NEW TOPIC--totally irrelavent to anything...

Kewl thread.
My names not related to drugs, even though some people say chalk = coke :/
I got it ages ago when a freind of mine started calling me karley chalk (first names karl) There used to be some wierd cartoon where this clown guy called charlie chalk juggled and fucked around allot, and because I juggle I got called Chalk. The song goes like this........... karley chalk, karley chalk, knows how to juggle but dont know how to walk. Or something.
Kewl thread.
My names not related to drugs, even though some people say chalk = coke :/
I got it ages ago when a freind of mine started calling me karley chalk (first names karl) There used to be some wierd cartoon where this clown guy called charlie chalk juggled and fucked around allot, and because I juggle I got called Chalk. The song goes like this........... karley chalk, karley chalk, knows how to juggle but dont know how to walk. Or something.
Kewl thread.
My names not related to drugs, even though some people say chalk = coke :/
I got it ages ago when a freind of mine started calling me karley chalk (first names karl) There used to be some wierd cartoon where this clown guy called charlie chalk juggled and fucked around allot, and because I juggle I got called Chalk. The song goes like this........... karley chalk, karley chalk, knows how to juggle but dont know how to walk. Or something.
I picked the name cotton candy because when I rolled for my 2nd or 3rd time, I went to the fair. It was the shit. None of the food looked good except cotton candy. I ate some and it was the most delicious thing on the face of the earth. The way it's all nice and fluffy and warm looking (don't ask...I was rolling). Then when you eat it it's like all this good stuff just dissolves in your mouth.
And and I've always looked good in the color pink so I wear it a lot.
(could also be used in the context of the ICP song)
Love-Ya Buches
hmmmm, i think i picked my name when i was trying to think of a name for a raver accessories company that i wanted to start (i still may when i'm done school).
you know how in all those old tv commercials when a company wanted to show how good its product was it would pit its product against "brand-x" which was the no name brand. of course, everyone knows that brand-x was just as good as the name brand product, and it was perfect that "brand-x" already had the letter "x" in it (as in xtc, my fave drug).
so, that's the story kidz

ps, no,one better steal my name for a ravertoys company, or i'll be mightily pissed and so will god/allah/vishnu/buddha/mother earth, etc..., lifetimes of bad karma if my name gets stolen

And the end of all our exploring/Will be to arrive where we started
/And to know the place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliot
"In the war on drugs, I'm a conscientious objector" -- brand-x
Hmmm...I guess I dubbed myself "The One" because I seem to be "the one" to all of my friends.
I'm the one they talk to, the one who experiences everything first, the one who will try anything once...catch my drift? I dunno, I like it.
The One
hmmmm, i think i picked my name when i was trying to think of a name for a raver accessories company that i wanted to start (i still may when i'm done school).
you know how in all those old tv commercials when a company wanted to show how good its product was it would pit its product against "brand-x" which was the no name brand. of course, everyone knows that brand-x was just as good as the name brand product, and it was perfect that "brand-x" already had the letter "x" in it (as in xtc, my fave drug).
so, that's the story kidz

ps, no,one better steal my name for a ravertoys company, or i'll be mightily pissed and so will god/allah/vishnu/buddha/mother earth, etc..., lifetimes of bad karma if my name gets stolen

And the end of all our exploring/Will be to arrive where we started
/And to know the place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliot
"In the war on drugs, I'm a conscientious objector" -- brand-x
Hmmm...I guess I dubbed myself "The One" because I seem to be "the one" to all of my friends.
I'm the one they talk to, the one who experiences everything first, the one who will try anything once...catch my drift? I dunno, I like it.
The One
Well, my name comes from my mother. No, she didn't actually name me Flower, but she called me that ever since I was a wee tot.
She was a bit of a hippie. LOL Anyway, I kind of got rid of the nickname when I moved away to Florida, then in an ironic twist
my friends down here began to call me that for a totally different reason. So I'm stuck with it I guess.
My name is Nikki and my mom always called me "THE NIKSTER". My code for paging is 304. (Cause when you turn your beeper up-side down it spells hOE) So, hence the name NIKSTER304.
Some of the names on here are amusing. It is cool to see how people originated 'em.
As in synthetic, as in pharmaceuticals, as in my profession, as in the FDA approved kind, as in my weekends, as in "sin". It makes sense to me, so nanny-nanny-poo-poo.
well i came up with the name angelight because i think that angels are beautiful, they are my favorite things. I have angels all over my room, they are so comforting..ok i'm not the least bit religious but i really do think they are awesome. Ok and my name is angela...and i don't know...angelight just sounds like a beautiful vision...well there u go. Not exactly drug related...but

love and plur plur plur
well i came up with the name angelight because i think that angels are beautiful, they are my favorite things. I have angels all over my room, they are so comforting..ok i'm not the least bit religious but i really do think they are awesome. Ok and my name is angela...and i don't know...angelight just sounds like a beautiful vision...well there u go. Not exactly drug related...but

love and plur plur plur
well i came up with the name angelight because i think that angels are beautiful, they are my favorite things. I have angels all over my room, they are so comforting..ok i'm not the least bit religious but i really do think they are awesome. Ok and my name is angela...and i don't know...angelight just sounds like a beautiful vision...well there u go. Not exactly drug related...but

love and plur plur plur
well i came up with the name angelight because i think that angels are beautiful, they are my favorite things. I have angels all over my room, they are so comforting..ok i'm not the least bit religious but i really do think they are awesome. Ok and my name is angela...and i don't know...angelight just sounds like a beautiful vision...well there u go. Not exactly drug related...but

love and plur plur plur
well...geez...explaining it would just ruin the mystique. I prefer for everyone to make their own assumptions as to the origin (keep quiet miss apple, or I'll make you eat your own lips
). I like to be as ambiguous as uber-humanly possible...
liquidocean, why?
it sounds cool
i surf and am in love with the ocean
i dance liquid
i'm a water sign (cancer)
i flow in all i do
i like liquids of all types
I chose mine because I'm an unoriginal bastard. And lazy, Vicks is a lot easier to type than LovEsOoOsmokEOopIuosOmountsOfwEEd or something.
And It's nice when I hear people say "I love Vicks" or "Vicks makes me feel SOOOOOOOO good" etc etc. A cheap and meaningless ego boost true, but if you can't have a cheap thrill why have any at all.
My nickname is a weird one I'll admit but I didn't exactly choose it for myself. In a roundabout way I guess I did. I was at a house party with my friends and the person that was throwing the party had this sponge that was shaped like a duck in her shower. I saw it when I went into the bathroom and I picked it up and started carrying it around the party. It felt hella good to rub it in my hands as I'm sure you can imagine. It wasn't even made out of loofah but I was walking around the party introducing it to everyone as "My Loofah Duck." After that they all gave the name to me. They got kinda tired of saying it after awhile though so now they mostly just call me LD. Anyway, that's the rub. PLUR2Uall