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Never had any luck with DMT or Mescaline, still wondering what the effects are like


Aug 19, 2013
One thing that has always puzzled me is that I've never gotten anything out of DMT or mescaline. I have tried most of what people would consider "mainstream" psychedelics and usually have the kind of effects that one would expect. Shrooms/salvia/LSD/ketamine/2-cb/DXM have all produced noticeable cognitive changes so I would expect all psychedelics to produce something. But I have smoked DMT and changa several times with minimal to no results. I know you have to be very particular about how you smoke your DMT but I'm sure that I've had a sizable hit from a freebase pipe before and nothing happened. As for the mescaline, I sourced around 300mg worth of San Pedro capsules from a seemingly reliable dark web vendor and nothing happened from that either. I am wondering to this day why I've never had any luck with these two substances. LSD and Ketamine have always had a pronounced effect on me and I always hoped mescaline and DMT would provide intense spiritual experiences. Has any one else had the same bad luck? For those that do get something out of it, how would you compare the effects to drugs like LSD and ketamine?
Curious to hear your thoughts.
One thing that has always puzzled me is that I've never gotten anything out of DMT or mescaline. I have tried most of what people would consider "mainstream" psychedelics and usually have the kind of effects that one would expect. Shrooms/salvia/LSD/ketamine/2-cb/DXM have all produced noticeable cognitive changes so I would expect all psychedelics to produce something. But I have smoked DMT and changa several times with minimal to no results. I know you have to be very particular about how you smoke your DMT but I'm sure that I've had a sizable hit from a freebase pipe before and nothing happened. As for the mescaline, I sourced around 300mg worth of San Pedro capsules from a seemingly reliable dark web vendor and nothing happened from that either. I am wondering to this day why I've never had any luck with these two substances. LSD and Ketamine have always had a pronounced effect on me and I always hoped mescaline and DMT would provide intense spiritual experiences. Has any one else had the same bad luck? For those that do get something out of it, how would you compare the effects to drugs like LSD and ketamine?
Curious to hear your thoughts.
Sounds odd that you didn't even have minute changes in consciousness, might have a high natural tolerance? Might've been bunk?
One thing that has always puzzled me is that I've never gotten anything out of DMT or mescaline. I have tried most of what people would consider "mainstream" psychedelics and usually have the kind of effects that one would expect. Shrooms/salvia/LSD/ketamine/2-cb/DXM have all produced noticeable cognitive changes so I would expect all psychedelics to produce something. But I have smoked DMT and changa several times with minimal to no results. I know you have to be very particular about how you smoke your DMT but I'm sure that I've had a sizable hit from a freebase pipe before and nothing happened. As for the mescaline, I sourced around 300mg worth of San Pedro capsules from a seemingly reliable dark web vendor and nothing happened from that either. I am wondering to this day why I've never had any luck with these two substances. LSD and Ketamine have always had a pronounced effect on me and I always hoped mescaline and DMT would provide intense spiritual experiences. Has any one else had the same bad luck? For those that do get something out of it, how would you compare the effects to drugs like LSD and ketamine?
Curious to hear your thoughts.

IMO you've had a poor quality chems and/or not enough of the dose.

Both chems are very spiritual but quite a different ones.
Mescaline is very nice, I like it a lot. It is energetic and produces mostly visions and some visuals, also it provides a very self-affirming pleasant body high that lasts a looong time... =D

DMT is... a powerful spiritual portal tool with the strongest vivid visuals and visions, inescapable if enough is vaporized. Definitely a must try chem! %)
DMT is like shooms (both tryptamines) but it is different in it's own way. San Pedro is a heart opening psychedelic, much more grounded and earthy compared to with DMT.
A lot of things can make it difficult to get a reliably strong effect from DMT in my experience. Vaped (IMed too) it produces a flash which just like with 5-MeO-DMT tends to astonish and petrify me and there is with DMT very little time to react to what happens let alone try to make sense of it.
It doesn't have to make sense, but compare it to 4-AcO-DMT which feels similar but very slowed down. Ayahuasca too I guess. That gives you the chance to work with the experience and interact, rather than getting a flash of being sucked into hyperspace.

I tend to get with DMT:
- objects morph into other objects
- everything appears as if carnival themed
- contact with entities which can include 'static people' but usually are another form of morphing objects being recognized as an organism somehow, behavior projected onto it etc..
- visions that involve a lot of 'folding' like a stream of effects: something turns into a smurf which produces a bouqet of flowers which then grow into a jungle andsoforth. Extremely quickly.

Best is to meditate a long time before taking the DMT and staying in that concentrated state, this prevents chaotic thought patterns and can allow you to just observe.

Occasionally I have gotten 'sensible' effects rather than completely otherworldly, like feeling cosmically comforted when a loved one died.

With stimulants in my system, the effects can be more devoid of meaning. I tend to see flashes of objects or places or people in rapid succession but there is no 'plot' and no apparent 'point'.

Mescaline, synthetic that is (which is the only kind I have ever had or tried), is not that psychedelic for me. More like a visionary empathogen. Very spiritual and soul-questy, but it rather makes me deeply emotional, feeling like my pure native self, sentimental sometimes rather than anything trippy. No strong OEVs either even at 450 mg.

I think plugged mescaline could be very good, but that only works with something like synthetic mesc and not cactus tarry gummy products which apparently cannot be absorbed properly that way. I'd like to try cactus extract actually, is supposed to be more nausea-producing but also more fully psychedelic. Also depends on the type of cactus.

I'd like to try that potentiation, but other than that it may be better to treasure mescaline for what it is rather than being disappointed in what it isn't. Not sure what else one can do to make the effect more psychedelic and 'whole', it could be very interesting to divine what sort of secondary alkaloids or compounds you could supplement with as a sort of MAO competitors or something. Because that is what I believe makes shrooms and cacti different from synthetic versions: pharmacological or metabolic interactions from other secondary substances present.
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Interesting. I am getting the idea that I may have just been expecting more visuals from mescaline than most typically experience. I feel that the lack of effects from the dmt has been because of ineffective smoking methods.

Interesting comment about MOA competitors, but I'm not really sure what would happen with different supplements
I haven't found mescaline visual, even at 500mg of mescaline HCl, beyond a wonderful heightening of colors that is truly marvelous. It's not nearly as trippy as LSD or mushrooms (despite suggesting the opposite in Fear and Loathing), it's more of a serene, empathogenic, emotional experience. Very calm, beautiful, soft, gentle, wise. I guess at higher dosages or with cactus (which has other psychoactives to boost it), it can become visionary, which is different from visual.
Oh it was visionary for me at 330 mg, and I also got OOBE with intermittent electric zapping. Also a holotropic experience when it came on (this was my first time with mesc): I dropped to the floor and became a helpless crying infant, birthy stuff.
These are effects of a considerable strength, yet it was not trippy like phens and trypts we know. Things didn't get unreal or surreal, they got super real.

I've read reports and accounts from people getting what does in fact sound like more typical visuals and trip effects... not sure how that is mediated. Surely if you take huge amounts it will get trippy, psychedelic, the whole shebang...

It is indeed gentle and wise, fair also. Most of any psychedelic I have had I think. Visuals don't tranform you as a person, but this kind of stuff does.
Aldous Huxley writed about Mescaline.

You can read his "trip reports"

For modern humanity it is very huge dosage. If you try STP aka DOM you will feel some aspects of Mescaline. But not so gentle and mild as Mescaline himself.
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I haven't found mescaline visual, even at 500mg of mescaline HCl, beyond a wonderful heightening of colors that is truly marvelous. It's not nearly as trippy as LSD or mushrooms (despite suggesting the opposite in Fear and Loathing), it's more of a serene, empathogenic, emotional experience. Very calm, beautiful, soft, gentle, wise. I guess at higher dosages or with cactus (which has other psychoactives to boost it), it can become visionary, which is different from visual.

It's quite possible to have strong visuals on cactus (never done pure mescaline).
After trying cactus extract (HCL, thoroughly performed) couple of times with Harmaline, decided its the way to use it - not only you would need a half for the same effects but also IME the experience will be even better than without MAOI - very sparkly, warm, grounding and it feels a lot more comfortable, considerably less of that phenethylamine's excess of energy that might become uncomfortable. For those who do decide to try it, be very careful as Harmaline will raise other monoamines besides the fun ones! ;)
F&B said:
You have to be very careful combining MAOI's with phenethylamines, as quite a few also have pressor activity (alter blood pressure). Although mescaline doesn't seem too bad, I wouldn't think about trying it with any of the 2C compounds, as the 2,5-dimethoxy groups are also a feature of some drugs used specifically for treating low blood pressure. combining one of theses with a MAOI might end up as a trip to an A&E dept with the beginnings of a hypertensive crisis

Seems a bit tricky especially since some cacti may contain compounds like tyramine. Other than that I do like how it sounds. Not a fan of MAOIs on principle though.