions on facts and not well disproved propaganda. I bet all you and all your new drug war monger buddies are realizing your time of riding utterly failed war for your own benefit and screaming about "protecting the children" is coming to an end soon. You jump off a sinking ship not on it. "stupid is as stupid does"

SAM propaganda can be found here for you amusement.. wont even need a wake and bake to laugh at these clowns.. SAM
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I am so jealous of the variety of excellent cannabis available in MMJ states. If I lived in one I would love figuring out which strain works best for me but I just have to buy whatever's around.