Mental Health New to mirtazapine

The usual anti-depressant dose of Remeron is 30mg's. Some doctors go up to 45mg;'s but i don't know if the increased dose helps much. I know from personal experience that as the dose goes higher and you get more of the Norepinephrine effects it starts to offset the sedation caused by the strong H1 antagonism that is a side effect of Remeron. At low doses as in 15mg's or less it's mostly a strong anti-histamine but at 30mg's a day as Remeron is a Norepinephrine and Serotonin enhancer it starts to increase the levels of both neurotransmiters so that's where it's anti-depressant effects come from.
Me too, but having dreams while sleeping is better than no sleep at all.
I took it once for maybe 2 or 3 weeks while i was on Risperidone and trying to get stabilized. I don't know if it was Remeron itself, the fact that i was a suicidal wreck or the fact i was on no mood stabilizer but i had to stop taking Remeron after nearly hanging myself one morning. I had the rope up and all but thankfully a flash of sanity kicked in. So no way would i ever take that again. Though i have Bipolar depression not Unipolar depression and they are different and react differently to different drugs. I can take Wellbutrin and tricyclics like Amitriptyline and Trimipramine without causing a manic or mixed state but most other modern anti-depressants don't agree with me. Granted the only newer anti-depressants i have taken are effexor (one of the worst meds i ever took), Remeron (nearly resulted in suicide but atleast never gave me as awful wd symptoms as Effexor did) and Wellbutrin. Out of those Wellbutrin is the only one i can actually tolerate.

I have seen it help some people with major depression though. Unlike SSRI's and SNRI's Mirtazapine does not cause any sexual dysfunction or physical dependence so those are 2 upsides.
What dose works as effective antidepressant with remeron

Normally you start with 30 mg and after 2 weeks move to 45 mg. If it works well for you and also considering how much you weigh.
i started with 15 mg and worked my way up to 30, i'm pretty happy here.
I started it a week ago . I'm only on 15 MG daily so I haven't felt anything yet. Still very depressed. It does knock me the fuck out though. Only 1 weird dream so far. Definitely has increased my appetite .
Remeron can also make you gain a lot of weight..
I put on 25 pounds since July when I started Remeron at 30 mg. I was bumped up to 45 mg because I couldn't stay asleep, now I'm having trouble with waking up after only 3-4 hours. The sleepy side effects really don't last too long with mirtazapine from my experience.
it made me feel like a zombie at 45mg every morning waking up to a blank stuffy mind until i got my first oxy injection in it's a lot easier to quit getting high if you don't use sleep aids that effect your mental into the next day cause i can't deal with the zombie hangover i get with any and EVERY sleep aid
I was taking it for sleep, 20mg at night, and it started giving me awful migraines that lasted for six plus hours. Antihistamines/Antihistamine like drugs never do me well though.
Hey ive been on mirt 15 mg for 2 months my mood is sumwhat better and sleeping very well probably too much sleep, take right before sleep and unless you sleepwalk you shudnt eat evrything in the fridge!!
As an antidepressant, a higher dose. As a sleep aid, a lower dose. Be ready to enjoy some food though, either way. I would be so sleepy but so hungry, I'd stumble to the kitchen nightly at like 2am, and once ate an entire cake and it was the most delicious cake I ever tasted! Lol