• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

New Psychonaut from the sunny Mediterranean.


May 14, 2024
Hi Everybody!

I’m a 45yo father of two and totally in love with my wife.

Life is good, I got to retire from a white collar job and live life my own way. That includes lots of time of studying (came back to University for a degree in Psychology) reading and researching , fascinated about the human mind.

I wanted to explore psychedelics personally because of the potential knowledge they can provide to understand our own mind and our consciousnes. I’m a somewhat special person and I’m used to a lot of introspection and exploring my mind, specially with cannabis, which is the only “psychedelic” I’ve ever tried.

I’ve done 3 experiments with metocin, 10mg, 20mg, 30mg, and I’m beginning to make my own map of my mind under altered perception condition. I’ll explain my experience in the 4–HO-MET Big Dandy thread.

Hope to learn from the community and be as useful as my lack of experience allows, thanks for having me here.
welcome and sorry if it sounds stupid or corny( but always know Daddy-o) any drug is like fire so just thread carefully please for the sake of your family!

BUT WORLD would benefit greatly from Responsible psychonauts as the ones who knows how to make studies reports as where and how to get the resources as to legitimize those!

So Welcome
Welcome !

I see you have already discovered the PD sub forum, looking forward to your contributions 👍
I’m looking forward to that trip report! Maybe you can do one on DXM. That drug fascinates me. There’s a good book on it you might like called “psychonaut” you might enjoy it.