Hopeless Needs some help


Sep 11, 2019
I started just like a lot of people. Actually was taking percocet 10’s probably 6 times a day for about a year. I stopped one day and reallllly had zero withdrawals.
Fast forward a year later I had some health issues and was prescribed oxy 15. Started slow breaking in half and a year later I am at 30 mg 4 times a day. I tried to quit 6 months ago, because I had such an easy time with Percs I just figured I didn’t have an addiction problem, some people don’t and I’m 45 years old and have NEVER tried a drug. Never snorted, all taken by mouth. The hardest thing I did before 45 was try pot and hated it. I liked to go out and drink once a month but truly that was the extent of my wild side. Well I think I am now an addict. Scared shitless. I tried 3 times to quit and got to day 2 and went back because I was way unprepared.
I’m ready. Like sooooo ready to be off this crap. I get a rx but it’s not enough and you can’t find the blues anywhere. And I live 10 miles from pasco county!!!!! I hate to be dependent on anything. I don’t like not having control over my life and they control every aspect of my day. I’m looking for some help. Some direction. I don’t want to go to a detox center and I do have a great family to help support me and be there while I do detox. I guess I’m figuring out that there is no easy way, but I sure would be appreciative if someone can help me with an EASIER way. Wether taper, or cold turkey and Medicines that will help. My doctor won’t help as he doesn’t want me off them. I’m lucky to see him for 2 seconds when he comes In. I would appreciate ANY help you all may have.
I’m tired. I’m done. I want to be over this but feeling scared that I won’t ever be normal without them. I certainly do not get high and when I do take more I hate that feeling. But without them I’m a mess. They make me “normal” and that’s it.
thanks everyone I appreciate anything ya got.
I would start by switching to a doctor who is willing to help you get off opioids, rather than just push legal drugs from the sound of it. This would give you legal access to medications that will be referred to as "comfort meds", which are simply just medications that will ease the withdrawal symptoms. Some that you would need a prescription for would include benzodiazepines(anxiety meds), blood pressure/heart meds, antidepressants, and some nausea medications as well. There are OTC meds like loperamide(for diarrhea) and sleep aids like melatonin. There mixed feedback on herbal remedies like ashwaganda, kava, kratom, etc., although kratom is probably to most proven to manage withdrawal symptoms as it's a mild opioid agonist itself- so use with caution if at all.

I would suggest a taper if going cold turkey is too much. You could do as short as a 2 week taper, or a taper that last a few months- the important thing is to be honest with yourself and track your progress. If you can't stick to a longer taper, then a shorter one or cold turkey it'll have to be. You mention you have a supportive family who will help- maybe find a family member who can hold on to your pills and hand them out to you according to a taper schedule you come up with. 10% a week will be the smoothest, but will take a lot more time- but even if you get down to 50% of your current dose, it will be much less painful to step off 60mg/day than 120mg/day. If you can get to 30mg/day or below, it will be fairly mild as far as the detox goes.

That being said, if you cold turkey, know that the worst of it is usually over by day 4-5 with short half-life opioids like oxycodone. It will probably be one of the most miserable weeks of your life, but things start improving by week 2. Of course, there will then be what is called "post-acute withdrawal", which can last up to a few years, but is nowhere near the pain of acute withdrawal. It's more just dealing with a lingering depression and urge to go back to the comfort of drug use, an urge to feel "normal" by chemical means.

Really, I don't think there is one best answer, the right answer will vary from person to person. The right answer being deciding to get in recovery by whatever path you choose. A lot of people find things like counseling and group therapy to be helpful. Cognitive behavioral therapy and 12 step groups are the most common for drug addiction. Whatever you decide, I'll be here and I'm sure others will as well. Feel free to ask any questions or just talk about what is going on in your life.
I have read a few older studies about psychadelics such as shrooms or even LSD helping with addictions. Of course a lot of the studies I've read in the past talk mostly about alcohol abuse but there are some newer studies suggesting that with just a few treatments in controlled environments, psychadelics can help. I know that you've said that you've never done any crazy drugs and what not, but just think of it as an experiment if you're really desperate to quit. I know someone who doesn't smoke cigarettes for weeks on just one dose of LSD (around ~100 micrograms). To me this seems pretty promising. It may not be your cup of tea but it may be something to consider especially if you can't find a doctor who is actually trying to help control and eventually cure you of an opioid addiction.